Apocalypse Cockroach: 403, try one/five more

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very distressed and gave orders to Huang Quan. How hard the bullets came. Only the person who carried them knew that he hated others to hit a zombie with a magazine. It was completely wasteful.

Seeing Huang Quan nodded, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered what Huang Quan said before.

“You just said that they organized several counterattacks and wiped out tens of thousands of zombies. What was the movement of zombie, would you tell me something?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang is paying attention to the movement of zombie these days. No one said to zombie counterattack. Obviously, zombie counterattack is also small.

“They shot 800 meters away from zombie. At first, zombie did not respond. Their courage gradually increased and gradually approached within 300 meters. Then several S2 zombies came out from the side and attacked. It was turned into a sieve by the firepower of hundreds of people. Although a few people were killed by zombie, the problem is not big, but the zombie team has never moved.”

When I heard this, Zhang Xiaoqiang was puzzled. zombie sent only a few S2 from beginning to end, while the other zombie stood on the spot to kill them. This is not normal. It seems that the Z-Type Zombie is holding back?

“Have you tried it out? What is zombie doing?”

Hearing this, Huang Quan shook his head directly: “I think the current task is to defend the position, delay the time, there is no need to engage in some accidents, the armed police and the police I just let them try a little bit, just knock off some of the edges zombie, did not fire in depth.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard that he didn’t blame Huang Quan’s conservatism. Huang Quan is quite rigid in dealing with tasks. Everything is premised on tasks. Although he may lose many opportunities, he also avoids many dangers.

“So, you give me a hundred people, call it Mao Yan, I will go ahead and try it.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang feels it necessary to go to the front and see for yourself…

The zombies that were originally ten kilometers away are not completely stopped. They are advancing slowly. The zombie in the front clears the various shrubs, and the zombie in the back follows slowly. Seeing the zombie and Zhang Xiaoqiang that follow up is somewhat clear Why didn’t zombie throw the shrubs to a safe area, after the trampling of countless zombie, no matter how many dead branches and leaves will be turned into a solid ground, the fire can’t be burned if it wants to burn, obviously, the wisdom of the Z-Type Zombie of the corpse group is already To a certain level.

Zhang Xiaoqiang led a hundred soldiers across the wooden wall to the zombie sea several kilometers away, followed by Mu Peipei and Mao Yan beside him. When they walked outside the wooden wall, they saw the blocking position between the dead sea Most of the vegetation has been cleared, the rotten zombie can be seen everywhere, but the corpse sea still stays a few kilometers away. Obviously, after clearing the dead branches and leaves, the zombie returns to the original place and waits, just don’t know that they are waiting What.

Countless zombie extend horizontally on the ridge, filling the width of more than ten kilometers on both sides of the mountain. The dense zombie is arranged on the hill with complex terrain. Here is a bulge, where a block is recessed, arranged into an irregular corpse wall, corpse Behind the wall is still a corpse wall. Layers of corpse walls are superimposed. I don’t know how many kilometers.

More than one hundred soldiers stood behind Zhang Xiaoqiang and looked at the corpse wall within 100 meters. They were the first to observe the sea of ​​corpses up close in an open area without shelter or fortifications. Drifting, they can’t feel the smell, only the fear of palpitations. In front of the corpse sea, they find themselves so small, rooted in their hearts.’Anyway, they can’t kill? ’The idea, many people dare not take a step forward, keep looking at the back of their eyes, praying to Zhang Xiaoqiang to retreat.

The squadron leader saw his men’s performance, and there was a flush on his face, which was annoying. He whispered his opponent under reprimand. The reprimand was also heard by Zhang Xiaoqiang. He saw the people hiding behind him, his brows slightly. Tighten, took a member of the 63-type rifle, pulled the bolt, raised the gun and shot at the corpse 100 meters away.

20 rounds of rifle bullets were shot in the shortest time. In the soldiers’ panic and tremor, the dense corpse was punched a gap by Zhang Xiaoqiang. Twenty zombie rushed to the edge of the sea of ​​corpses. Then, those zombie bodies were killed. The zombie, which was automatically completed at the back, stepped on the foot, and the gap in the corpse wall was made up. zombie touched the gunshot from a hundred meters away, facing it together, but stayed still.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the corpse and secretly said: “Sure enough…”

“Everyone shoots in place, only aiming at zombie‘s head, and I will not order, no one will stop…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang changed a magazine and issued an order to fire. He didn’t fire at the gunshots of the soldiers, but just swept around with his eyes, waiting for zombie to react.

The dense and crisp bursts of fire burst into one piece, countless bullets whizzed towards the sea of ​​corpses from the side of Zhang Xiaoqiang, the distance of 100 meters quickly disappeared, one zombie was hit and fell, and the other zombie was hit. Chest backed away, but was submerged under the feet by the tide behind him. A huge gap appeared on the wall of the corpse, five meters, ten meters, fifteen meters. The gap was widening and the depth was extending. The gunshots had not stopped The soldiers spent the initial tension, seeing zombie standing on the spot and letting them shoot, one by one became more excited, which is more energetic than shooting. Many people have forgotten that there are countless zombie in front. Stepping forward, wanting to get closer and shooting more accurately, these people were kicked back to the team by their squadron captain without a surprise.

The shooting of hundreds of people dug a big pit at the edge of the sea of ​​corpses. Thousands of zombie fell in front of the players. Although zombie kept filling out, the falling zombie was faster than the filling. Three hundred Over the width of the meter, the fallen zombie piled up into a hill.

At the moment when the soldiers were most excited, suddenly seven or eight S2 zombies from both sides suddenly rushed to the team. All S2 zombie were all pressed down and ran on all fours. The speed was as fast as a few. The evil dog will contact the team in a blink of an eye, Mu Peipei and Mao Yan rush to both sides at the same time, they are confident to intercept zombie before contacting the team.

The soldiers are unaware of the zombie rushing from both sides~IndoMTL.com~ They are excited to shoot at the zombie in front, or quickly change the magazine, but they don’t know that the king is approaching them, and they are in chaos. In the gunshots, a large amount of black blood burst from the back of S2zombie one by one. When Mao Yan and Mu Peipei rushed to the edge of the team, several S2 zombie slumped on the ground and stopped at their feet. Holding a headshot S2, they turned to see the Zhang Xiaoqiang expressionlessly change the magazine for the rifle.

It didn’t take long. The four 20-round magazines carried by the soldiers had been empty. Most people stopped shooting. Only a few soldiers carrying 30-round magazines of Type 56 submachine gun were still shooting. In a single shot, the soldiers looked at their achievements.

When everyone stopped shooting, Zhang Xiaoqiang took them back and walked away to a kilometer away. At a distance of one kilometer away from zombie, the talents broke free from the excitement just now, and they each whispered and whispered. Then, they boasted about the number of their enemies killed. Only Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the distant sea of ​​corpses thoughtfully. It didn’t take long. The zombie killed in the distance was swallowed by countless zombie. Looking at the distance, it was a little chaotic due to swallowing. Corpse sea, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head to look at Mu Peipei.

“You have been here these past few days, did you find anything wrong?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very surprised that zombie is not beaten. If it is so, as long as they carry enough bullets, a thousand people can kill at least 50,000 to 100,000 zombies in a day, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang a bit untouchable. Mind, if this is the case, the danger of gathering place is no longer dangerous. Anyway, zombie is silly X, as long as it is killed from a distance.

Mu Peipei heard Zhang Xiaoqiang inquiring about herself, and seemed to treat herself as a subordinate during her speech.

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