Apocalypse Cockroach: 4.222 Poor people?

Zhang Xiaoqiang began to ask questions. After hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang’s inquiry, the two nodded again and again, looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes with a trace of desire. gathering place had a big gap for the soldiers. Generally, as long as the men who had served as soldiers would accept, However, some people are inherently afraid of death, and do not want to go to zombie desperately, so they hide the experience of being a soldier, otherwise Qian Kaixi cannot find only 500 former university students who have completed military training.

“It’s a pity…” After Zhang Xiaoqiang finished speaking, he turned and left, and more than a dozen people came from his side and walked toward the captives with a large knife. Those captives looked at the knife-holders who walked toward them in horror. Everyone knew them. Some time ago, the camp opened a killing ring and beheaded three hundred. These people are the executioners.

Although I was prepared in my heart, most people were scared when things were about to happen. They cried and cried out loudly. Some people were so clever that they were willing to wear sin and make meritorious deeds. They were willing to work hard with zombie. Unfortunately, no one listened to them. The sword flew, the head rolled over, the blood glanced into the sky, the blood flowed under the wall, and the **** smell overwhelmed the odor of the corpse for the first time.

The camp was so big, Zhang Xiaoqiang was in a bad mood. He went up to the wall and looked at the unsightly corpse mountain in the distance. The corpse mountain was covered with bones. The body of the fugitive who was last night was Chen Heng, with black and red blood stains on the bones In the middle, it was striking, and I saw the corpse mountain transformed into bones, and the twisted half-dead zombie, and there was a thought in Zhang Xiaoqiang to level the corpse mountain.

“How much gasoline do we still have? Can we burn these bone racks…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang stared at countless skeletons in the distance and asked Zhang Huai’an standing on the side. Zhang Huai’an shook his head directly and said:

“Our next goal is to evacuate gathering place, there are a lot of vehicles, gathering place has not much fuel, we used almost a quarter the day before yesterday, and the rest we will use on the evacuation road, after all, If there is one less car, we may die dozens more people when we retreat…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, not reluctantly, the bridge will be repaired the day after tomorrow, the personnel will begin to evacuate, they will defend for a few days, there is no need to consume fuel.

“How much explosives did the guy who can make explosives make? I don’t have to use them in the future, I will flatten the mountain…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed to the corpse and gritted his teeth to Zhang Huai’an. Zhang Huai’an was shocked, “Is there so many explosives?”

One morning, gathering place was spent in the explosion. The explosion outside knocked on the hearts of the poor. They sat in the camp and waited silently for Zhang Xiaoqiang. Because they stood on the sidelines last night, they didn’t even dare to collect the body. The corpses were picked up until the middle of the night by the soldiers in the lakeside camp. Three thousand fully armed armed men surrounded them tightly. No one was allowed to enter the camp or one person was allowed to go out. One morning, 40,000 poor people Isolated by the entire gathering place.

The water and food at noon were not brought in. The poor people who were used to a noon meal could not bear the hunger in their stomachs. Some commotion, but was rushed in by 1,400 strong men with wooden sticks After tidying up, the entire camp of the slums was closed, and the silence was as if 40,000 people had died.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood outside and looked at the slums with cold eyes, and beside him were still Qian Kaixi and others, looking at the quiet camp, no one begged Zhang Xiaoqiang, but most people couldn’t bear it, after all, there are 40,000 people in it, living alive People.

Elder Brother Cockroach, food at noon is not allowed to be delivered, what to do in the evening? If they are hungry and panicked, and agitated, I am afraid it will be difficult to clean up…”

Zhang Huai’an can’t help but send a few meals. Forty thousand people only eat two or two for a meal, but also four tons of rice, but as a manager, he knows that the following people are in trouble, and they will be out of control if they are not careful. Now is the critical moment. The evacuation is the main goal. He does not want Zhang Xiaoqiang to cause some accidents because of his resentment and drag the remaining 100,000 people of the entire gathering place into the abyss.

After listening, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t make an expression, and still looked over there gloomyly. Others dared not to say anything and said nothing. Qian Kaixi was a clear man. After hearing his face, he moved and persuaded to see Zhang Xiaoqiang:

“Let me deliver the food, they are also very pitiful, a meal is not worth anything, where do I still have some food, or do I have to cloud 20 tons for emergency?”

Always a hairless iron rooster willing to give 20 tons of food, but let Zhang Huai’an look at each other, he hoped Zhang Xiaoqiang promised to come down, even Qian Kaixi knows the overall situation, he naturally wants Zhang Xiaoqiang to put aside anger first.

“Poor? Poor people must have hateful things. The recruitment revelation has been hanging for so long. How many people are willing to be soldiers? They know what they will face when they are soldiers, so they are not willing to be soldiers and have no guts to be soldiers. The soldiers killed zombie, but the soldiers who killed the soldiers were cruel…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang sneered. He was very disappointed with the 40,000 people in front of him. Everyone provided about half a catty of food every day. They live and die in the front just to protect these people. Even if they feed the dog, the dog will wave its tail towards you. These poor people ate so much food without labor, and even the people who watched him were killed silently, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang angry.

Elder Brother Cockroach, I know you love the soldiers killed, but… but you also have to think about more soldiers who are still alive. The soldiers are all good. Hundreds of thousands of zombie are under the wall and fleeing. Less than one hundred one, finally won a victory, earned a little time, but can not watch the good situation was destroyed by a group of black horses… Or, otherwise, they will be stabilized first, and then wait for their own life Self-extinguishing?”

Qian Kaixi does not have a cold for these poor people. Without affecting the overall situation, these people die in front of him, and he will not frown. It was Huang Quan who heard this, and they couldn’t help but squeezed their fists. Qian Kaixi sent tens of thousands of people to zombie?

“Hoo…” Zhang Xiaoqiang let out a long breath. Qian Kaixi‘s words didn’t make him feel emotional. Although compared to these tens of thousands, there are still 100,000 people who need his life and death, including 70,000 others. He brought him back to the base, but he wouldn’t think of who to deliberately frame. Doomsday is a huge knockout field. If he can’t adapt, he will be eaten by zombie and mutant beasts. However, their destiny is not his turn to worry about, Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is self-improving, he is not self-improving, and he does not resist. No matter how much he does, it is useless. The tens of thousands of people in front of him have been placed in the lowest position by Zhang Xiaoqiang. .

“Forget it…go in and serve the food, it’s feeding the pigs. When we evacuate, they will follow. I don’t care how much they die. Only those who can keep up with us can survive~IndoMTL.com ~When retreating, they are responsible for finding food themselves, and I have no extra food to feed them…”

As soon as Zhang Xiaoqiang said, Qian Kaixi smiled, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s words suit his taste, but others couldn’t bear it, but had no courage to object, and Zhang Xiaoqiang also set the tone for this matter.

The explosion in front finally stopped. The poor people waited for the late lunch, the world was big, and the biggest meal, they didn’t need to be afraid of punishment, they buried their heads to the ostrich and ignored them, If they knew the fate of the future, I am afraid they would regret their intestines.

The corpse mountain outside the wall has been exploded under more than ten tons of explosives, and it was exploded from dozens of a meter in height into several meters. When it was slightly shorter than the first layer of the wall, the explosives were exhausted, but this is also ok, as long as the first The shot on the first floor can reach the back, and the dense white bones in the front are irrelevant.

There is still a sequelae of the Bombing Mountain. The scattered bones thicken the corpses of the river again and pile up the river surface close to two meters. If it is cleaned up by conventional means, I am afraid that it will not be cleaned up until next year. There is a shadow in the hearts of the armed men on the fence, and the bones under the fence can almost go directly to the wall. They don’t know if zombie will be able to hold the night when he comes again.

For the whole day, there was no danger signal from the observation post in the distance, and the camp was safe and sound. The only difference was that because of the escape incident last night, the gathering place executive issued a martial law order on the entire gathering place, and at the same time, the female soldiers’ battalion was fully controlled. They have the right to kill anyone who does not answer the password.

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