Apocalypse Cockroach: 334. Weeping autumn rain hurts chrysanthemum

“Driving · · · · · · · · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang from time to time looks through the rearview mirror to see if Yang Ke’er appears.

“Report, request to indicate the destination.” Lieutenant Huang Quan lost his sister’s thoughts and asked the Zhang Xiaoqiang for the specific route.

Yang Ke’er, Yuan Yi, Shangguan Qiaoyun appeared in the rearview mirror at the same time, saw Yang Ke’er looking around, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his face and yelled at Huang Quan: “I control where you go, as long as there is a way, you open, open The farther the farther the better.”

A mighty warrior army vehicle rushed out of the village and drove forward on the road with the tail shaking. Huang Quan drove the army vehicle all over his body. The right foot stepped on the accelerator and died on both sides of the road. Dashan hills and some bungalow buildings crossed the side of the car like lightning, and the speed of military vehicles had reached the maximum speed of 150 kilometers per hour.

Zhang Xiaoqiang leaned on the back of the chair and didn’t feel the speed of the car body. Those buildings and trees that were passing by could still be seen in his eyes. He drew a military water bottle · · · · · under the seat.

After drinking half a pot of water, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that the bitter taste in his mouth was diluted with water. When he grows so big, Zhang Xiaoqiang hasn’t eaten anything more difficult than this. If he can choose, he would prefer to hold zombie Sleep, God knows if there will be any sequelae after eating that thing in the stomach?

Thinking of the sequelae, his stomach gurgled, and Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly stroked his stomach, his heart was still horrified, wouldn’t it be so evil?

Fortunately, my stomach just rang and there was no movement. Zhang Xiaoqiang only had time to see if I got there.

“Where is this?” Outside the car is a very small plain. The small plain is tightly surrounded by the surrounding mountains. Pieces of farmland are reclaimed on the small plain. Some look slightly better. The house was built at the foot of the mountain on the edge of the plain, and a gentle stream stretched to the distance at the foot of the mountain.

“Report, I am not · · ·, nor is it · · · · · · · is now about one hundred kilometers away from the village entrance where we started.”

Huang Quan drove the car intently, and was still making reports in his mouth, but it was really difficult for him to say so clearly.

In a while, they were a hundred kilometers away. Zhang Xiaoqiang was still a little unbelievable. He even wanted to ask Huang Quan: “Are you sure we are driving a car? Not a plane?”

The military vehicle drove fast on the small plains. In a blink of an eye, it would drive past the mountain pass to a ridge dirt road. At that time, my stomach started to twitch again. I didn’t take Zhang Xiaoqiang seriously. How can I know · · · · · · · · ·

“Parking · · · · · ·

“Crunch · · · · · · · · ·” tires rubbed against the ground and stopped sharply. Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled the car door and jumped out of the car and ran to the mountain. While running, he also rushed to sit in the car and shouted: “Keep the car, Don’t follow me.”

Follow me to be a **** horse? Look at him poop? Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s belly is already turning over the river at the moment. He doesn’t know if he will fall in his pants, so he maximizes his speed. His eyes are blood red and his teeth are rushing towards a mountain peak. It is now possible. Surely the loving lunch made by Yang Ke’er is a biological weapon.

In the process of running, Zhang Xiaoqiang is trying to distract himself from other things as much as possible, but his mind always thinks of the dark things unconsciously. At this time, he still secretly rejoices in his heart. Fortunately, he ran out, fortunately, his chopsticks returned one third.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang running on the mountain road has a rigorous look and some sadness on his face. He is counting the time silently, and he feels that he is about to persevere.

The wind was roaring in his ears. He ran among the high and low mountains. His flexible body evaded blocks and pits from time to time. Eventually he saw a huge rock with an adult height in front of him.

Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, his figure jumped up in vain, his left pedal was on a dead wood next to the boulder, his body suddenly pulled up, his feet were connected to the boulder with a certain arc like a martial arts film on TV Point, when he jumped again, he reached the top of the boulder. When he fell on the top of the stone, his feet were hard. The whole person flew up and fell behind the boulder. When he was still in the air but was blocked by the boulder, Zhang Xiaoqiang had untied the belt, and at the moment his feet fell to the ground, he finally completed the professional posture of poo.

Why does Zhang Xiaoqiang run so far? It’s not that I want to maintain my consistent strength in front of my hands. To put it bluntly, I have a good face. However, Zhang Xiaoqiang was forced to run away for the sake of good face. All this is different in Ensign Huang Quan’s eyes.

When the Zhang Xiaoqiang got off the bus, it was like a tiger rushing to eat. Several actions were done in one go. When he landed, he suddenly rushed forward. In the blink of an eye, the body of Zhang Xiaoqiang was a dozen meters away. Knowing that the world champion of the world sprint can’t run a dozen meters away in a second, Zhang Xiaoqiang did it.

Not only Zhang Xiaoqiang is super fast on flat ground~IndoMTL.com~He still does not slow down in the most complicated environment of the mountain terrain, just watching him flexibly jump in the mountain, Huang Quan couldn’t help it. Fold, what are those bully special soldiers, let him see the Zhang Xiaoqiang mountain march, then it is called professional, not to mention rifle bullets, even heavy machine guns may not be able to fight.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang stepped on the dead wood and jumped into the air, stepped on the boulder and flew to the stone, the second lieutenant could not help but scream a good, complex terrain of 100 meters, Zhang Xiaoqiang ran in ten seconds without saying, Even the last hurdles can be completed so neatly, how can it not be worth his praise, with the current performance of Zhang Xiaoqiang, those world champions will definitely be ashamed to death.

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t know that the second lieutenant has been subdued by his previous embarrassment, and now he is experiencing a fate of legends, this time it is stronger than any time he drank rainwater, so strong that he can’t feel himself Chrysanthemum.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang is crying for autumn rain and hurting the chrysanthemum, not far from the parking of the warrior military vehicle, the silhouettes of one by one covered with vines and dead leaves are slowly moving towards the military vehicle. The bushes on the roadside merged together, and Huang Quan, a technical officer, knew a fart about the field guard, just as he passed the windshield and the rearview mirror to watch the car and moved.

Three figures with wooden spears suddenly rose from the bushes beside the car. One figure pulled open the door of the cab, and the other grabbed Huang Quan’s collar. Huang Quan, who was still surprised, gave After pulling out of the car, Huang Quan screamed and fell to the ground. His brand-new military uniform was stained with dry grass and dust on the ground.

A sharp wooden spear pierced his throat sharply from the head, watching the wooden spear burnt by the flame spur, and Huang Quan screamed again and closed his eyes in despair .

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