Apocalypse Cockroach: 315, envy, jealous, hate five/five more

Zhang Xiaoqiang only learned when eating dinner. Yuan Yi picked up a girl. The girl was originally dirty and looks ugly. Yuan Yi doesn’t care if the girl is not beautiful, but he cares about the stench on the girl, at least the same There was no smell in the dirty meow.

So the Yuan Yi who brought the girl back decided to let the girl take a good bath in person, and this wash would wash out a beautiful beauty.

The girl’s previous appearance was intentionally dressed up to be fearful, and her protective color was removed. Now the protective color is withdrawn by Yuan Yi. In addition to being scared, she follows Yuan Yi step by step, plus three children and Mao Yan , Yuan Yi is also lively around.

The girl is named Xiao Xue. She has short hair from the 30-year-old Qi-Qi students. She has white skin and tender skin, and she is a little thin. She has not been as thin and deformed as other women in gathering place. A pair of beautiful big eyes reveal Cowardice and anxiety, the overall look can hit 7:5, the key is that she is careful and cowardly, very protective.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care much about the woman brought back by Yuan Yi. In gathering place, there were more such girls. Being touched by Yuan Yi only shows that the girl’s luck is good. Zhang Xiaoqiang cares about Wang Rui who met Yuan Yi. This man’s strange ability makes Zhang Xiaoqiang feel a little palpitated. Even he is unwilling to encounter an enemy like Medusa, so Huang Tingwei sends someone to secretly search for the mysterious man.

I didn’t expect the identity of the girl to make waves in the camp. The girl was accidentally recognized by Elena. The girl is Japanese, formerly known as Ayako Ozawa, the daughter of the Japanese teacher of the former Foreign Language Institute, studying The high school attached to the School of Foreign Languages, a virus broke out, and the police who were lucky to be searched and rescued were rescued and evacuated to gathering place.

In gathering place, girls have been cautious. Some common sense of disaster self-rescue in Japan used to cover their faces in gathering place, only half of the food distributed every day, and hide the rest until the end gathering place is a turbulent, clever girl, who survived the crisis through the previous accumulation and lived to this day, and because she drank unclean water, the girl got a strange ability.

The girl of this ability has never been aware of it. Once she was stared at by the hungry cannibals in gathering place and wanted to kill her to eat meat. At the most critical juncture, she only wanted this man to die. Thinking of the last, she couldn’t help shouting, and the cannibal was really dead. In front of her, her head exploded into a pool of fragments, and the girl knew that she had become a Evolution.

Becoming a Evolution person did not surprise the girl. gathering place had a rebellion that the Evolution person refused to accept the order. Finally, the Evolution person was burned to fly ash by an anti-tank missile led by gathering place. The girl kept hiding herself. Willing to go hungry, not willing to come forward, until chased by Wang Rui, and rescued by Yuan Yi.

Many people in the camp disliked the girl’s identity and did not want her to stay in the camp. Some rumors spread to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s ears. He didn’t know that the girl was Evolution and didn’t want to upset the camp for this girl. Points, let Zhang Huai’an take out three hundred pounds of rice tickets, want to send the girl away.

When Yuan Yi received the news, Yuan Yi, who never volunteered to express his opinion, was hairy. Yuan Yi didn’t dare to say Zhang Xiaoqiang, and took Mao Yan to beat all the guys who had said the girl’s grotesque, except Zhang Huai’an, Even Wang Le left a dark circle on his face.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was furious and threatened to punish Yuan Yi. Yuan Yi also did a good job of accepting Zhang Xiaoqiang. Unexpectedly, the beaten people came to talk about the good words of Yuan Yi and admitted that they were wrong, even a minor little girl. Can not bear it, in the end, Yuan Yi officially became the guardian of four minors.

However, the incident caused by Wang Rui is far from calm. Through the news from Xiao Xue, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that there are many missing persons in gathering place related to Wang Rui, and Wang Rui is the enemy of the camp. Zhang Xiaoqiang leads the team himself. Together with Yang Ke’er, they found Wang Rui’s nest.

Rushing into the house, it was found that Wang Rui had already left, leaving only more than ten live-action wax figures. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang let Zhang Huai’an find three major forces, hand over the live-action wax figures, and let the whole gathering place look for Wang Rui, and Wang Rui from now No longer showing up, it seems that he has escaped gathering place, just like the Wan Qiang that played with Zhang Xiaoqiang before.

After the camp handed over the real wax figures, there was an uproar in the gathering place. These real wax figures were all close figures of some former power leaders who were missing from the gathering place, or some people who have their own identity. These people are missing in gathering place There have been some disturbances in this place, so many forces have suspected each other and killed each other, and many civilians have also lost their lives.

Zhang Xiaoqiang inadvertently opened a shadow for gathering place, letting most of the forces in gathering place breathe a sigh of relief. This time Zhang Xiaoqiang expanded the force to 1200 people, each of whom had a firearm, which was patrolling the vehicle The number of anti-aircraft machine guns reached more than 20, and the mobile heavy firepower of the camp reached 30 off-road assault vehicle~IndoMTL.com~ This is not counted as Zhang Xiaoqiang installed on the ship.

Especially after the camp installed two twin anti-aircraft guns and more than a dozen recoilless guns on the surrounding wall, no one in gathering place believed it, and Zhang Xiaoqiang got a large amount of guns and ammunition from the arsenal.

Comparing the weapons and ammunition obtained by the camp, they are angry and hate plus all kinds of envy and jealousy. What the 1500 people did not do, the camp completed silently, how can they not be depressed?

Of course, they just secretly depressed. They did not have the courage to come out and ask for a piece of soup, not for anything else, but the camp was never something they could afford.

Every day they have a new understanding of the camp, and the camp is challenging the nerves of gathering place every day. Today, there is a strange noise from the camp. The noise is very loud. It spreads throughout the entire gathering place. I heard that strange noise. Many people are puzzled, thinking that the camp has produced a high-power diesel engine, but with some noise, it seems not like it?

Then the whole gathering place people saw a red helicopter flying over the camp. The helicopter was not big, only two people could sit down, the structure was very small, and the cockpit was like a round bun that was cut in half. , A long horizontal bar connects the round tail.

The helicopter is very small and looks like a toy airplane from a distance. When this bright red helicopter flew, the entire gathering place lost its voice. They looked at the small aircraft that slowly rose to ten a meter in height I was dumbfounded. Unexpectedly, the camp quietly produced a helicopter. With this helicopter, the safety factor in the wild can be increased countless times.

The poor people of gathering place looked at the helicopter and were surprised, they were simply surprised. The various forces of gathering place are still envious and jealous of the camp. The only difference is that what they see today makes them feel like they are soaked in Shanxi old vinegar.

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