Apocalypse Cockroach: 213 lost and recovered

(Tomorrow’s big push, 1W word every day tomorrow, Uh · · · · · · · · · · · After the big push, the situation continues to erupt for one to two days, thank you for your support, your collection is the source of my outbreak)

Guo Fei was moved to an open space on one side, and the blood and black mud on his body were also wiped clean. The wounds on his body were exposed to the air, and the wounds were interlaced, looking like he was being passed by.

The two team members were bandaging the Guo Fei. As the gauze wrapped his wound, the muscles on his body were trembling slightly, but there was no expression on his face, as if the painful trembling body was not his own He just looked at the burning flames and didn’t know what he was thinking.

“Shua” Zhang Xiaoqiang put back the Jingwei Sword inserted on the log, the blade is still smooth, the sword thrown by Zhang Xiaoqiang is actually aimed at the rope tied with Guo Fei, Guo Fei previously gave him a wink, let him know that Guo Fei still has power, He couldn’t fight with the man for a long time. When he fell into the wind, he threw out his long sword to liberate Guo Fei.

This sword also laid the foundation for his victory, that is, the madman Guo Fei, it is really not possible to change a person, Guo Fei is crazy and cold, he does not care about the life and death of others, he does not care about his life and death.

It’s better to say that he’s crazy about trying to find death. He is a self-destructive lunatic. For Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is a perfect cannon fodder. Just like this time, the injured is Guo Fei. The winner is Yourself.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the ragged clothes in his hands naked, and the animal skin inside was completely destroyed. In addition to the three gun holes, there was a long knife edge. Although the knife edge did not break the animal skin, it was not far away. Looking at the deep fracture, Zhang Xiaoqiang suspected that it could be pierced with chopsticks to the fracture.

Although the members of the battle squad were tired all night, their spirits were exceptionally good. Some people looked at the captives with guns. Some were counting various supplies in the camp. Some people walked among the captives. Specialty.

A long team of cars slowly drove towards this side. The team was finally a truck with a Type 92 artillery dragged on the truck. A man on the front off-road vehicle stood up and waved to Zhang Xiaoqiang Looking at the rifle, it was San Zi, and Shangguan Qiaoyun was sitting next to San Zi. She saw Zhang Xiaoqiang unscathed. The stone hanging in the middle of the night finally let go.

Elder Brother Cockroach, the battlefield was cleaned this morning, the two sides added together, the grandchildren dropped a total of 57 bodies, and the captives on both sides plus together were in their early fifties, half of them were colored, and half of them were colored. Seriously injured, Elder Brother Cockroach, don’t you think?????”

San Zi said a half-cut action. San Zi considers that the base’s medicine reserves are very tight, there are not many surgical instruments, and the doctor does not have any. The base has a medical office, and the medical office is a doctor. The girl who graduated from college.

This girl was the little girl who couldn’t survive in the cave, and was finally caught by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The girl was 17 or 18 years old. Zhang Xiaoqiang asked the base personnel after evacuating the town’s medical office. Who knows medical skills, and finally gave the closest little girl to the head of the infirmary.

Medical tools and medicines are not easy to use now. Use it for others, so your team members have to use less. San Zi also encourages Zhang Xiaoqiang to kill those seriously injured for the sake of the base.

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head without thinking about it. He looked at the upset prisoners in the distance and said, “How to cure, just cure it. If you can survive it, you will live. If you can’t survive, you will die, even if they deserve it.” Don’t die in our hands, don’t let those people feel cold.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his chin and said to San Zi to the captives. San Zi nodded, what to ask the players behind him, one by one seriously injured dying guy was lifted from the truck.

San Zi took a police first-aid kit to give medicine to those people, and looked at San Zi but healed the wounded on his side. The captives also breathed a sigh of relief and began to actively cooperate with the team members. The Li Zhu packaged tickets to the people around him. They guarantee that Zhang Xiaoqiang will not put them down.

Looking at the busy people in front of me, Zhang Xiaoqiang is thinking about today’s arrangements. The prison has to go back, but this time you have to be more careful. It’s better to push the infantry gun and pull the heavy machine gun away. The other thing is about the expansion of the combat team. .

Yesterday was a heavy casualty. The elite squad broke three of them, two of them were shot by Big Porcupine, four of them were shot, two of them were seriously injured, and one was killed by high explosive shells. He was wiped from the neck, and there was the Wang Chong that seemed cowardly and resolute.

I think Wang Chong Zhang Xiaoqiang is very uncomfortable. This Wang Chong is his adjutant. He is also a good person and has a solid work life. However, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not expect him to have such a fortitude, he just held the shell and exploded, Zhang Xiaoqiang admitted that he was far inferior No one can match him. Guo Fei is not a lunatic. He doesn’t need to deny himself, he just wants to die.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang took a walk while thinking about something, and looked up to see his recovered Humvee. The car was well maintained, there was no trace of dust on the body, and even the tires were washed clean. IndoMTL.com~ The window glass is even more delicate, pulling the door and looking at the unresponsive door. Zhang Xiaoqiang turned and called the Li Zhu.

Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang looking for him, Li Zhu trot over and wait for Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s instructions.

“How did this car come from? Who is using it?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the car remembering the very well behaved Su Qian who had always been in front of her, remembering that she threw down her tired and seriously injured Yuan Yi and Yang Ke’er, she felt uncomfortable while driving, but she was after all Once people, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t help but want to ask him.

“That was retrieved shortly before the previous head, and there were more than a dozen women together. This car is always used by the head. The driver is his confidant, promise? Just without you. The dead one.”

Li Zhu said, pointing to one of the two people who had fallen into the pool of blood with his gunshot.

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked Li Zhu to retrieve the car key on the corpse, opened the door Zhang Xiaoqiang and sat in, his hands slowly groped under the seat until he felt a material that was stuck under the seat by transparent tape package.

Open it, three sets of high-quality **** underwear with bright colors, a stack of genuine* discs found in the preparatory office, looking at the things in front of me, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t calm down for a long time. He used to guard against Yang Ke’er like an anti-thief. These treasures are hidden in the east and west. Later, when Hummer was transformed, he hid things in the place where he thought he was the most safe. Under the seat of Humvee, he thought it was foolproof. How could he know that he was betrayed by Su Qian in a car.

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he did not care about the betrayal of Su Qian. In fact, he really cares about it. Every time he thinks of the betrayal of Su Qian, he is very uncomfortable.

Not caring about Su Qian itself, but caring about his baby being abducted by Su Qian. Now that the baby is recovering, Zhang Xiaoqiang is in a good mood. He carefully wrapped the things in a plastic bag and put it in a close-fitting shoulder bag, and pulled the door to the car. under.

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