Apocalypse Cockroach: 197th crisis · · · critical

The continuous click sound of the eight-step gun slowly weakened until it stopped completely, and now only the Garand rifle sound of crispy fried beans is still ringing.

A lot of big rats jumped into the fence from the sniper rifle. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the big rats crawling around on the ground. They were about to pull out the horns and kill them. , Can kill a few kill a few · · · ·

One · · · · · two · · · · · · · · · three · · · · · · · These three lucky mice are jumping to the GG 24 FF, FF, 23 Here, just started, a long-handled straight knife with a cold light scratched the solid black earth surface, and as the long knife retracted, the two big mice became two-legged mice, and the other missed The body was about to pounce on someone, “Brush · · · · · · · ·” The long knife was split from the air, the big mouse was split into two evenly, the hands holding the handle were slightly lifted, and the mouse was split The long knife on the ground was recovered.

Guo Fei arrived, and he was standing under the wall of the rat corpse. The dead rats under the wall had been piled into a small packet with a meter in height. Some of the mice that had been hit by a half-death were still struggling with their legs. Guo Fei was under the wall. The guard is very stable, no matter how many big mice come down, he is turned into a dead rat by a knife, but it is not long. As the long knife in the hand of Guo Fei swings quickly, his physical strength is also slowly consumed, and the fallen mouse But more and more, Garand rifle can only hold eight bullets. As the gunners loaded the bullets, the sudden increase in the number of rats made Guo Fei caught off guard. He could only wave the sword more quickly. As he moved faster, his The physical strength gradually fell behind.

In the end, three mice crossed him and pounced on Zhang Xiaoqiang standing in front of steel door. Three shots of “pā pā pā · · · · ·” sounded. Shangguan Qiaoyun took her M1911A1 and slowly walked to Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s side to guard him. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t watch Shangguan Qiaoyun. He was in a hurry now. The combat team members had only one hundred particle bombs. They should have reached the bottom now. Instead, they were not scattered, but flooded in.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is about to disturb the keyhole, and the unstopped gunshots finally sparse, the mouse on the wall has jumped from the scattered dozens of mice down like raindrops, and the pistol in the hand of Shangguan Qiaoyun Sent the bullet into the body of the slamming mouse, and the 7-particle bomb in the “KA· ·” her M1911A1 pistol had been shot into the air.

The holster in the waist of Zhang Xiaoqiang was loose, but Shangguan Qiaoyun pulled out his desert eagle. “Peng· · · · ·” A big mouse that jumped into the air was hit by a large-caliber bullet into a mass of plasma and fell down The Shangguan Qiaoyun with a two-handed gun was not stable due to the strong recoil, and the back suddenly hit the steel door that Zhang Xiaoqiang was working on.

Maybe steel door has reached the critical point where it will be finally opened, “Tong· · · · ·steel door snapped inward, and Zhang Xiaoqiang and Shangguan Qiaoyun also rolled in with the suddenly opened big steel door.

Behind the door is a **** like an arsenal. Zhang Xiaoqiang waved his hands around to grab some fixed body, but the concrete floor was too smooth. His upper hand only hugged a soft body, which is the body of Shangguan Qiaoyun He hugged Shangguan Qiaoyun tightly and rolled down until his head hit a large wooden box.

It was dark all around. Zhang Xiaoqiang dizzyly lifted the Shangguan Qiaoyun on the ground. He looked at the front door that was hanging in the air and penetrated the light, and touched the big wooden box behind him. Shangguan Qiaoyun in his arms, panicked, found the flashlight from the satchel and turned on the power switch.

The bright beam of light tears the deep darkness around him. Countless large wooden boxs stand beside him. Zhang Xiaoqiang ignores the large wooden box around him. His eyes follow the flashlight to the corner under the gate slope.

When the flashlight beam in his hand shone on the rows of wooden frames, and the metal paint ammunition box lined with green paint, a muffled noise came from outside the door. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know what was happening outside, he did not I consciously took the Shangguan Qiaoyun slide · soft and soft little hand and ran to the ammunition box over there. I just ran to ammunition box and felt the light of the gate dimmed.

A silhouette came running towards Zhang Xiaoqiang with his light behind, but it was sweaty Wang Chong. Zhang Xiaoqiang scanned it with a flashlight to see that it was Wang Chong.

“What exploded?” Zhang Xiaoqiang asked, unaware of the current situation outside. He knew that when he and Shangguan Qiaoyun fell in, the outside was already in danger, and the rat frenzy was about to flow in.

The sweaty Wang Chong took two deep breaths before saying: “Uh · · is the grenade that Elder Brother Cockroach gave me last time. I learned to throw it out when I saw it wrong. Now those things are temporarily blocked. Captain San Zi As the rest of the people are clearing, I will come in and see if there is anything to help.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered it. Last time he threw a scary grenade in the cave and was picked up by Wang Chong. He wanted to give it back to him. He didn’t want to give it to him at the time. The forgotten grenade of Zhang Xiaoqiang has played an unimaginable role. It can be said that without this grenade, Zhang Xiaoqiang will definitely be completely destroyed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Wang Chong Shangguan Qiaoyun returned to the watchtower with two boxes of ammunition, and the magazines full of bullets on one by one were distributed to the players. A Bayi-style rifle replaced Garand rifle~IndoMTL.com~ When there were more than forty rifles When the wall was blocked by firepower, no big mouse could jump into the wall. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the front had stabilized, and went downstairs to prepare to check the inventory of the ammunition depot.

Guo Fei is sitting on the ground under the watchtower, holding a piece of mouse skin peeled off by him and slowly wiping the straight knife. He wiped it very carefully, his expression was very focused, he wiped it too focused, even The wounds ripped by the mouse paws on the face were ignored.

His face was pulled by a mouse claw from the right corner to the left and left a wound until the bridge of the nose stopped. In the middle of the opened skin, blood stains flowed continuously along the cheek, a drop of blood flowed He went to the straight knife in his hand and dripped a little bit of **** petals on the smooth surface of the knife, and then slowly wiped off the mouse skin in his hand.

He saw the big feet of Zhang Xiaoqiang standing in front of him, looked up and wiped his head slowly, as if he could not feel his existence, except for the straight knife in his hand, everything was nothingness.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is walking in the ammunition warehouse full of wooden box. The Wang Chong behind him keeps moving a box of Bayi rifle ammunition to the outside. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not need to worry about the surrounding of mice for now, as long as the bullets can be supplied, they will There will be no danger.

A large wooden box was disassembled by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and an ammunition tightly wrapped in oil paper was tightly arranged in wooden box, and a loose one was drawn out. The oily and lustrous brass bullet shell gleamed under the flashlight. As each bullet package in wooden box was opened by Zhang Xiaoqiang, a pointed bullet flashed under the flashlight.

Zhang Xiaoqiang found that most of the bullets here have similar specifications, all of which are 7.62 mm bullets, the same diameter, the only difference is the length of the bullet, the longest is the bullet of the heavy machine gun, the medium is the bullet of the light machine gun, is the rifle Bullets, the shortest is a pistol bullet, as for other specifications of the bullet · · · ·

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