Apocalypse Cockroach: 144, babes?

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Yuan Yi‘s boudoirs are not enough, aiming to mix with Yang Ke’er every day, each time it seems to be lonely Zhang Xiaoqiang, and then · agreed with Yang Ke’er, and then sent Zhang Xiaodie to Zhang Xiaoqiang to serve.

Zhang Xiaodie is not unhappy, and has a general understanding of the temper of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Knowing that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not looking at her, she will not do any daydreaming, and honestly be the dry daughter of Zhang Huai’an, little girl of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

These days, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little irritable, the fish hunting project has been finished, and all the backers to deal with big fish have been prepared. Huang Tingwei took people to stay in the monitoring room for 24 hours, monitoring the lake, but the big fish seemed to disappear out of thin air. No matter how seduced lakeside is, no big fish come ashore.

The **** fish is a thorn in the heart of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The **** fish does not get rid of it. He feels uneasy. Every day he will send someone to ask, and there is always no news about the movement, which makes Zhang Xiaoqiang a little helpless. The **** fish becomes The next problem in his plan.

Probably, the big fish will become his biggest enemy. The various vegetables planted before the camp have grown to half a foot. There are more and more poor people lingering outside the barbed wire every day. Barbed wire and rifles can block humans. But can’t stop the big fish, Zhang Xiaoqiang really want to pick these vegetables.

In contemplation, a crisp bell sounded beside him. The fishing rod was placed on his right hand. The rod was hung on the rod head. There was a fish bait pulling the fishing line. The fishing rod nodded toward the river. The fishing line stretched tightly, and that force seemed to drag the rod into the water.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took off the bell at random and picked up the fishing rod, without shaking the rocker to put the fish on the line, tried the feel, his wrist shook, and a white fish with scales flickered and flew down to Zhang Xiaoqiang in the air.

Zhang Xiaoqiang urged a whistle. He took a red bucket from the side of the chair with his left hand and held the half-meter-long big fish steady. The red poke was slightly heavy, and the white fish fell into the bucket. Jin, Zhang Xiaoqiang handed the red poke with water splash to Zhang Xiaodie standing on the side and shaking to doze off.

“Send Yuan Yuan to let her cook.”

Then I glanced at the fresh white fish in the red bucket, and Zhang Xiaoqiang screamed in my heart, where is this white fish, obviously it is Diao Ziyu, he grew so big, he has eaten countless Diao Ziyu, but also I haven’t seen such a big Diaozi fish, and it’s generally a big one to one or two.

Hang on the sesame oil dough again. Zhang Xiaoqiang threw the bait into the water. Before he could put the rod down, the rod nodded again. It seemed that something was hooked.

Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to pull it up and finds it sinks a lot more than before.

“Big guy?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang was very happy in his heart, and added two points of force. A group of white things broke through the water. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that thing. He was displeased in his heart. He deflected the rod head and threw it back into the water. Big, actually cut the fish line.

At this time, Zhang Xiaodie ran back carrying the empty bucket, running a little anxiously, his cheeks were red, like a big apple, a lot of sweat was on his forehead, and his chest was soaked with sweat, which outlined two small The buns and cherries are raised.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has no intention to see the spring of Zhang Xiaodie.

“Go, tell Sister Yuan, don’t do it, send the fish to the big kitchen, we don’t eat that thing.”

After that, Zhang Xiaoqiang dropped the fishing rod and went to take care of herself. Where did she throw Zhang Xiaodie to be stupid? She didn’t know that Zhang Xiaoqiang hung a bone, Diao Ziyu didn’t like it, and probably ate dead meat, Zhang Xiaoqiang was Not thinking about eating it.

It is annoying to turn around every day by the river. Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that there is a thousand catty grains in his pocket. Zhang Huai’an sent it and said a few words by Zhang Xiaoqiang, thinking that the camp’s food is still very tight and cannot be so luxurious. In the name of Zhang Huai’an and restaurant shares dividend Hard plug Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was wondering at the time, when did he join the shares? Finally, after Zhang Huai’an commented, he realized that after he sold Lu Xiaobu, Zhang Huai’an just cheated five pounds of centenary Fenjiu from Lu Xiaobu on the grounds that the diesel was tight, and the parts of Armored vehicles were not easy to make, so that Lu Xiaobu reduced the number of waiting sessions.

After opening the restaurant, Zhang Huai’an took one pound of it as a treasure of the town shop, and Zhang Xiaoqiang, who provided the news, bought the shares with the owner of the bottle of wine.

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows what it is, it’s Zhang Huai’an’s thank-you fee. As for the real owner Lu Xiaobu, it’s forgotten. With a food stamp in his pocket, Zhang Xiaoqiang wonders whether to go shopping and buy?

Zhang Xiaoqiang pushed the wheelchair and headed towards the market area. He was followed by the taro that had recovered from the injury. The taro shoulder was just wiped off by a bullet, and one or two meats were dropped. The rest was not a big deal. Use hemostatic powder After applying it for a while, even after the treatment is completed, hemostatic powder has a wonderful effect on trauma.

Taro is no big deal. He became Huang Quan’s heir to discipleship and taught with all his heart. The body also began to show the briskness of the soldiers. Whether walking or standing, there is a posture like a mountain.

Now Taro has become a Zhang Xiaoqiang duty soldier, but he has also done his due diligence. As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to go out quietly, he will be on the side. As for Uncle Yun, taking advantage of the wounds, and a woman with children Playing fiercely, pondering every day to make the little child call his father, maybe in his heart, the taro has grown up, so he doesn’t need to be guarded like his son.

The two came to the market area and strolled around a bit. Zhang Xiaoqiang bought a few interesting handmade products for Yang Ke’er at random, and bought a MODH.ECK tracker tactical survival knife that looks very good. Look The strange shape of the saber looks very cool. I believe Miao Miao will also like it.

I bought a few small gifts for Shangguan Qiaoyun and Yuan Yi, and Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that there was no need to go shopping~IndoMTL.com~ came to the restaurant with taro, sipping tea, blowing air conditioning to cool down.

After the meal time has passed, there are many people in the hall, one by one, or drinking wine, chewing peanuts, or drinking tea and chatting with each other, this has become an alternative bar and teahouse mix .

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the taro to a nice room and ordered two cups of good tea. While drinking the tea, I listened to people chatting outside. The people sitting here are basically people with some identity, at least at any time Take out a few hundred catty grain tickets from his pocket.

It seems that the scene is very messy. Almost every table is seated. If you look closely, you will find that there are still several small circles formed between them. Each circle is dominated by a default leader who is everyone. Talk about topics, take people to chat or initiate discussions, some are arrogant and speak loudly, lest others do not know what they are talking about, some people are low-key, a group of people sit together and whisper, they look a bit Sneaky.

The loudest speaker in the field was a pock. The pock on the face of the persimmon was like black sesame on the biscuits. Sprinkled everywhere, the spit was splashing in the room, and the men sitting around him concentrated on listening to him, From time to time, wipe the saliva sprayed on your face with your sleeve.

Although Mazi was drooling, the others did not have any displeasure, but instead showed a smile of lewd, urging from time to time, or asking questions, asking for details.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care either. He lifted the teacup, blew the heat, took a sip, and still tasted it in his mouth. In a word, the mouth of pockmarks, such as the ear of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he sprayed at that time.

“You don’t know, that foreign girl is called Sao. It’s so delicious when twisted, I am tickled by the sharp tip of my heart, and you won’t know what it is until she shows her Mimi. Boba, you can see the foreign chick pole dance, then it’s no regret to call it · · ·

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