Apocalypse Cockroach: 141, am I still alive? Five/five more

The doctor seemed unable to hear the angry roar of Zhang Xiaotian, turned around and walked in front of D3zombie, unaware of D3’s roar, all the loose fasteners were fastened, let all the soldiers breathe a sigh of relief, then, outside Rushing into a group of people were all soldiers in raincoats, but the head was the loyal admirer of the doctor, Uncle Yun.

Elena was ordered by the doctor to return to the little black room. The soldier who escaped the disaster and his comrades tied their commander back. Uncle Yun stood behind the doctor and carefully asked the doctor:

“Old Party Secretary, how is this happening? Is there any misunderstanding between you and President Zhang?”

The doctor looked contemptuously at Zhang Xiaotian, who was sitting on the ground and kept angry, and said with a mocking tone:

Elder Brother Cockroach is gone, some people want to jump out and make wind and rain, this is the case with Elena, so is your Zhang Xiaotian, don’t think you have a little power in your hand, think this is your world…”

As soon as the doctor’s words came out, the others changed color together. Uncle Yun looked at the five soldiers brought by Zhang Xiaotian. The five soldiers nodded together. It seems to be corroborated by the doctor’s words, and it’s not Zhang Xiaotian Unintentional words, still afraid that the doctor will release the invincible D3.

“No, it’s not like that. You turned your wife into something that is not human or ghost. You are a beast, you have no human nature…”

Zhang Xiaotian insists on his own justice. For him, everything the doctor does is innocent and humane, but no one agrees with his words. The doctor has the remote control to control D3. Once D3 is Released, there will be no living people in the whole island, even if Zhang Xiaotian is the highest commander, his soldiers will not agree with him, not to mention, Zhang Xiaotian himself said that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not there, he is the head.

Zhang Xiaotian was ignored by the doctor, his indifferent pupils glanced at the dozens of soldiers in front of him, and said:

“I don’t care what you think, but you have to remember that the hot spring base has tens of thousands of military strength, and the Yangtze River fleet is also under the control of others. I don’t want to take the whole island as a result of someone’s stupidity. Scorched earth.

Elder Brother Cockroach is not there, the army of Elder Brother Cockroach is still there, don’t think that the emperor is so far away, people can’t do it here, now I announce that I will cancel all the duties of Zhang Xiaotian in the name of the head of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and appoint Yunyi as Lake Heart Island Who has objections to station Chief? “

After the doctor made this decision, except for Uncle Yun’s face, everyone else was silent. Obviously, he agreed with the doctor’s decision. Among the three company commanders here, Uncle Yun is one of them. There is no shelf, and his relationship with his comrades in arms is good. Plus, he used to be the guard of Zhang Xiaoqiang, which is regarded as the earliest batch of official team members. At the same time, he and Taro have achieved the desperate blocking battle, which is named by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The prestige and seniority of a veteran who promotes a military rank are not generally high.

So Uncle Yun became the battalion commander of the garrison camp. No one else objected. Besides, Uncle Yun also had a doctor as a backer. The doctor also possessed a big killer that could destroy the entire island. No one dared to have other ideas.

Zhang Xiaotian was deprived of power, not to say who is right or who is wrong, or that this is the confrontation between human nature and survival instinct, Zhang Xiaotian is wrong, he regarded the doctor as a member of his own management, but the doctor is the head of the department, and In the entire hot spring base system, except for the leading position of Yang Ke’er, it is the chief of the various departments below to operate the entire system. The garrison commander of Zhang Xiaotian is actually nothing.

Zhang Xiaotian was escorted away, the doctor took his assistant to prepare experiments for the remaining nine people. Uncle Yun took ten soldiers to look after him, and looked at the busy doctor. Uncle Yun changed his heart for a long time. The head finally couldn’t help but jumped out of his mouth:

“Old Secretary, what is the situation of your wife?”

The doctor turned back and stared at Uncle Yun’s eyes. Uncle Yun looked down with guilty conscience, and seemed to think of something, his body began to tremble, and looked at Uncle Yun, who was terrified, and the doctor’s rigid cheeks relaxed.

“She is my first experimenter. In the past, Elder Brother Cockroach wanted to kill her. I saved her with my life. I thought she would feel at ease with me to hit the peak of virus research. I didn’t expect it. , Or Elder Brother Cockroach depends on the person…”

The doctor doesn’t say much here, but Uncle Yun understands what Elena wants to do, and the doctor doesn’t do it. For the doctor, Elena rescued him, but Once an error is discovered, he will personally correct his mistake.

Uncle Yun was also silent. Although others were afraid and disgusted by doctors, he wouldn’t. He only knew that if they were not doctors, those old and young would die at least half. They turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang, I am afraid that there will not be a good day today, so in the hearts of their old villagers, highly-educated doctors are right no matter what they do, they are right to follow the doctor.

The doctor asked people to tie nine survivors to a solid operating table and inject them with viruses at different time periods. As time passed, signs of mutation began to emerge on these subjects.

“Experiment No. 1 is injected with No. 2 JS, No. 2 and No. 3 are injected after 3 minutes and 5 minutes, pay attention to observation, No. 4 is injected at 6 minutes, after No. 4 is injected every other minute, No. 9 is injected Injection after complete mutation…”

The one by one subject struggled and wailed on the operating table. one by one was a female assistant who was accustomed to zombie. He looked at these subjects calmly and observed all signs and anomalies in his handbook.

Suddenly, a variant on the operating table arched up, spit out blood, and then screamed. The variant broke free of the canvas straps that stuck its arms and sat up, biting towards the female assistant who was standing on the side. ….

Bai Sensen’s teeth stopped at the neck of the female assistant, and the canvas belt that fixed the waist of the experiment pulled him. Just when he was pulling the restraint around his waist frantically, a gunshot stopped him. The experiment The heavy weight fell on the operating table, and the gunshot on the forehead slowly oozed out with black blood.

Uncle Yun held a seventy-seven pistol as an enemy, and kept eyeing on other struggling experimental bodies, that is, Uncle Yun, the other soldiers did not have the time to respond just now at simply. Will be bitten to death.

The doctor did not hear the gunshots around him, and his eyes were fixed on the No. 1 test body under his charge. The No. 1 test body was a young man about 20 years old. The body was restored to strong, with strong muscles and green twigs staggered, like a relief on his chest.

He is the JS injected immediately after the virus is injected. It is the main observation object of the doctor. You should know that the virus enters the human body is a geometric increase. The sooner the JS is injected, the more the virus can be suppressed. As for the other, the doctor He has given up, all he needs is the process of mutation and the abnormalities generated. As for the final number nine, the doctor used zombie as an experiment.

“The No. 3 body died unexpectedly. The cause of death was a gunshot wound. The JS matrix was injected five minutes after his infection and lost his sobriety in ten minutes. His strength doubled and became extremely aggressive…”

The assistant in charge of Experiment No. 3 was shocked and reported to the doctor. While listening to the report, the doctor was watching the young man who had struggled with life and death on the operating table.

“Death No. 6 ~ IndoMTL.com~ The cause of death is unknown. The JS matrix is ​​injected eight minutes after his infection. There are traces of variation in the teeth and nails, the blood is still red, and the virus has not spread…”

“Experiment No. 7 is completely mutated and has been zombieed. The JS matrix was injected nine minutes after his infection. No strength increase was found, and no other abnormal conditions were found. Request to be killed…”

“The eighth…the eighth test body was abnormal. The JS matrix was injected ten minutes after infection. It was completely mutated, the body shrank, and the ganglion collapsed and reorganized. Alright…”

“Injection of JS matrix after experiment 9 completely mutated, there is currently no response……”

In an hour, except for the No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4 subjects, the other subjects either died, mutated or had no effect at all, and the No. 8 subject became an unexpected gain for the doctor. Only zombie is a strange new type of zombie, the body has been out of the human category, the image is like a barracuda with four limbs, if Zhang Xiaoqiang is here, he can recognize at a glance, this is the prototype of a Z-Type Zombie.

Next, in an hour and a half, the body of Subject No. 4 became hot and eventually spontaneously ignited, burning a pile of coke on the operating table, while No. 2 was dissolved, and the whole body was up and down. Both bones and internal organs began to melt and reorganize. After struggling repeatedly, they eventually turned into a pile of clear water-like liquids, which were collected by doctors for the next step of research.

Now, only No. 1 is left. The body temperature of No. 1 forms two extremes. For a while, the doctor thinks that he will spontaneously ignite like No. 4, and there will be cold people who think this is a frozen in the cold storage. The corpse inside, and finally, after three hours, the young man opened his eyes violently, looked at the large light bulb on the ceiling, and said, “Am I still alive?”

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