Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,334 answers

If you ask Hubei what is most annoying, I am afraid it belongs to the Virus Research Center. The Virus Research Center is not a medical department of Hubei, but a first-level unit directly under the jurisdiction of the General Administration of the People’s Republic of China. It is mysteriously known that the virus research center is not in Wuhan, and it has occupied an island as a base. This island is also the most heavily guarded place in Wuhan. The materials are delivered once a week, and the soldiers who **** the materials have no chance of landing. Not to mention the characters and scenery on the island.

This place is annoying because too many materials have been invaded by the virus laboratory. During the four years of Doomsday, when most of the materials were decaying and deteriorating, this mysterious place occupied five-fifths of the supply of scarce resources. More than one, basic materials are countless, also known as the first waste material unit of China Renaissance, because here there is only what is transported, not what is transported, let alone the experimental results.

Even so, no one dares to reduce the amount of materials in the research center, even in difficult times, it has not been delayed, because the person in charge of this experimental center is the benefactor of countless soldiers, Evolution matrix was born from here, Zhang Huai’an left Hubei When Inner Mongolia is the boss, Hubei is still Xiao Cao Cao Sui, any decision will be discussed with Zhang Huai’an through the communication platform, and every time Zhang Huai’an ends the call, he will ask the last sentence: “Does the doctor need anything?”

The doctor is the person in charge of the virus research laboratory Shen Li. Most people only know that he is called a doctor. The doctor once had an unclear and unclear feeling. A French girl named Elena walked into his Life, but when that girl became a blood-sucking species between zombie and humans, no girl was ever accepted by a doctor.

The defense force of Liangzi Island has never changed. The army with the Zhang Xiaoqiang’s old acquaintance Yun Shu as the battalion commander is the army with the fewest missions in the entire China Renaissance battle. It is also the happiest army. They and their own family are stationed in There is carefree life on Liangzi Island. Liangzi Lake has countless aquatic lakes and fresh food supplies. It is a real outdoor peach garden. There is no hunger, no killing, and no zombie.

Due to the influence of nuclear winter, the sky in Hubei is also covered by darkness. Only large cities have electro-optical lighting. Survivors in small strongholds can only turn on the generator after counting the time to eat in the bed. Even if there is a large amount of red algae crude oil as a reserve, the China Renaissance, which is used to the shortage of materials, is not wasteful. It is different on the Liangzi Island. The Liangzi Island is the brightest place in the world. There are almost no dead ends on the island. A street lamp will support the city of Xinghai here.

“I haven’t seen the taro for two years. Last time I said I found a wife, I don’t know what happened. Alas…, I’m getting old…”

Uncle Yun is wearing a crumpled military uniform, like an old farmer carrying his hands on his back, raking his back, looking up at the dark and gloomy sky outside the window and talking to himself, it seems that there is no military temperament, but the two bars on the shoulder are one star Explained his position in the army, major.

“Isn’t Taro said to be in Sichuan? Now that he is the leader, how can he be more prosperous than your half-old man? Don’t be nagging all day, tomorrow is your 41-year-old birthday, I heard that the island is going to give You are going to hold a banquet, then don’t drink two or two cat urines and you don’t know what’s going on…”

A beautiful voice, a pair of delicate white hands stretched out to straighten Uncle Zou Zou Baba’s clothes, and he took out a half pack of Fuxing cigarettes from his pocket, but it was a 27-year-old young woman who learned the cloud Uncle, seeing the closeness of the two, you know the identity of the woman.

“What do you don’t know? It’s north and south? When I talked to Elder Brother Cockroach, the guys were still asking for food in gathering place. At the beginning, I also worked hard and exposed my face in front of Elder Brother Cockroach. If I was injured, I was thrown on board , I wouldn’t settle down on this island, maybe I could mix with the head Division Commander or something, why is it not worse than the deputy head of Taro?”

As if being said to be in pain, Uncle Yun got angry, turned around and snatched the cigarette from the woman’s hand. While whispering and complaining, he stuffed it in his pocket. The woman’s eyebrows would be angry, Yun Uncle saw that, his head shrank and shouted, “I don’t know the old lady like you, take care of the child, don’t let him go to lakeside, it won’t get up after the cold weather, and the food will be hot for a while. Now, send me to the office, and I will be on duty at night…”

After talking, Uncle Yun rushed out of the house, and behind him came the woman’s shouting: “Will you die if you don’t smoke? Seeing you cough like a tuberculosis all day long, you are pulled to death, and the old lady will marry You wear a cuckold…”

Uncle Yun stood at the door of the house and heard the loud noise of closing behind him. After a long while, he smoked a cigarette and lit himself, shaking his head and laughing at himself: “No daughter-in-law before, thinking of a beautiful daughter-in-law every day, now she has a daughter-in-law. In the days without a wife, this man, really…, I don’t know how the wife of Taro looks, the boy looks handsome, and the daughter-in-law will not be a crooked melon?”

Thinking about this, Uncle Yun turned to look at the closed door, as if he had a big enlightenment, and sighed: “If you look for a wife, you still have to look like you. It’s not ugly or good-looking. The beautiful woman has a bad temper… “

Uncle Yun walked to the core laboratory with the consciousness of sleeping in the office today. There is a whole majestic building complex. The previous buildings on Liangzi Island were all demolished to build the best laboratory in Hubei. This laboratory It is the goal of Uncle Yun’s protection. He doesn’t know how long he wants to guard, maybe it will take a lifetime.

The core area of ​​the laboratory is the forbidden area in the forbidden area. Only doctors can freely enter and leave here. There is always only one guard here, a woman who walks in the dark, a woman who **** blood from any intruder, A woman who only exists and frightens all the soldiers in the garrison battalion. The owner of this woman is a gentleman who only focuses on her own research.

In the dark corner, Elena crouched quietly on the ground and listened to something silently. The empty hall was lined with rows of large crystal coffins in which standard samples of various creatures stood. Different, the highest one is only a giant D4zombie. The zombie here ranges from Evolution zombie to 4th grade zombie. Not only the S and D types, but also the Z-Type Zombie and the heterogeneous zombie. Many zombie varieties are not even seen in Zhang Xiaoqiang. However, it was captured by the army and the hunters while performing the mission. The price of this zombie is very expensive. It is so expensive that for a mutant zombie, the hunters are willing to exchange their lives for it.

In addition to zombie, there are also a lot of Sea Races. Ordinary Sea Race, Sea Race Cavaliers, Kraia, Advanced Kraia, and a young Kraia who looks like a little girl of four or five years old, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a habit, as long as you catch a novel It will be sent here, and I believe that it will not be long before the specimens of the four-armed snake girl and the six-armed snake girl are added here.

Walking through these crystal coffins, walking through countless life-like mutant beast specimens, doctors are intensively observing the sample images under the electron microscope in private laboratories~IndoMTL.com~The doctor’s laboratory is always the most chaotic, all kinds Debris and instruments, as well as biological samples pile up like mountains, and there is no room for things on the ground.

It’s also silent here. The silence makes people feel suffocated. Only the doctor is immersed in his own world, he can’t feel the passage of time, nor can he feel the suppression of silence, his eyes only swim under the microscope The dexterous little creature has only various data and inferences in his brain. The doctor’s entire body of attention observes the activities of microorganisms. His two-foot long hair has been tied into a horse’s tail hanging down on his side. The coat is gray and black, and the doctor’s world will never have health problems in personal life.

The eyes behind the thick lenses are covered with bloodshot eyes, but the bloodshot eyes have inexplicable excitement. The doctor does not pay attention to anything outside the laboratory, just like he now regards the most boring experimental observation as an otaku The most beautiful goddess in his heart generally gazed in general. When he watched continuously for tens of minutes, he suddenly felt a strong syncope when he stood up, rushing on the test bench and knocking a group of glass test tubes to the ground.

The crisp crackling of the glass made the doctor in the anemia state awake, and a sudden flash of light in the brain, the whole person trembling suddenly, waving his hands to compare the information on the test bench with the finished lunch box, and various The debris swept to the ground, and a new set of experimental vessels was placed. After a long while, in a semi-closed vessel, a drop of transparent liquid in the shape of a water column was suspended in the middle of the vessel. Seeing this drop of water, the doctor could not help but roar He went crazy and danced in the laboratory. In his roar, there was a special emotion, just like the Olympic champion broke the world record. He finally discovered the mystery of the virus and finally completed his four years. Exploration, and finally found the final answer.

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