Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,332, the last humanity

Russia is a country and a nation. Today there are few Russians in this land. After the outbreak of the virus, the number of Russians has dropped by a few dozen times, leaving only one million people struggling. Later, Wan Qiang became the master. Russia, conquered all forces to become Russia’s new Zar. During the killing process, blood and corpses were the cornerstones of Wan Qiang’s throne. Tens of thousands of Russians were cleansed. Hundreds of thousands of Russians because of this The holocaust and loss of life caused monstrous hatred under the supreme authority of Wan Qiang.

Wan Qiang believes in violence. Violence can only be overbearing and not kingly. If Wan Qiang is suppressed in Russia and the Wan Qiang is strong, the Russians will swallow their voices. But when Wan Qiang went to Japan, there was no real conquered Russia. Unprecedented resistance broke out. Wan Qiang integrated all the forces together. It also made the Russians truly unite. The united Russians felt unprecedentedly strong. They believed that they would overthrow the Wan Qiang rule, but they did not expect it. Because of this, the roots of the extinction of the Russians have been planted.

Moscow’s metro is very large and complex. Most people walk in without maps and directions. Don’t want to go out in a lifetime. This is also the last Russian resistance center. But now, the entire metro is flooded with corpses, and the corpses have the remains of survivors. There are also bones after the corruption of zombie. Follow this road of killing and enter the one by one corpse-filled subway transfer center. Broken corpses, broken fortifications, heavy machine guns lying on the ground, and countless shells And the shards of glass fill the ground, there is no place to rest,

At one of the transfer centers, Wan Qiang and Tie Zhongyuan stand in the blood of the knee, surrounded by all kinds of tragic corpses, on the walls, on the ceiling, and on the straight muzzle, all the visceral debris, Seeing that the large intestine hanging on the barrel was like a rope, teaching people to lose their appetite, there were at least a thousand people living here, but now, there are only three people here, among the piles of corpses, the little girl sits Weeping in the pool of blood between the two, the little girl is too young, less than two years old, the blood has drowned on her chin, the crying cry is extremely miserable among countless corpses, but Tie Zhongyuan is confronting Wan Qiang hold.

Wan Qiang‘s scarlet eyes spewed a bitter flame. The killing intent on that face made his stiff cheeks fierce and terrible. The light bulb covered with blood exuded a **** light, and the huge reflection was like a giant bear. The little girl was shrouded, but the Tie Zhongyuan was resolutely not afraid. The rat king blade hovering around gave a scream of breaking through the air, and the sound was louder than the other. The reason for the confrontation between the two was the little **** the ground.

There are nearly one hundred thousand survivors killed in the Moscow metro. It is even more rare to kill children under the age of one. Wan Qiang can stun hundreds of thousands of people with just a roar, and strong adults can’t resist. , Not to mention the weak child, Tie Zhongyuan thought that he was already numb. I didn’t expect to see this little girl with Mongolian characteristics. A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his heart, pulling him back from the infinite killing. At this moment, he only had A thought, this little girl can’t die, can’t let Wan Qiang kill…

“You also want to betray me?” Wan Qiang gasped and screamed heavily, stomping heavily, the shaking ground was shaking for a while, the pool of blood like the backwater was also shaking, slamming on the girl’s face to make her choke Lived, coughing and crying constantly, Tie Zhongyuan stared at Wan Qiang deadly. The prolonged killing caused him to lose his elegance and manners. The whole body was a hard block formed by blood, and the whole body exuded a killing that was not much worse than Wan Qiang. Breathing, facing the Wan Qiang‘s inquiries, he hoarsely shouted:

“Enough is enough. The people who betrayed you are dead and can’t be killed anymore. The blood of 100,000 people is enough to calm down the resentment in your heart…”

“Not enough, far enough, I want to let those who betray me die, I want to make no more Russians in the world……” Wan Qiang vowed never to stop, he has fallen into extreme killings, no mercy and humanity in his heart Some just vented without a bottom line, vented his killing intent, vented his resentment.

“You see clearly, she is not a Russian, she is a Mongolian, it is my tribe…” Tie Zhongyuan was also angry. Under the extreme killing, he did not understand concessions, even if it was a stronger Wan Qiang than him. At this moment, he only wanted to behead Wan Qiang to save this little girl, or to save the last trace of humanity in his heart.

“She is a Russian among the Russians, I don’t care what ethnic group she is…” Wan Qiang‘s yelling shouts caused the blood pool to shake countless ripples, and then Wan Qiang suddenly laughed, his fierce eyes flashed over the fun. Impressive, staring at the same blood-red eyes of Tie Zhongyuan, he lowered his voice and asked, “Do you want to kill me?” After he finished Wan Qiang, he was ready to start, but at this moment he hesitated and couldn’t help remembering the day he was enthroned to worship Zar. The time was magnificent, and I thought of leading the crew to Japan to cover the clouds and cover the sun. At this moment, only Tie Zhongyuan was still with him. If Tie Zhongyuan died, there would be no companions around him.

The only bit of humanity that makes him unable to get rid of it is that humans are social animals. Even lonely and eccentric people are not used to being alone for many years, but the momentary hesitation in his heart was found by Tie Zhongyuan, killing countless of him. Why can’t you see that Wan Qiang is distracted? Not waiting for Wan Qiang to react, the two rat king blades were instantly cut on the neck of Wan Qiang. The high-speed cut rat king blade seemed to be cut on the steel plate, making a harsh scream, Wan Qiang waved down the two rat king blades. , Open mouth will be roaring.

This moment is the longest moment for Tie Zhongyuan. He stares at the mouth that Wan Qiang is about to open. After knowing the sound wave, the little girl will no longer be spared. Blinking the knife to his neck, chopping it off, brushing the floor, the head was flying high, and the **** eyes stared at Wan Qiang, shouting: “Don’t kill her…”

After shouting this sing-along, Tie Zhongyuan’s head fell heavily into the pool of blood and splashed a wave of waves, so that the Wan Qiang had reached his throat and the roar of the eyes was back, the cry of the little girl was hoarse, and Wan Qiang stared blankly The head with his eyes closed, as if he felt that he had lost something important. After a trance, he took two steps back. When he was awake again, the body of Tie Zhongyuan spraying blood water fell into the pool of blood.

“Stupid, stupid, really stupid, is it worth it for her? Is it worth it for her to betray you? Do you know what I will give you? As long as the Russians are killed, I will give you whatever you want ……” Wan Qiang shouted loudly, his majestic body shook violently with excitement. Wan Qiang at this moment regretted it. It is really worth the loss of Tie Zhongyuan for a small child. If you can stand here, Tie Zhongyuan will not kill fewer people than him. In his heart, he has accepted Tie Zhongyuan as the same kind, but did not expect to lose the last subordinate here.

“It’s all because of you…, I killed you…” The more I wanted the more regret, Wan Qiang transferred his anger to the crying girl, or the cry of the girl made him more upset , Kicked and kicked to death.

At this moment, the little girl was so happy that she stopped crying and just choked, letting Wan Qiang take her feet at the last minute, watching the little girl who was covered in blood and stomping heavily. that’s all, I won’t kill you, but I won’t save you. Let’s kill ourselves…”

After talking about Wan Qiang, she crossed the little girl and punched the steel gate where the survivors were dead. The door fell backwards, making a dull sound in the deep passage. Wan Qiang finally glanced at the little girl without looking back. Walked in, leaving only the little blood man sitting in the pool of blood and chucking dumbly.

Every step forward, there is a past in Wan Qiang’s heart. Various past memories flash in his mind, all of which are past Doomsday before Doomsday, and these past events flash in his mind. Gradually being selectively forgotten, this is a process of transformation. Tie Zhongyuan is his companion and his last bond. When Tie Zhongyuan is alive, he remembers that he is still an individual. Tie Zhongyuan is dead, and the bond in his heart disappears, and there is no more. Human emotions have become extremely indifferent.

During this process, he suddenly felt a power bursting in his body. This power came suddenly, making him indulge in a constantly strong feeling. This kind of pleasure like smoking psychedelics made him unable to extricate himself. After becoming a corpse, human enjoyment has nothing to do with him, a heart originally becomes indifferent, even the things between men and women can’t be more than the thrill of power struggle, at this moment, he feels wrong and holds What does the human heart mean? What’s so scary about being alone without a companion? As long as he has invincible power, he is the **** of this world. God does not need mercy, affection, and emotions. As long as he has power, he has everything.

Wan Qiang finally broke the shackles of his body and grew to the level of zombie. When he was immersed in the joy of power, the deep channel finally came to an end. Suddenly a huge danger came to his mind. Wan Qiang stood still before the last steel door, just after steel door, dozens of Russian Evolutions stared at the gate with sweat.

After steel door is the last survivor of the Moscow metro. Behind them is the main room of Blizzard Moss. The main room is deep underground. It is the core secret of Russia. They are not here to hope that Blizzard Moss guards them. Wan Qiang is the devil in their minds. No one dares to beg for the devil’s mercy, and no one believes that someone can kill the demon. They are waiting, waiting for Wan Qiang to break into steel door, as soon as Wan Qiang enters steel door, Blizzard Moss’ self-destruct system will start, and connect to the underground when the time comes The nuclear arsenal’s 50-million-ton nuclear bomb “Great Ivan” is the largest nuclear bomb of the Russians and their last dignity. Russians who have never been conquered by other peoples are willing to burn the jade and are not willing to be begged Kill.

The power of “Big Ivan” can blow more than half of Moscow into the sky. No one doubts that Wan Qiang can survive this nuclear bomb explosion. When Wan Qiang enters the subway, it is a dead start. The closer to the machine room of Blizzard Moss, The smaller the chance of surviving, at this moment there is only one door away from the last psychological bottom line of the survivors. If it were not for humans to have the characteristics of not seeing the coffin and not crying, the nuclear bomb should have started.

The time passed by one second by one second. Wan Qiang stood motionless outside the door. Dozens of survivors inside the door looked at the monitor screen beside the door. The sweat was sweating. Many people were shaking their legs. The weapon in their hands had been Drenched in sweat, they were the first bait to attract Wan Qiang, and the bottom line in their hearts, but even if Wan Qiang left, they had no chance of surviving, because they would not let Wan Qiang leave, this is just a dead end. This is true for Wan Qiang, the same is true for them,

Just when the fear of these survivors has reached the limit and is about to collapse, Wan Qiang suddenly stepped forward and opened steel door, steel door slowly opened, all people throwing guns at the same time fell to the ground and howling Tormented by pain, Wan Qiang did not look at them, only staring behind them, and the next second, two blade arm worms suddenly rushed out to tear all the survivors into pieces…

Wan Qiang‘s scarlet eyes stared at the indifferent Yueya’er. Among them, the image of Blizzard Moss was vividly projected. As Blizzard Moss told, Wan Qiang‘s back had goose bumps, but he always stared at Yueya’er, killing intent keeps rising in my heart, Yueya’er is the person of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang is the one who will kill him in his heart, and his biggest enemy. It’s wonderful. The two people who came out from the same gathering place on the same day looked at each other as unpleasant and regarded each other as the biggest. It’s a pity that the enemy’s fate makes people fought. If they fight together, no one can kill each other, but they all have a hunch in their hearts~IndoMTL.com~ There must be a difference between the two, unless there is only one between them. Alive.

“It’s a good plan, does he decide to take me? Russia is mine, no one can take it away…” killing intent’s violent Wan Qiang is full of strong **** smell, staring at the Korean Yueya’er. Shout, he killed so many people, but Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted him to get out of Russia, why not make him angry?

Wan Qiang erupted into a terrifying wind like turbulent winds swept towards Yueya’er, and a large number of blade arm worms flooded behind Yueya’er, raising a serrated blade arm to Wan Qiang to attack at any time.

“Do you remember the previous agreement?” Hundred Sword Armor made Wan Qiang slightly discolored. On the day of Okinawa, the memory of his fight with the Sword Armor was still fresh. The Yueya’er sentence made him angry. the next moment, two sword-armed worms carrying a marijuana bag crawled in front of Wan Qiang, and did not wait to open it. A burst of fragrant rushed into the nose of Wan Qiang. He smelled the fragrance of Xianwu silver tea.

“The things are here, you can go, of course, you can also go back, but before you kill me, I will start the explosion of the nuclear bomb…” Yueya’er‘s words awakened Wan Qiang, and he surrounded him before. What is the extreme danger of Gordon, glaring fiercely at Yueya’er and Blizzard Mousse, Wan Qiang grabbed two pockets and turned away,

Yueya’er watched Wan Qiang leave and turned to Blizzard Moses: “I have completed the task, I hope you can fulfill the agreement, and the maintenance staff will be here within a month.”

“I will obey the agreement. From now on, I will serve you. In order to thank you for helping me, I will give you a small gift…” Blizzard Moss did not behave as rudely in the Nuwa machine room. After the biggest crisis, she was more humane than Nuwa. During the conversation, a crawler robot slipped in from the outside. There was a little girl with whole body plasma sitting on it, and there were two beside the little girl. Rat King Blade.

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