Apocalypse Cockroach: 1331 The defeated America

The waters of the Pacific Ocean are cold and dark in nuclear winter. Helicopters patrol along the coastline for ten kilometers. Thick and long searchlights shuttle back and forth on the sea. Various corpses and red algae fragments that follow the waves surge with the undercurrent. At the end, Australia dispatched all helicopters on the Eastern Front to prevent Sea Race from killing a carbine to humans.

Under the searchlight search, everything seems to be as usual, but I don’t know. Countless Sea Race are hiding under the sea like dense fish. One million ordinary Sea Race and one hundred thousand mutant beasts are a terrifying force, decadent in Blood phoenix. Now, if a raid is launched, it is absolutely irresistible, not to mention that the frontline ammunition reserves have reached the edge of barrenness. No one knows that the huge crisis in Australia’s eastern coastline can roll up a more violent storm than before.

The reason why the helicopter patrols here is because the rear emptiness wants to give early warning. The Chief of the flying unit is a careful person. The helicopters from time to time fire a cannonball into the sea water, in the Sea Race group below the sea surface A torn corpse was blown out, and a newly researched high-efficiency sonic explosive bomb blasted waves over 100 meters high in the seawater. Each bombing would make Sea Race within a thousand kilometers away. Yes, the line of sight was unclear at night. There were too many corpses and fragments of red algae on the sea, which caused the aircraft to find no abnormalities on the water surface.

But the result is not bad. Yang Ke’er always feels that there is a great danger in the ocean. He ordered the helicopter to throw out all the sonic bombs in stock. Xiaoshan wanted to stop it, but he had to obey the orders of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Under the blunder, Sea Race determined that it had been detected by humans as if returning salmon were crowding towards them, and inadvertently, Australia’s real threat was lifted.

Australia suffered revenge from Sea Race high-end force. Although it could not withstand Sea Race aggression, the resilience of the United States also could not run. Sea Race once retreated after the arrival of the nuclear winter. During this period, the Americans lost before the recovery In the case of various resource shortages, a huge fence with a height of 30 meters and a length of tens of kilometers was built. This super fence with a thickness of 20 meters can defend against the bombardment of 155 mm grenade. Withstand the impact of mutant beasts below level four, even if they encounter the fifth-level mutant beast that had landed in Shanghai for hundreds of meters, it is not without power to fight back.

This miracle wall built by Americans with hundreds of thousands of hands in more than a month has placed too much hope. Thousands of sealed World War II artillery pieces have been activated, just like trees behind the wall, millions The number of projectiles piled up like mountains, and there were shooting holes and high-speed heavy machine guns like honeycombs on the surrounding wall. In addition, the automatic flame spraying device every 100 meters combined exceeded the number of cannons at one time. In this position, hundreds of tanks and Armored vehicles are waiting in line, known as the North American Macino Line.

This line of defense is the battle center of the U.S. demarcation, attracting Sea Race as the main point, and destroying Sea Race’s living forces under the city as much as possible. Although the Americans had lost and defeated before, the losses were heavy, but there were One thing is for sure, the Sea Race that the Americans annihilated is several times that of the Australian annihilation. The scorched earth strategy, which is indisputable, has caused millions of Sea Races to fall on American soil, and tens of thousands of Sea Races have been captured by Americans.

Through a large number of live experiments, Americans know that this kind of creature is not as immortal as zombie, ordinary weapons can be easily killed. The United States has not developed new Doomsday technology, because the technology retained in the previous life is already the world’s top. Whether it is a B2 bomber, a strategic missile, or a military base all over the United States, it is unmatched by other countries, not to mention that they also have a developed military industrial system. If they are in front of Doomsday, they will also be constrained by labor costs, worker welfare, and other aspects. But now, as long as raw materials are available, weapons can be created, and as long as food is available, citizens who put human rights and democracy in their mouths can honestly enter the factory and pick up rifles.

So the United States is still strong, and it is superior to the countries. The United States is still proud, thinking that Sea Race will also fail. When Australia suffers from the Sea Race high-end military raid, the Americans are proud and powerful in the six-armed snake. The moment the woman appeared, it collapsed like a sand sculpture. No matter whether it was a machine gun cannon, a surface-to-surface missile like a meteor shower, or a high-temperature fire snake that was hundreds of meters long, it could not stop the sudden appearance of the Sea Race royal family.

The number of these six-armed snake girls is more than Australia, and the number of four-armed snake girls is more than one hundred. The first time they appeared, one tenth of the defense line was frozen into a solid ice hockey. In Australia There are also thousands of Type 3 zombie and hundreds of Type 4 zombie that can be contained. In the United States, the glory of Sea Race can only be built with the lives of ordinary soldiers.

In half an hour, the entire US Army of an infantry division in the middle of the fence was dead, and their weapons and equipment were sealed in thick ice, and even a flamethrower that consumed a lot of gasoline was also killed. Frozen, the Americans’ counterattack is not untimely, air strikes, ground reinforcements, and fire blockades, all imaginable methods have been used.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang and other people were able to kill the four-armed snake girl with all their strength. The six-armed snake girl was more powerful than the four-armed snake girl. All the attacks did not work. They easily broke through the wall and rushed into the armor cluster. The armor cluster is American. The last line of defense, originally intended to withdraw, could be withdrawn in exchange for space, but unfortunately, the Americans did not count on the determination of the Sea Race, nor the speed of the six-armed snake girl, the moment of breakthrough, rear Kraya, who suffered heavy casualties, also broke through the artillery interception, and followed the snake girl into the American defense line.

The biggest feature of the American Marcino line is that it is fully enclosed as a defense system, which can prevent the Sea Race from being killed by remote means. The cleverness of the Americans has created the largest tomb in history. Countless Kraias rushed into the wall, There can be no heavy weapons inside that penetrate the Kraia protective barrier. Even if there is damage, the speed of Kraya’s advancement is not preventable by the Americans. The surrounding walls on both sides fell during the crazy advance of Kraia, and a large number of soldiers were killed. In their fighting position,

The high-end Sea Race caused a great defeat in the Americans. This was the worst defeat in the history of American wars. Even the corpses and the wounded were ignored. There were countless missing equipment and weapons. The two armored divisions and three mechanical infantry divisions on the front line One hundred thousand people will eventually be able to retreat to the rear of less than 30,000 people. The loss of a total of 70,000 people hurt the Americans. You must know that these 100,000 people are the elite troops that the Americans finally built after Doomsday. At one time, it was regarded as the needle of Poseidon.

The Americans also suffered heavy losses from the Evolution. The number of these Evolution who are known as the silver armor warriors reached 3,000. In the battle of the Sea Race invasion, they have made many achievements. It is with them that the United States despised beastification. Warriors, because the IQ of those who have received the modulation like Evolution declines quickly, and they have no power to meet the targeted calculations. Epoch once captured thousands of animal warriors at once.

This time, the silver armor warriors finally knew what was meant by someone outside, and there were days outside. Less than 500 of the 3,000 elite Evolution escaped. They lost the glory of the Evolution and mixed with ordinary infantry Together, they retreated backwards, even fighting against ordinary soldiers for a car. On the retreat route of the Americans, countless transport vehicles, Armored vehicles, tank trucks, tanks and other vehicles were arranged in a messy array. See a cart of abandoned ammunition and medical items.

Soon these things will be overwhelmed by the swarming Sea Race, each ordinary Sea Race is equivalent to an Evolution, they have a more flexible speed and skill than zombie ~ IndoMTL.com ~ not only on the ground, pass through Haikou has more Sea Races entering inland rivers. Most of these Sea Races are large-shaped mutant beasts. These mutant beasts are clumsy on land, but they are like swimming fish in the water, just like a landing boat, carrying countless Sea Race and Kraia Moving towards the inland river, there is a lot of plans to occupy all rivers.

At this time, a special unit had unexpected performances. The Americans had no ability to stop the defeat and the Sea Race to catch up. They had to set up obstacles filled with explosives along the way. The Beast Warrior blew himself up and died with the chasing Sea Race. On the dark land, every once in a while, there will be a fiery red mushroom cloud as high as 100 meters. Every giant will blow countless swarming Sea Race into the air. Gray, repeated explosions, and finally stopped the chasing Sea Race, the Americans also got a breather. At this time, the Sea Race crowded on the road spread to the wild indiscriminately, all the walks in the United States The stronghold one by one, which had not been evacuated after the air defense line, was destroyed.

Compared with the beaten wolves, these strongholds surrounded by Sea Race have the determination to fight desperately, regardless of whether soldiers or civilians know the truth behind the nest, and try to kill Sea Race The ground troops were defeated, the air forces were still intact, and the sky dancers in the Hawaiian waters did not mean to go ashore. Whether it was a helicopter or a fighter-bomber, all the survivors of the rescue base were dispatched. The morale in the rear was aroused a lot.

Under the general trend, Americans are anxious and unexplainable. They have no time to organize a second line of defense. With the existence of the snake girl, the previous strongholds and defensive fortresses are all unserviceable. In the middle, at this time, Flander, which had long been ignored, was getting used to his third body.

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