Apocalypse Cockroach: 1306 Obama

“Can it be done? As you said, Klug should be a cautious guy, even if he works on the research results, he will not be fooled easily. Moreover, the effect of this thing is not a special medicine. He just waits. …”

Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t believe that Leger’s idea can be done. An old traitor like Klug will never believe the so-called experimental data. He will only act after seeing the effect with his own eyes. This time period is not short.

“Klug’s men have God Throne sub-Lito, which has a strange ability and is called death gaze. Any person or creature who looks at him will consume vitality until they die old. It is a means of vitality overdraft, if not limited. Sex, the ability of sub-Lito should be the most powerful, so don’t worry about taking too long…”

The new information from Leger let Zhang Xiaoqiang take a breath of breath. This ability is really powerful, and it’s a match between an inexplicable person and Ya Lito. It’s really glaring who died. The so-called The limitation is only relative to that of Epoch. It is because of familiarity that it can be prevented. If you change to the top Evolution of other forces, even if your ability exceeds Eos, you may not be spared.

“As for letting Kluger use it personally… It happens that he and I are both the blood of the Rhine family. Our family has a recessive genetic disease. There is a special DNA in our blood that can promote this The Evolution in the brain domain is called the command bloodline by the family, so the family is rich in genius, but unfortunately, there must be a loss. Once the recessive DNA is triggered, most of them can only live forty years old. If I remember correctly, g Lugar once obtained seven doctorate degrees, and counted the time. This year is just forty-one years old. Even if you are lucky, you can’t live for two years…”

After listening to the secret history of the Rhein family, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Leger with a sneer and said, “Huh…, obviously you are also a member of the family whose recessive genes have been induced? According to what you said, Kluger desperately wants to To live forever is because of the genetic disease of the Rhein family, but if you wait for a while, he will die by himself. Isn’t it comfortable if you don’t press yourself?”

Sacrifice the best friend for a goal that can be achieved without any means. This seems to Zhang Xiaoqiang to be purely psychopathic. If it is him, willing to wait a few years to dig the grave to whip the corpse is better than sacrificing a close person. At this time, Ke Siller also looked at Leger, he was not afraid of sacrifice, he was afraid of the worthlessness of death.

“I’m not as perverted as you think. If I can let him overdraw his life and die naturally, I won’t have any opinions, but Doomsday has too many possibilities. He has been studying xenogeneic variants for three years I don’t dare to gamble, even if the longevity medicine was researched at the last moment before he died, I have no chance, so… this is my only chance…”

Legel’s confession made Zhang Xiaoqiang silent, and there was already a Maribo who succeeded. Legel’s worry was never groundless. Klüger’s research encountered a bottleneck that was Legel’s biggest opportunity, and he provided The serum activation program coincided with the occasion, and the two phases just solved this problem. The question now is, how to use the genetic genes of the Rhine family to develop drugs that are only effective for the Rhine family? This medicine must also be ineffective against Ordinary people and effective against the Rhine family.

“What if he uses people from the Rhein family to experiment?” Zhang Xiaoqiang has already changed his angle and discussed the way with the participants to discuss with Leger. The tension that had been drawn before has disappeared, just like he thought. That way, Klug’s death may not be a bad thing.

“There are not many descendants of the Rhein family. Except me and Delia, there is only Klug. If you want to do an experiment, unless you look for me, it is impossible, because the opportunity for his eternal life is provided by me. Yes, it is impossible for me to take too much risk…”

“But he will definitely ask you to inject with you at the same time, because this is what you provided…” Ke Siller finally couldn’t help interrupting, and when it came to the point, Regel smiled miserably and smiled reluctantly. , It seems that he doesn’t want to say anything on this topic, but in the burning eyes of Ke Siller, he nodded and admitted, then said: “This is the only chance…”

Legel scratched the end of his plan, but Zhang Xiaoqiang could feel that Leger was trying to atone for Siller. After a while, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked up at Legel and said, “If I have a way to let others replace Ke Siller, do you still need him to die?”

“…It’s impossible, even if it’s plastic surgery, the scanner can find…” Leger shook his head again and again, if there were other ways, he wouldn’t let Siller die, and Siller obviously also Knowing that I didn’t care about Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s proposal at all, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled mysteriously and motioned them to open the steel door.

“There is an old saying in China, the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, there are many good birds, more bad birds, loss of order and law, the ugliness of human nature is most vividly expressed in Doomsday, many people dare not mutate and mutate Fighting in one’s own body, but willing to cut the butcher’s knife to his own kind. There are seven sins in Western religions, but I said that these original sins together are not as serious as those committed by beasts. I have killed many of these people, thousands of them. Ten thousand kills, but every time I kill one, I can find two. Every time I kill a group, a bunch of them will pop up. Eating human flesh and drinking human blood are trivial. Using the innocent as a bait to lure variants is only trivial. Materials are also trivial. Some people just break the chest of the innocent for hot food just to eat hot mouths. Some people just want to hear the screams of others to drive away the fear and grind the bones of the innocent a little bit. Broken, let them crawl away like maggot.

For these people, I killed numbness, and it’s not good to say anything. Even killing them, I dislike wasting bullets, just because you have made puppet warriors and let these **** go to them in the most sober state. The most feared enemy can’t be better. In order to let them play the most role, I use the Evolution matrix at all costs. I think that maybe they are still grateful to me when they become Evolution. I must not have thought of it. Give them hope first, and give them even more cruel despair… “

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked between the crystal coffins with two people, telling the sins of these guys inside, Leger still showed no concern, but the Siller face was blue.

“There are more Evolutions, and the abilities are also strange. Some people can consume fat to explode the power of elephants. Some people can use their eyes to spray lasers, just like Regel, and others will become others… .”

As I mentioned here, Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped at a crystal coffin, nodded his chin, and said to Leger: “Wake him up, he is the shapeshifter, like the shapeshifter in the X-Men. Ability.”

The crystal coffin is equivalent to a sleeping cabin. When the guy inside opens his eyes, the first action is to yawn. When he sees the three people standing outside, his fierce eyes burst out with the luster of the beast, and he roared. He rushed at the three men, and at the same time he swelled, his body seemed to swell quickly, growing countless hairs, and his face was also elongated, with fangs intertwined with canine teeth, and instantly turned into a werewolf. The ancestor werewolf covered with white hair.

Wait for Legger and Ke Siller to take action, Zhang Xiaoqiang flew up and kicked between the legs of the werewolf, only to hear the sound of “Ao”, the ferocious ancestor werewolf kneeled down on the ground with his egg With wailing, both of Leger’s teeth were sore.

“Don’t be frightened by his transformation, counted, his ability is a waste wood ability, maybe he is a natural agent, but it is not a natural warrior, even the weakest variant can kill him The urine is scared out….” After that, Zhang Xiaoqiang volleyed with one foot, kicked fiercely on his abdomen, and drove the werewolf from the ground to a height of one and a half meters, flying over seven or eight meters and fell heavily on the ground. , Just fell to the ground, he changed back to what he was before, with naked clips all over his body. His tight legs were like a screaming beating dog.

“Don’t be fooled by his appearance. Before he was caught by us, he used to be a member of the 100-person force. The most important feature of this force is breeding. They cut off the limbs, dig out the eyes, and cut the survivors they caught. I lose my tongue and feed a lot of mutant plants every day, just like raising pigs. When the hogs grow to two hundred pounds, that is, when they eat meat, my soldiers found 1,200 in the back mountain where they lived. There are many skeletons, hum, there is not even one piece of shredded meat, and even the intestines and liver have been cooked in the hot pot. Are they not afraid of stool in the large intestine?”

“Wow…” The iron-faced gram Siller can’t stand it anymore, rushed to the side and vomited up, Leger looked at the guy who fell on the ground with great interest, Zhang Xiaoqiang said Chinese, this The guy must have heard that, in this strange environment, it seems to be pretending to be a dead dog, is it not looking for opportunities?

“You… Crawl over for me, otherwise I squeeze your egg yolk…” Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, and saw the guy climbed up quickly, kneeling and trembling in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“Give you a chance~IndoMTL.com~ Our leader needs a substitute, you give me the look of him, it is best to change the shape of the hair and the skull, otherwise I will treat you as a pig Hello…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows what this person should say, and knows that they are most afraid of this world newspaper. When the pig feeds, he cuts off his limbs and digs out his eyes like those who are eaten. Cram some pig food into the throat tube.

“Yes, yes, uncle, if I were his substitute, wouldn’t I be assassinated?”

Although this guy is confused about the situation, he is absolutely afraid of death. As soon as he heard the word promotion, he thought of assassination. Zhang Xiaoqiang still yelled fiercely: “When you stand in, there is still a chance to live, enjoy food and beauty, if Improper, I’ll chop you into dumpling stuffing now…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words didn’t fall. Another naked Siller knelt down on the ground, and Legere looked stunned. The guy on the ground really changed even the hair and the smallest wrinkles on his face. With his usual logic, he looked at this guy as if he were an alien.

“Stand up and walk for two circles…” Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed very satisfied and nodded to the naked Siller. At the moment he got up, the head flew up, and the head rolling in the air still maintained a stunned expression. It’s really wonderful.

“This…, is this all right?” The headless corpse sprayed the blood like a spring. Leger looked at the head in his hand and was surprised. Ke Siller struggled out of nausea and looked at Reger with surprise. In the hands of Seoul, it feels as weird as looking in the mirror.

“In the future, Siller will no longer be yours. Before he returns this life to me, he must work for me. As for the position, let’s be the foreign affairs consultant of the Chinese Expeditionary Army. Remember, from From now on, his name is Obama…”


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