Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,304 broken

“What?” The stunned expression of Zhang Xiaoqiang was frozen at this moment, and he couldn’t even get his chin back. Others didn’t know. He knew it clearly. Ke Siller was Leger’s loyal dogleg. He didn’t have Ke Siller. Nothing is wrong, even Zhang Xiaoqiang is jealous that Leger has such a good administrator, and he has handled the whole of Australia in an orderly manner. In the chaotic situation, Australia can maintain stability and Siller is a great success.

“The purpose of my coming from Australia is to recapture the Australian government. At least Klug ordered this. In order to achieve my goal, I must gain Klug’s trust. Alright…”

With Leger’s account, Zhang Xiaoqiang understands the causes and consequences, and the consequences of the Sea Race riots. Klug knew all about it. Compared with distant Europe, Australia is bound to be attacked by Sea Race first. As soon as Epoch had a chance to recapture Australia, so Pylegel and two God Throne came to prepare.

The reason why they sent the three of them was that Klug suspected that the three of them might have problems, and Leger had guessed Klug’s thoughts from the beginning. The first thing to return to Australia was to calculate two. God Throne, shut them down here, originally wanted to push the black pot to God Throne, at a suitable time to let Australia return to Epoch, so as to gain the trust of Klug, did not expect Klug to think that the real culprit of Australian rebellion is Siller In some administrative means, the shadow of KSiller was noticed by some interested persons, which aroused Kluger’s alert. If Leger wanted to complete the task, he must kill KSiller to gain credit for Kluger.

Legel has fallen completely into the madness of revenge. For revenge, he does not care about his life and death. If suicide can solve Klug, he will not hesitate to put a knife on his neck, but the gram Siller is different, the Siller is His best friend and most important brother, two people rebelled against Epoch for the same purpose, to kill Siller, Leger’s heart was very uncomfortable, but also made his conscience condemned.

“Not for power, but for revenge. The person who will kill him even if he sells Siller must be the senior of Epoch. The real senior of Epoch is only the God Throne warrior and the mysterious speaker. Isn’t he? Killed his own father?” Zhang Xiaoqiang was horrified. The father-killer was a big crime spurned by both the West and the East. Even if Klug was his enemy, he did not want this guy to be killed by his own son. Kill, after all, his impression of Leger is still good. He is a smart man who knows how to move forward and backwards. He doesn’t have much ambition, and he treats allies generously.

“Do you know the consequences?” Zhang Xiaoqiang Shen Sheng asked, inexplicably chilling.

“Isn’t it just a death? Anyway, I should have died, when my mother was eaten by those guys…” Leger gave a sneered sneer and took a sip of the red wine bottle on the table. Pulled away the neckline and said aloud.

“Do you know the consequences after killing Siller?” The chill in the discourse is more serious. The spreading killing intent gently pushes the cigar box and red wine glass before the two, and slowly slides towards Regel, Neither of them noticed the change of the desktop. Leger’s eyes stared at the ceiling, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes stared at Leger’s empty eyes.

“Know that the Australian regime will collapse, the army will split, the gathering point will be divided, millions of people will fall into civil strife, and Sea Race will be outside, and within three years, millions of survivors will die 90% Above, the remaining 10% will die in five to ten years…”

The continuous numbers popped out of Leger’s mouth, so that the flame in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart could no longer be suppressed, and he punched a punch on the metal desktop, shocking the wine glass and cigar box on the desktop. Smashed, a huge roar echoed in the closed room, the fist wind lifted Leger’s hair and dripped, Leger gurgled again and was a gulp of red wine, shaking his head and saying, “Isn’t that just right, so you can occupy Australia, the research institutes, laboratories, factories, and technical personnel here belong to you… as long as you can help me kill him…”

He is not KSiller, but Kluger. It is not so easy to kill Kluger. As long as he can kill Klug, he is willing to give everything, but he really wants to kill Klug. Grid is not easy to talk about, if it is not really impossible, how could he think of sacrificing Siller?

“Ke Siller helps you so much, do you have the heart to kill him?” Zhang Xiaoqiang said here, the body’s momentum could no longer be held, and it was suddenly released, just like a gust of wind flew everything on the desktop, flowing. The wine crossed an arc in the air and smashed into the crystal coffin of the dream star, as if blood was flowing down.

“He just took a step first, I know I’m sorry for him, but I have no other way, the information you gave has been verified, it is indeed feasible, just what Klug needs, Klug’s other life Variant research has reached a bottleneck, and new ideas are needed to uncover the final obstacles, so he must come to Australia and want him to come. Assad and Siller must die…”

In Leger’s words, Gram Siller and Assad are like two insignificant chips, which are easily discarded. The empty and dry words slowly weakened the accumulated anger of Zhang Xiaoqiang. He just couldn’t see Legell’s betrayal. , But the benefits contained therein are amazing. He knows the benefits of Klug better than anyone else. Large supernova bombs, Harrier Eagle airships, and various new technologies not available in Australia can be obtained by opportunity, although it is not easy , But there is a silver lining.

“I don’t want you to kill them by hand, at least not now, you don’t care about the lives and deaths of millions of people, but I care…” Zhang Xiaoqiang negated Leger, without negotiating the negation , He was too lazy to take care of the other **** of the other party, but now that Sea Race is invading, he can’t be destroyed by anyone.

“Why? Just kill Klug, it won’t cause you any trouble, I don’t want to cause your misunderstanding…” Leger’s stunned look, startled eyes, and that inexplicable anger Let the atmosphere before them vaguely confront each other.

“You can sacrifice the whole world for the purpose, I need to save the whole world for the purpose, we are all alive for the purpose, so we are the same kind of people, it is so, so we are opposite…” Zhang Xiaoqiang does not hesitate To express his thoughts, Leger wants to sink into the abyss for revenge. Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to create a beautiful world for future generations and loved ones, so he must stop Leger. The differences between the two are indivisible. The moment of coming in was decided.

“Hah, I don’t think I’m doing something wrong. Sometimes sacrifice is inevitable. Isn’t your China saying that it’s a matter of sacrifice? The superiors do everything they can to achieve their goals. Besides, our goal is not Conflict, as long as Klug is dead, whether Siller is alive or dead, it will not have much impact. As long as you agree, I will let Chinese people participate in the management of Australia…”

Legel wished to persuade Zhang Xiaoqiang wishfully, but he felt a special switch in his hand. When he was about to act, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stood up from the chair and looked down at Legel, saying disdainfully: ” Why? Do you want to start?”

Press the fingertip above the switch and inadvertently move it away, picking up the bottle and pouring a bite into yourself. Leger also stood up and said with red eyes, “The way is different, not in the same way~ IndoMTL .com~ This old Chinese sentence is very suitable for now, you go your way of Yangguan, I go my single bridge……”

“You made a mistake, even if you sent the head of Siller, it is impossible to gain Klug’s trust, because Klug needs my head more…” Zhang Xiaoqiang said this, Craig His face changed greatly, the next moment Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped on the table and jumped high, countless sharp thorns rose from the ground, like a jungle, surrounding his previous standing position, jumping in the mid-air Zhang Xiaoqiang only had the angry and raging Regal, Regal’s aura is in his perception, and he can perceive the thoughts in his heart with a little change. The overall control makes Zhang Xiaoqiang like a fish, rushing towards Regal like an eagle.

Legel gritted his teeth and glared at Zhang Xiaoqiang. The golden glow of his eyes spread from his pupils. Ten thousand light speeds rotated like a fast wheel in the room. The diffused light instantly shattered the metal desktop in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang. However, at the same time, the red flames expanded, and the full-scale defense of the flame barrier made Zhang Xiaoqiang easily block Leger’s killing stunt, and the next moment Leger flew out.

Rigger’s Zhang Xiaoqiang stomped on the ground with his legs stomped and jumped up again, stroking his legs like a knife and smashing it **** Leger’s chest. Accelerated several times and hit the floor. The huge impact force caused the blood in the air to spray on the smooth and clean floor in a scattered shape, but the body slid into the corner of the wall and hit the wall.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s combat experience is a thousand times more abundant than that of Regal. He did not stop after flipping to the ground. If he rushed to Regal and lifted his feet, he would stomped on Regall’s **** head. Once he shot him He would die, and he hadn’t thought about how to leave here, even if he fell down with Australia, it didn’t matter. He put the blocking position on the Philippines and Hainan Island.

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