Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,303 Purpose and Goal

The world pattern has changed. The United Kingdom and Russia were eliminated first. The catastrophic Epoch shrank its head and became a tortoise. Americans thought they would save the world. They ate **** and looked for Sea Race battles. The Chinese Taking this opportunity to immerse itself in development, Australia fought a big victory. 100,000 tons of red algae were harvested, and these red algae had no processing time. They were transported from the sea surface to the land by mountains with Floating Bridge construction vehicles. Large and small mutant beasts were also sent to the temporarily excavated cellar to prevent Rotting, the ice machine makes a lot of ice cubes, and freezes these mutant beasts for use as future meat.

At the same time, Blood phoenix was finally kicked out of the room by Zhang Xiaoqiang and took his nanny and a battalion team to the east coast, where he would get a new man to fight against Sea Race, Zhang Xiaoqiang believed that in In the middle of less than 20 million zombie, Blood phoenix is still very useful. The Chinese army only sent a battalion to the east coast to fight the Australian side. However, they also know that the Chinese army has just played a battle. It is impossible to launch an offensive on the east coast in a short period of time. Moreover, there are more and more red algae in the surrounding waters. The most important thing at present is to save strength to prepare for future battles.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t worry about Blood phoenix, let Zhao Mingyue go to town, Yang Ke’er and Miao Miao couldn’t stay, and rushed over with artillery. In order to prevent accidents on the east coast, Australia sent out a group of self-propelled artillery. And all the ammunition was handed over to Yang Ke’er. They also saw that in the hands of Yang Ke’er, the power of the artillery would be maximized, but the loss would be minimized.

Last Zhang Xiaoqiang was only accompanied by little Lolita Hong Fei, and at this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang had arrived at the birthplace of Hong Fei. There are also many Chinese in the Australian Core Research Institute. Scientists and talents are nothing compared to the Australian research team, but everyone is young and amazing. They are all Evolutions, Evolutions built by Zhang Xiaoqiang with blood seeds, not to let them fight, but They need to have a stronger body and a sharper mind to catch up with the trend of technology.

Young scientists are learning as apprentices in Australia’s top experimental center, humble and humble, learning from everyone who is better than them, because they know what their gap is, only two people are different, one It is Xiao Lang, Xiao Lang‘s ability belongs to the skyward ability in the eyes of scientists. Any mechanical equipment, even experimental instruments can be strengthened by Xiao Lang. For scientists, the most important thing is not knowledge, but their tools for exploring knowledge. With these Tools, they can discover new knowledge and prove their conjecture. After the changes of Xiao Lang, these originally top-notch instruments are better than the set limits, and their accuracy is even more than ten years of the current scientific and technological water.

The other person is the Evolution who was once ignored by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The Evolution who can convert iron into steel. The ability of Evolution gradually increases with the frequency of use. This Evolution called Opal is like Inner Mongolia. A caterpillar that is not valued, but when he turns into a butterfly, his talent is only a little worse than Xiao Lang. Any material in his hands will undergo qualitative changes, just like an ordinary kitchen knife. After his hands, his material is also Beyond the super alloy metal, it is with him that many problems due to material shackles have only been solved.

Unfortunately, his ability is not generalizable. A person’s ability is always limited. It is only worthwhile to use his limited ability in the places where it is most needed. In this laboratory where the ability is respected, the Chinese get local Scientist’s recognition, he and Xiao Lang are indispensable, so young Chinese scientists can be carefully taught by others.

Walking into the institute, the traces left by the fighting a few months ago were cleaned up, the ground flattened by the supernova bomb was filled with floating soil, and many green leaves and large trees were planted. The lush woods made the place more green There was less desolation, the collapsed building was removed, a triad building of two lows and one high was built on the spot, and after crossing the apron, you can see that the training room that was crashed into the gate was restored. Like.

Ignoring the welcome of the person in charge of the research institute, Zhang Xiaoqiang took the small Hong Fei directly into the training room. When I entered the door, I saw thousands of training tanks arranged neatly in a warehouse-like space, which was full of pain or sleep. Oriental people, these people have a vicious face, with scars on their bodies, they can see at a glance that they are not good people, of course, there can be no good people sent here.

A glance at these puppet warriors undergoing modulation. The ground in front of him slowly slipped open. A few months ago, he didn’t know that there was a famous underground house. Now Australia has opened a mysterious door to him and stood on the floor. The platform elevator below quickly fell to the ground, and it didn’t take long to reach the bright daylight hall. A row of bright lights showed the slightest light here, whether it is the ground or the walls are white color, Above the ground, a dense array of cylindrical columns resembling transparent coffins can be seen through the cylinder’s tempered glass, and the human face still sleeping inside can be seen. The LCD screen inlaid on the cylinder shows various Data like ghost symbols, at least in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

There are countless coffins arranged here. At the beginning of Zhang Xiaoqiang, I still had the mentality to check the ethnicity and gender inside. After being arrested by the Renaissance Army, Doomsday was killed by the Renaissance Army, and was sent to the place. After being tested by the Evolution substrate, it became a spare material for puppet warriors.

For these people, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no feeling, even anger and exclusion. In his heart, the day these people were caught was already dead, walking through more than a thousand coffins, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally watched It was only after two acquaintances saw these two people that Zhang Xiaoqiang understood why Leger asked him to come over.

In a cylinder thicker than other coffins, a man and a woman closed their eyes as if sleeping.

“Iron Curtain God Throne Resaster, Dark Night God Throne Dream Star, Elder Brother Cockroach have seen before…”

The rows of steel doors were closed behind Zhang Xiaoqiang. In the bright room, the one by one infrared camera moved to a dead corner and stopped swinging. Legger in a uniform came out from behind and stood in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The childish cheeks are a little more murderous, but the blue eyes are beating the scorching flames, the high chin makes him no longer inadvertently fear in front of the Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the clenched hands seem to accumulate explosive power.

“They were captured by you?” Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care about the changes around him. With the enhanced five senses, he could easily see Leger’s heart and was very excited, but there was no threat. Depressed fanaticism, although he did not know what this fanaticism came from.

“I think they should be betrayed by me…” Leger smiled and took a deep breath, speaking as calmly as possible, but his trembling fists betrayed him Disguise at this time.

“Are you going to transform them into puppet warriors?” Zhang Xiaoqiang asked staring at Meng Xingchen’s face of an oriental woman. He was not very concerned about whether Meng Xingchen was a Chinese. For him, he worked for the enemy The Chinese are traitors, more annoying than the villains in the Chinese.

“No…, that’s too wasteful. I’m asking you to come here if you have something to say…” Leger calmed his emotions and didn’t know what switch was pressed, except for the two crystal coffins. A metal tabletop and two metal chairs emerge from the floor of the hall. The tabletop slides out like a building block, raising the red wine and red wine glasses placed on the tray, as well as cigar matchboxes and other utensils.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the moisturizing tube out of the way and pulled out the cigar. He burned the match and slowly baked the cigar. A strange fragrance radiated from his hand, nodded, cut the cigarette holder and dipped it in his mouth. A mouthful of green smoke reverberates in his mouth and slowly sprays out, forming a thick mist with a strange fragrance to surround him. There is no need for the cigar to enter the throat. Simply feel the unique taste and fragrance, making smoking a pleasure.

“Australia’s betrayal is unforgivable, at least in my father’s Klug’s eyes…” About the Speaker Klug, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t know much, but only knows that it’s an extremely perverted bisexual, Marlena. The original experience told Zhang Xiaoqiang that the evaluation of Kluger is similar to those of psychologically distorted perverts. What insidious and cunning, unscrupulous, cruel and violent are basically occupied, so he always thought that this kind of superb is Born villain, of course, these are the words of Marlene. He hasn’t learned from other channels~IndoMTL.com~ At least he hasn’t asked Regal how bad his Laozi is.

“Don’t you return to the European headquarters before? Are these two your guardians?” Zhang Xiaoqiang tapped the cigar’s fingers towards the two God Thrones, not daring to use too much force, fearing that the ash would fall and affect the taste of the cigar.

Take a sip from the glass and look at the red wine shaking in the glass. Leger sighed and said, “The split of Australia is just in time for the purpose, but the purpose is to break Klug’s arm, but my ultimate goal It’s not that, whether it’s Australia or Epoch, I don’t think about it.”

Regall said half of it seemed to be stuck in the throat, but he didn’t say his purpose at the end. He just drank his drink. Zhang Xiaoqiang put down his cigar and picked up his wine glass to salute Regall: “You I went back to Epoch because there is the goal you want to achieve. Which way to choose for your goal is your freedom. You can betray or betray, as long as you don’t touch me, if you think I can use it, Then you can try it.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said something very unwelcome. Although the two sides cooperated well during the period of contact with Leger, they always felt that Leger’s heart was very dark. Some words were still open and it was better to talk.

“My purpose is very simple, it does not infringe your interests. I came to you to tell you something, so as not to get misunderstood…” Looking down at the wine glass with his hands, Leger murmured He murmured that it seemed that he was making the most difficult decision. Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his eyebrows and looked at him in doubt.

“I’m going to kill Gram Siller…” Finally, I made up my mind to say this. Leger seemed to be twitching his bones, sitting on a chair, looking at the ceiling, and turning over the wine glass. The scarlet red wine ran down the smooth tabletop, and a drop of dots splashed fine hops on the metal floor.

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