Apocalypse Cockroach: 13 is a leopard or a cat?

It’s too late, then I don’t know if it’s a leopard suspected to be a fat cat or a fat cat suspected to be a leopard. Suddenly he rushed towards Zhang Xiaoqiang like lightning, his fingers were tight, the trigger was loose, the crossbow arrow Flew out. Then, with a flash of light, a huge force knocked him out diagonally. He rolled the ground a few times to remove the excess force and climbed up.

The leopard faced the wanderer seven or eight meters away from Zhang Xiaoqiang. A steel crossbow was nailed to its scapula. Zhang Xiaoqiang threw away sniper crossbow and picked up iron spear and circulated it. A burst of numbness and pain came from his right shoulder Feeling, he glanced with the afterglow of the corner of his eye, the clothing on his right shoulder was torn into pieces, and three deep blood mouths were pulled out for five or six centimeters.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care about the wound and stared at the leopard. If the crossbow did not hit it, forcing its movement to go out of shape, now his throat must be bitten by it.

The leopard lowered his head and walked lightly and flexibly around him, making a gurgle in his throat. The red Mouzi was looking for the flaws of Zhang Xiaoqiang and sent a fatal blow at any time. Zhang Xiaoqiang is always facing it, and facing it, under the tense hold, he does not know the passage of time, and he does not care about the pain of the wound.

Finally, he couldn’t help but rushed at him, and countless times of assassination practice has finally come to a point. The gun head stabs its head at the speed of lightning, and at the same time it stabs it, its The head was crooked, and the spear pierced its ears along its ears, marking a blood stain on its colorful fur. Zhang Xiaoqiang was also knocked down on the ground by its great power.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned over and faced up, and before he got up, the leopard had rushed at him. He held the gun with his hands, and pointed the gun at the leopard in the air, waiting for it to hit him. The leopard was already in front of him, and it was about to be pierced by iron spear. How could he know that the leopard changed his shape lightly in the air and threw it over the head of Zhang Xiaoqiang, only the gently of the spear swept its hind legs.

Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately stood up to the leopard, but the leopard rushed to him while he was unsettled. This time the leopard did not jump into the air to fight, but lowered his body to his thigh. It can only be said that the leopard’s fighting intuition was too keen, and several assassinations were flashed by it while avoiding the weight, and each time it could kill him along his flaws.

In a blink of an eye, the leopard rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“Kill!!!” The shout did not come out of the throat, but from the chest of Zhang Xiaoqiang, with the spirit of his whole body, and the iron spear in his hand slammed toward the leopard. Head.

Like the last time, at the last moment of the stab, the leopard shook his head, iron spear once again crossed the fur on his back and fell to the vacant, Zhang Xiaoqiang was also tipped to the ground by the leopard’s tail, and his two calves had pain I was about to split, and I didn’t have time to worry about whether my leg bones were broken. I just raised the iron spear towards the leopard. As expected, the leopard rushed over quickly while he was falling down, his eyes staring at his throat!

Zhang Xiaoqiang held iron spear as before and pointed to the head of the leopard, but the leopard flashed aside at the moment of the collision, but he did not want to suffer any more.

Zhang Xiaoqiang climbed up, as if it was starting to face the leopard, his shoulders were hot and swollen, his calf bones were pre-folded, and his nerves were being tortured continuously, and the sweat in the cold winter day kept Dripping on the cheeks. He can’t take care of the others, only the monster that looks like a cat and a leopard in his eyes, even if the tiger is not so strong! ! !

The crossbow arrows on the scapula also seem to stimulate the leopard’s painful nerves, and the leopard is getting more and more irritable. Those red eyes flashed hatred, cruelty and hatred for Zhang Xiaoqiang, making Zhang Xiaoqiang feel its humanized eyes Surprised!

The opposition continues, it is nowhere to be bitten by Zhang Xiaoqiang, a dog bite hedgehog, and may be injured a little at any time, and Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t catch up with it and beat a rabbit on a feather blanket. Now this situation Zhang Xiaoqiang also has a headache, can not win, can not run, and even dare not move at will, afraid of being found flaws, found sniper crossbow in the corner of his eyes.

“No…” After several rounds of fighting Zhang Xiaoqiang and Leopard, the battlefield has been farther and farther away from his backpack, and the hope of scaring it away with sniper crossbow is gone! . Now it can only be expected to go away by itself.

The leopard no longer knows how many laps have been made around Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang also doesn’t know how long he has faced the leopard. Now he is sore and sour, but he has a hard heart in his heart.

The leopard’s eyes are becoming more and more dangerous, the leopards are becoming more and more anxious, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang feels almost unsustainable.

“You have to play TMD early, you have to roll quickly, here you wriggling, you’re bothered!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang yelled at the bottom of my heart. At this time, the leopard’s patience reached its extreme point. Seeing that there was no way to take Zhang Xiaoqiang all the time, he was angry!

“Aooo…” Leopard groaned, although it sounded in Zhang Xiaoqiang, it was similar to his fat cat crying at the door, Chun. But how is this scene so familiar?

The leopard began to inhale. At that time, the movement of the big dog in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s mind began to overlap with that of the leopard.

Fuck Fuck Fuck…” Zhang Xiaoqiang scolded in his mouth, and iron spear, who was not letting go, was thrown away by him, holding his head in his hands was a “lazy donkey rolling”, thinking nothing, too late to think , Just rolling desperately!

A hot flame sprayed from behind, but fortunately it was not long, and he had reached the edge of the fire. In addition to burning a lot of hair, he only burned a few places on his face, and then rolled a few times to extinguish the flames on his clothes. After the leopard sprayed out the flames, it was somewhat depressed. When it saw that there was no iron spear in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s hand, it quickly rushed to him.

Looking at the leopard rushing at him, Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out the tiger tooth saber and squinted to count the distance,

It’s coming,


Just five or six meters away, the leopard slammed on the ground with his hind legs, and then threw himself at him. Just before it bite Zhang Xiaoqiang, he lunged forward in the assassination posture on weekdays. , Short body, holding a saber in his right hand, the blade rushed forward, the tip of the blade was up, the left hand supported the back of the blade, the blade leaned forward, and a wave of resistance passed from the tip of the blade to the blade, and then to the wrist, and then the resistance disappeared.

The leopard fell lightly behind him and turned to look at him,

All kinds of internal organs of the next moment fell out of the leopard’s chest and abdomen, and the “little wow” fell to the ground~IndoMTL.com~ Leopard took three or four steps to the Zhang Xiaoqiang side, then fell to the ground and convulsed.


Zhang Xiaoqiang gave a deep breath.

He walked over to the leopard and looked around, but no matter how he looked at the leopard, it was like Zhang Xiaoqiang. The fat cat was released from the kitchen of the opposite door two months ago. Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that he looked at him before he left the house.

“Did the cat grow so big after the mutation?” I thought of this Zhang Xiaoqiang kicking it hard again; “The ungrateful guy, if I knew you would starve you to the kitchen”

The saber opened from its throat to its chrysanthemum, bloodied on the ground,

“Deserve it”

Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to retrieve his iron spear, and it is all because of it that he can save his life today.

Fuck Fuck Fuck!@#$$%%^^&&^&%” Zhang Xiaoqiang watched iron spear scolding the dead cat, the wooden handle of the triangular file was burnt into coke, and the galvanized water pipe was burnt red. Slightly deformed. How could his life be reorganized so that he would not be angry.

Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out the saber to unload the dead cat eight pieces, one knife, two knives. He kept stabbing the body, and suddenly stabbed on a hard thing and numb his arm. “Not a bone?” he Cut it apart,

An object with an irregular triangle was exposed. It was the size of a fist. It was covered with blood and it was covered with blood. I could hardly see anything, but I felt very hard.

“Cats can also grow stones??”

Zhang Xiaoqiang picked up the still hot iron spear, put on the backpack and MP9 and took the unknown cat stone back to the house, closed the anti-theft steel door, the hard breath in my heart was gone, I just felt that my strength disappeared and fainted. The feeling of it followed, with the last effort to wake up to the bed, and then he didn’t know anything

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