Apocalypse Cockroach: 1277th Moscow

Sea Race riot. On the 21st day, on the outskirts of Moscow, the capital of Russia, nearly 10 million zombie remained less than 8 million after the elimination of Doomsday for four years, and less than one-tenth of 8 million zombie. In addition to the ordinary zombie, the rest are all Evolution zombie. Of the more than seven million Evolution zombie, the type 2 zombie and above account for more than one-tenth. For any force, the zombie here is a huge threat, but today, it is interrupted. Continued gunfire sounded again outside the quiet city for a long time.

The turbulent gunfire caused turbulence in zombie, and countless S2 and S3zombie rushed towards the gunshots. Behind these zombies, the sea of ​​zombie also began to flow, just like the sea water slowly poured over there, the turbulence of zombie just started , The gunshots in the distance continued to stop, making the unrest zombie instantly dull, the speed of the surge became slower and slower, and then stopped, at this time, the cold wind of the early spring was blowing in the cold, the weak **** gas in the wind let The zombie sea is turbulent again, but this time it is more turbulent than last time. Many D2 zombies are no longer willing to line up in the middle of the team, swept the surrounding zombie, cleared a road to charge forward, more S-Type Zombie like fleas Usually jump on the head of the corpse, and some luck jumped on D2’s head and was caught and fell into a meatloaf.

A fastest S4 type zombie bluish-white body is like a white ghost, first appeared in the source of blood, and rushed to the nearest corpse as if it was not. The zombie figure is extremely fast, beyond the ordinary people’s vision, Even so, it was still caught in the hands of the big foot basin. The zombie less than one meter in two was like a grasshopper in this huge palm, unable to move, the big hand tightened slightly, and after the cracking sound of firecrackers, zombie slammed The explosive plasma was ejected from the gap between the fingers of the giant palm. This powerful S4 zombie couldn’t even scream, and was squeezed into a flesh. The huge palm thrown the body away and pumped it away again. However, another S4 zombie threw over.

The scattered plasma fluttered in the air, and the giant Wan Qiang scarlet eyes looked at the S-Type Zombie that rushed to him in the distance, panting, and the body more than ten meters tall was like a mountain, in every corner around him. There are incomplete corpses upside down. Every corpse dies extremely badly. There is no one who can fall into a whole corpse. Among the hundreds of corpses there are Tie Zhongyuan and hundreds of stunned big-headed men with stunned faces.

“Retreat…” Tie Zhongyuan yelled and retreated with more than a hundred flexible figures around them. When they retreated 300 meters, hundreds of S3 type zombie lined up and rushed to the side of Wan Qiang, one after another. The body rushed, but none of them attacked the Wan Qiang, but the Wan Qiang, which had fallen into a killing state, did not want to let them go. With a roar, the invisible air trembles like a rippled water level, covering all zombie within 400 meters around him, The next second, the invisible fluctuations made zombie burst their heads, just like a headless devil’s swaying jump, and then fell to the ground dead and injured.

Hundreds of zombie fell beside Wan Qiang, making his Wei’an figure full of mania and violent, Tie Zhongyuan no longer has the image of Yushu Lingfeng before, fluffy hair has not been washed for a few days, the unshaven beard looks like Reckless and rugged, and his **** clothes on his ragged clothes, even his sensible eyes are generally the only madness after Wan Qiang, and the only thing better than Wan Qiang is that he also knows to control his emotions.

“Say, where is your next hiding place…” Kneeling on Tie Zhongyuan is a Russian Old Beard. The ears on both sides of this Old Beard cheek are gone, only the upper half of the nose is left, and two blacks are left in the nostrils. The holes in the blood, the protruding bones were vaguely visible in the blood-red muscles, and the hollow eyes were numb. He did not respond much to Tie Zhongyuan’s inquiry.

The sluggish response of this invisible Russian did not cause the Tie Zhongyuan’s anger. The same bland and dull eyes kept watching this guy. Thirty seconds later, he waved to the surrounding big men and said, “Drag Eat it, change it over…”

Soon, more than a dozen instinct bragging guys surrounded this guy and ripped wildly. In the plasma splashing, this Russian Old Beard was eaten by corpses and a young Russian with a twisted and broken right arm from behind Pulling it over, Biao Han pulled his hair like a sack and slipped past the corpse’s side, looking at the large and small intestines accumulated on the ground and the liver and lungs and other internal organs. The young man with blood on his face was horrified. Roaring loudly, his empty eyes were a little more spiritual in his extreme terror, and tears flowed like a twisted tap.

“Where is the next stronghold?” Tie Zhongyuan still asks in plain and indifferent Russian. The young Russian who is crying in front of him is about seventeen or eighty years old. When Doomsday broke out, he was not an adult. Lost, the whole person fell into a trance state, did not respond to Tie Zhongyuan‘s inquiry, whispered softly, the right ear of the crying child suddenly fell off the side of the face pa fell to the ground, no one could see clearly what cut him off He didn’t even know that his ears were cut off, and he stared blankly at the ground. Tie Zhongyuan didn’t urge him. He turned to look at the Wan Qiang that was like a Titan giant in the zombie group.

Wan Qiang is getting stronger and stronger, putting aside the final restraint of human nature, arbitrarily sucking human blood, and finally breaking through the five-level limit, there is a world of destruction in his hands and throws, even the T95 tank can not open him Chest, the front armor of the main battle tank can’t stop Wan Qiang’s fist, but unfortunately, Wan Qiang’s sober time is getting shorter and shorter, and his temper is getting more and more irritable, and a little carelessness will drive him crazy, originally transformed by Wan Qiang. There are no fewer than a thousand people in the form of a big man, but now there are only less than a hundred people. Most of them are accidentally killed by Wan Qiang. Only the killing can satisfy Wan Qiang and let him get a moment of soberness.

Thirty seconds is enough for the eldest child to feel the pain of the split ear. He wailed on the ground and cried with tears. He was kicked by the Tie Zhongyuan who had come back, stepping on his heart, watching him startled Frightened and enlarged pupil Shen Sheng asked: “Where is the next stronghold?”

The elder child was tormenting his brain with tear-like pain, and he still ignored it. This time his nose was gone, and his nose felt the most sensitive. After the blood spurted out, he even screamed with pain. No, the exuded thoughts returned to his brain, looking up at the devil-like man in front of him.

“You have another chance, where is the next stronghold?” This time he heard the inquiry clearly and immediately shouted hoarsely: “In the subway, in the subway…”

The message of the Moscow Metro flashed in the mind of Tie Zhongyuan. The Moscow Metro is the second largest metro in the world. It was originally considered as a wartime refuge when it was built. It can accommodate four million people to avoid bombing or nuclear bomb explosions, of which there are countless The line, in addition to the secret subway line of the Kremlin, can be said that the Moscow subway itself is a huge maze with a radius of thousands of kilometers, and it is also the last refuge of the Moscow people.

“Kill him…” Tie Zhongyuan turned and left after getting the message~IndoMTL.com~ A group of crazy gangsters threw up, tearing the scared guy into pieces, just then, nearly a thousand The swarming S3 type zombie was killed by Wan Qiang. After no living creatures rushed into his sight, Wan Qiang suddenly woke up and the giant figure began to shrink. After he returned to a height of more than two meters, The two men carried the clothes to the naked Wan Qiang in front of him.

“The mice are hiding in the subway, I think, maybe they were there from the beginning. As long as the subway is cleaned up, the Russians’ last resistance against gathering place should be destroyed…”

Tie Zhongyuan looked at the Wan Qiang report with more emotions in his eyes. Wan Qiang picked up a water drum filled with water and poured it on his head. He washed away zombie and human blood and picked up a blanket around his waist. , Said a word roughly: “kill……”

“The Chinese found us and told me some news. At that time you were killing and there was no time to tell you…” Tie Zhongyuan hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the news to Wan Qiang. As for how Wan Qiang chooses him, he does not care. It is going to kill the subway.

Sea Race has started to go ashore. It won’t take long for Sea Race to appear all over the world. We are here too, and they want to ask you, what about Russian defense?”

After hearing the news, Wan Qiang didn’t care, and said sharply: “Don’t care about them, how much I come to kill, how much I kill, Sea Race is in the water, can it still fly from the sky?”

“What is that, my God…”

A scream interrupted the conversation between the two. Wan Qiang and Tie Zhongyuan looked at the captives behind, but they saw seven or eight captives looking at the sky in horror. Things were even more terrible, and then the pupils of Tie Zhongyuan suddenly enlarged, and three giant lotus leaves were slowly descending towards Moscow, each one as huge as a mountain…

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