Apocalypse Cockroach: 1270 Evolution or Ji Xiaocao

Chen Guandong is the Minister of the Mineral Machinery Department of Inner Mongolia and supervises the arsenal. It has the same status as Wang Le in Hubei. He and Xiao Lang are old partners. Most of the mechanical equipment of Inner Mongolia has been transformed by Xiao Lang. The purpose of the two people to come over is to prepare The construction of China’s air frigate factory, at least the assembly work will be completed here. In addition, Zhang Xiaoqiang also wants to develop an engine that really belongs to China. The engine is the heart of the aircraft.

After having a conversation with Zhang Xiaoqiang, the two strengthened their responsibilities and missions, and expressed their belief in Zhang Xiaoqiang that they had bowed to the death. After Zhang Xiaoqiang gave Chen Guandong the promise of 100% promotion to Evolution, he sent away drifting away. Chen Guandong left Xiao Lang alone.

Xiao Lang is not a true scientific Evolution. Compared with Epoch, there are endless new technologies and new equipment that can be mass-produced. The biggest feature of Xiao Lang is the maintenance of waste products, or turning waste into treasure, whether it is Epoch cracking gun It is still a new engine. After his optimization, it can improve the efficiency of 50% to 150%, so Zhang Xiaoqiang did not expect him to invent something, just need to make the existing things better. .

Xiao Lang is a smart person. After becoming a Evolution, he knows his ability will make him worry about food and clothing, but will also bring shackles and danger to himself. He is willing to be low-key and unwilling to be public, waiting for him to be accepted by Zhang Xiaoqiang Knowing that Zhang Xiaoqiang is the only force in the Inner Mongolia area, he took the initiative to jump out and confirm his value, and became a sweet bun that everyone loves. It is valued by Zhang Xiaoqiang and is one of the few people who can be remembered by Zhang Xiaoqiang.

His cleverness is not in vain. Zhang Xiaoqiang not only gave him the best treatment, but also provided unlimited amounts of fruits, vegetables and food that are beneficial to Evolution, and gave him a very valuable colloid at the time, making him the earliest improvement in the Inner Mongolia area. For Evolution capable, before, he could only optimize some simple weapons and equipment. There was no way for too complicated equipment, but now, even if he is given an alien spaceship, he can optimize it.

In the face of Zhang Xiaoqiang alone, Xiao Lang was still a little restrained and did not speak. Waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang to speak, he was a little nervous in silence. His right hand on the armrest of the chair kept touching and breathing a bit, Zhang Xiaoqiang habitually took out a cigarette and threw it to Xiao Lang. He also ordered it. La Jia often said casually: “I will give you a task alone. You are not allowed to talk to anyone about this task. After completion, I will Provide you with generous remuneration, can you do it?”

Xiao Lang looked up carefully at Zhang Xiaoqiang, swallowed a spit involuntarily, but all kinds of doubts flashed in his mind, Zhang Xiaoqiang needs him to do what he only needs to say, why should he cherish it so much? Without any hesitation, Xiao Lang nodded the first time, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled slightly, he was very satisfied with the knowledge of Xiao Lang.

“Zhou Jie told me that your ability to perform is uneven, the weapon equipment can be optimized at least 50%, and the highest can be optimized to 200%. I want to know, is there any trick?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang was inadvertently inquired. Xiao Lang‘s ability is very useful, but the jump of 50% to 200% is four times the difference. This difference is a little scary, only one frigate is left. Supernova bombs, ready to be used as the final killer. If the power of 50% is increased, the area covered by the explosion will increase by at least one-fifth, but if it is to be increased to 120%, at least 80% of the area will be increased. I believe Even the fastest mutant beast cannot escape from the explosion range, and even the God Throne warrior cannot be spared, so Zhang Xiaoqiang must figure out the trick.

After listening to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s inquiry, Xiao Lang suddenly became tense, and put his hands together between his legs, daring to raise his head, and whispered to defend: “Elder Brother Cockroach, it’s not that I’m using it for my ability There is a limit to the number of times. The larger the volume, the more difficult it is to modify the equipment. The smaller the number of equipment, the easier it is to transform. For example, if I modify the aircraft, a helicopter can barely increase by 10%. It takes a whole day, but if It only takes one hour to modify the engine, and improve the performance by 100%.

If I need to modify 20 engines a day, the efficiency can only be increased by 50% at most, but if there is only one engine, it can be increased to 150%, to 200%. Unexpectedly, unless my mental state is the best on that day, and only one equipment needs to be transformed, all the abilities can be achieved… “

The explanation of Xiao Lang made Zhang Xiaoqiang understand the truth. To put it bluntly, it is the relationship between quality and quantity, and it is linked to the mental state of Xiao Lang, but this has no problem with Zhang Xiaoqiang. He took out a crystal test tube and threw it to After Xiao Lang, the clear and bright test tube was filled with ten blood-red seeds, which was held in the hands of Xiao Lang, almost dyeing his palm red, looking at the test tube in his hand, he stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang with doubt.

“You help me transform the bomb for a moment. This is your reward. The blood in it is very precious. Only three can make an Ordinary people a Evolution person. There is no failure rate. Evolution people will improve their ability after eating. , You can leave a few for your own woman, and eat the rest. I think when you improve your ability, it should be no problem to tap 200% of the efficiency…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang rewards let Xiao Lang almost burst. As an Evolution, he doesn’t know the value of it. Although his level, he can definitely get Evolution matrix for his woman, but Evolution matrix doesn’t mean 100%. Safety, except for those who are eager to change their destiny Ordinary people, but all people with certain identities are reluctant to take risks, not to mention the ability to enhance the Evolution person, according to Zhang Xiaoqiang, he will definitely rise after eating the remaining seven blood species A position is especially rare for him.

“No…, no problem, I will be able to do it, at least guarantee two hundred percent efficiency…”

Send Xiao Lang, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat alone for a while, smoking a cigarette thinking about how to face Ellie Sha and his wives, this big mouth meowed me to sell him completely, although he has decided to Disconnected from her, but how to say that he is also a man, he can’t do anything when he puts on his trousers, and Yueya’er is okay to say that nothing has happened, don’t care about anything, but Ellie Sha…

Like the prisoner was sent to the execution ground, the entangled Zhang Xiaoqiang dragged the heavy steps slowly towards his room. The former presidential suite was his home in Yinchuan, but now, maybe it’s him Crucifixion.

As soon as I saw a cracked door, I heard a silver bell-like laughter coming from the room and found it was Zhao Mingyue’s laughter. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart was slightly lowered, at least the most hot tempered Zhao Mingyue is in a good mood now, maybe I can get through it?

Speed ​​up the pace and push open the door. Ji Xiaocao is standing in the center of the house performing a space drive. Two green and blue crystal-like fruits are wrapping around her head like they are holding The rope flicked, Zhang Xiaoqiang could clearly see that the fruit was suspended in the air. At first glance, even he was surprised, and then his face gloomed down. Ji Xiaocao was not a Evolution before, and there was no second rain for her to drink. Then there is only one possibility. Someone used Evolution matrix for her. Even 90% of the Evolution matrix is ​​not safe. I thought that Ji Xiaocao almost became zombie, making Zhang Xiaoqiang irritated.

Zhao Mingyue sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, looking at Xiao Cao with a conscientious smile, other women sitting around, besides his several wives, meow, Hong Fei, Xianghaier and Zhao Xiaobo Mao Yan All are there, Ellie Sha sat alone while panting, seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang coming in, suddenly stood up, embarrassed, wanted to speak, but didn’t know what to say

“Your daughter is good~IndoMTL.com~ Haha, she uses Psychic Power, just like me, I decided to let her be my apprentice……” Looking up to see Zhang Xiaoqiang coming in, Zhao Mingyue didn’t Asked him to ask Ellie Sha’s question, and put the topic on Ji Xiaocao. I can see that she is very satisfied with the grass. After all, Evolution who are as big as grass are rare, and they have the same ability as her. At Psychic Power In use, no Evolution in the world can surpass her.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t answer the call, didn’t even look at Zhao Mingyue, and quickly walked towards Ellie Sha, which made Zhao Mingyue‘s extremely beautiful eyes a bit cloudy.

pa……” At the moment when Zhao Mingyue was angry and ready to teach Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang slapped **** Ellie Sha’s face, making her hold her face in horror, and also let all the women in the house put down their hands Looking at it in surprise, Zhang Xiaoqiang is very generous to them, and sometimes even has no principled compromise, which makes them willing to follow Zhang Xiaoqiang, even if they share a man with others, this slap today breaks their common sense.

Ellie Sha looked at the Zhang Xiaoqiang with a bad look, and the whole body shivered, but tears came out in disappointment. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw her like this, and she felt sour in her heart. She didn’t meet for so long. It’s a bit excessive, but thinking that Ji Xiaocao was injected with Evolution matrix without being sensible, he couldn’t help getting angry. For Zhang Xiaoqiang, Ji Xiaocao is both his dry daughter and his family. In this cold Doomsday, All he cares about is his family.

“Don’t…, don’t hit your mother…” Ji Xiaocao screamed, threw away the suspended crystal fruit and ran between the two, holding Ellie Sha behind him, looking up at the tearful eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang Said.

“Who injected the Evolution matrix for her?” Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored the little thing underneath and looked at Ellie Sha with a weak tone.

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