Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,267 Our sky

The huge air frigate is like a whale flying in the sky, slowly heading to the other end of the Helan Mountains vein, and flying to the ancient town in the mountains, five small airships like ants are afraid of the surroundings, just like the ones surrounding the female swan It took less than an hour for the ugly duckling to traverse the Helan Mountains vein. The rigorously guarded ancient mountain town learned that Zhang Xiaoqiang had arrived and demolished the camp left by the previous Yinchuan military, leaving a large area of ​​open space to greet the frigate, but the frigate Suspended in the air for a long time without falling.

“What’s that…” Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the huge canopy covering the sky in the ancient mountain town with surprise.

The ancient town between the mountains is surrounded by mountains, like the stars holding the moon, and the area of ​​more than ten square kilometers feeds thousands of people to breed. Before the Yinchuan military found this, there are ancient centuries-old tile houses, such as green belts. The mountain fields of the skirt, and the gurgling rivers and rivers, but now, a huge canopy that is thousands of meters high and extends tens of thousands of square meters will cover the entire town firmly, and there are countless dragon teeth hidden shyly in it. Among the branches and leaves.

It is not the dragon fruit that amazed Zhang Xiaoqiang. Before he left, the dragon fruit grew to hundreds of a meter in height degrees. It was watered with hundreds of zombie corpse every day. It is not surprising that it can grow to the present. What really surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang was that at the end of the valley, a group of plants resembling pagodas occupied the vast valley sky.

This plant is weird and rugged, with thick trunk twists and twists, which are even more twisted than the giant tree in the center of the red algae, and each branch like a nineteen eighteen bend has a weird triangular thorn Like pagodas, these pagodas are all the same. From the base, there are prismatic scars within five meters, the smallest pagoda has five scars, and the largest has twelve scars. It is more than sixty meters long. The surface of the glass is smooth and has a wooden texture. The base has a diameter of at least twenty meters. If not all of these pagodas are crooked and skewed due to the twists and turns of the branches. It is a resort in the country of Buddha.

Roughly seen, this strange plant covering a few kilometers has at least hundreds of pagodas, and this is only the side facing the frigate. If you change the other directions, this number should be doubled. .

After the frigate landed in the open space of the military barracks, Zhang Xiaoqiang and his party came out and were greeted by hundreds of Evolution personnel and managers. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a rattlesnake in a wheelchair in the crowd, this seemingly rude Western mercenary Without the decadence he had imagined, on the contrary, this guy had a pretty good life. Behind him stood a pair of women in pink nurse uniforms. One was a traditional Oriental woman with a small man, long hair, small eyes, and a nose collapse. In the eyes of the Chinese, this is a popular girl who is not ugly, but in the eyes of Westerners, this is the standard Chinese beauty, and the other is a big ocean horse, with a height of 1.8 meters and a plump pair of big breasts. With her blue eyes and tall nose making her look like marble carving, the two women stood behind the rattlesnake with her eyebrows dazzled, making him very proud.

The poisonous scorpion and ghost are standing beside the rattlesnake. These two guys haven’t seen any blessing in a while. After seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, the woman beside the carrier nodded to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Most of the other people present didn’t know Zhang Xiaoqiang. A few of them are familiar with the name, but they see Taiwanese scientists Li Haiyun and Blood Regiment Li Zhongyue who are not used to foreign affairs.

Zhang Xiaoqiang shook hands with those excited leaders like inspection leaders, and a few women stood here lamenting the trees and plants in the distance. They didn’t know why Zhang Xiaoqiang chose the first stop here, but this was not People who prevented them from observing the heartfelt respect of Zhang Xiaoqiang here.

This used to be the meowing old nest. After she stood on the ground, she said to Hong Fei in a cute little suit: “It’s delicious, over there…”

At the moment of meowing the finger of the dragon tooth fruit tree, a residual image flew and flew more than a dozen Evolution people who were guarding around to rush towards the tree, another blink of an eye, the little Hong Fei had already sat on the branch of the tree and hugged the dragon Tooth eats…

“Boss, you are finally back. I feel moldy. Will your spaceship be a human being? Let me go up there and become an ordinary crew. My computer operation is not low, even if I am only responsible The radar search will do, and it’s too hard to die every day…”

The Western big man is in a wheelchair and complains to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Although here, any of his conditions will be met, whether it is a luxury or a woman, but he never has the opportunity to enter the battlefield. He was in his tenths when he was doing a career, and he was far from retiring. In front of other people, he could still pretend to be free and easy, but in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he showed his true side.

The ghost has always been like a statue at the door. When his companion made a request, he stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang, although he didn’t speak, he could also see that he was also begging, only Zhang Xiaoqiang was needed to get the rattlesnake on board, he and the poison The scorpion can really be freed, like a warrior in the battlefield.

“Alas, you have been wronged for more than a year, but the frigate will not accept you…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang categorically refused the request, letting all the hope on his face turn into despair, slamming his fist on the back of the wheelchair and begging pleadingly: “Can I get me back to the United States, I want to die At home…”

“No, you can walk back with your legs…” Zhang Xiaoqiang raised the corner of his mouth and took out a bottle of medicine wrapped in a titanium alloy shell from his pocket and put it in his hand.

“This is…” “This is something that keeps you from dying in a wheelchair…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood under the strange plant and felt like he was back to the bottom of the sea. The branches of the twigs were like twisting countless pythons twisting above his head. Standing under the tree, the light became dim and the rugged trunk On the top, the rough bark exploded into countless gaps, each of which meant that the growth of the big tree continued, and there were mountainous bark piled under the tree. These barks with a faint fragrance are extremely hard, even if they are adults Stepping on it is as tough as steel.

Li Haiyun accompanied by Zhang Xiaoqiang, looking up at the branches above his head and said nervously: “This is a miracle, a miracle that happened under my eyelids. It is hard to imagine that this plant can grow to the present level. “

When he walked to the arch-like huge roots and stroking the rough skin, there was a frenzy in his eyes, and he continued, “This is your seed, when you left that seed, Hundreds of zombie are cultivated every day, and they did not germinate until nine months ago. No one would have thought that the little bud could grow to the extent it is today. Do you know what it means?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang has never been silent. Li Haiyun whispering that going in and out in his ears is regarded as nonsense. What he cares about is the slightly hot meteorite fragment in his hand. This fragment made him experience two warm feelings. Although it is not greater than the change in Xiang Haier’s level upgrade, it also greatly strengthened his super-far sight and control of the flame. This kind of improvement is very slow, but it continues to rise in the accumulated savings over the course of three months. Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s skill is at least 50% higher than before, which makes him more valued about this meteorite, but now, the meteorite is actually hot, so that all his thoughts are placed on the stone.

“This is the greatest discovery of Doomsday. The material of this plant is more than any metal, and its firmness and fire resistance are even more than ceramic matrix composite materials. Even if it is used as a spout material for aerospace rockets, this is heaven. As long as the treasures given to mankind can be used, aerospace technology will be greatly improved, and the sky will be revived by China in the future…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang is still out of the sky, but the declaration of Li Haiyun was clearly heard by him, and he didn’t care. Li Haiyun himself said that this thing is still not available for the time being, but there are ready-made materials in his hands. As long as there is a steady stream of zombie, the sky will belong to him sooner or later.

“Dragon tooth fruit…” In the crisp and stern shout, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s shoulders sank, a little more body, and a half-bitten dragon tooth fruit was sent to the tip of Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s nose, but it was It was gnawed together with the belt and the skin of the sword that was difficult to hurt was like cream under the teeth of Little Loli, leaving a huge hole to make Zhang Xiaoqiang cry and laugh, but the food of Little Loli is her taboo except Zhang Xiaoqiang No one wants to **** food in her mouth.

Little Loli has been exposed twice by the light of the meteorite, it seems that wisdom has been developed, and some vocabulary has been learned intermittently, Zhang Xiaoqiang took the Longya fruit to say thank you~IndoMTL.com~ but heard little Lolita surprised ‘S cheers suddenly jumped from Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s shoulder to the twisted and coiled branches above his head and headed towards one of the pagodas, apparently treating the pagoda as a dragon tooth.

Little Loli’s power is strong, and the force on the shoulder of Zhang Xiaoqiang makes him move forward involuntarily. Before he falls, his hands are propped up against the roots of the ground. Before the palms touch the roots, the meteorite First contacting the root of the rough rice, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s hands were empty, and the meteorite was squeezed into the trunk. At this time, the ground suddenly shook, causing Li Haiyun to fall and sit on the ground and asked blankly: “What happened?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang had no time to say anything, screwed the collar of Li Haiyun, and ran to the distance. In the next second, a broken wood weighing thousands of pounds hit the place where they stood before, smashing the ground into a huge pit Hole, followed by more broken trees falling like raindrops to fall down, the ground of the whole valley was trembling violently, the giant tree that had grown countless pagodas seemed to be alive, slowly spreading branches, countless emerging The pagoda fell off the branches by itself, and fell to the ground. It seemed that the ice was dissolved, the ground burst out of countless huge roots, and the surrounding ground was turned upside down, and the hard land was twisted by the roots. Under the formation of overburden, some of the huge rocks were rolled out of the ground, and were crushed by dark roots.

The people who stayed in the ancient town ran out of the house in panic. These people were dizzy and did not know what happened. Fortunately, there was a huge air frigate at the barracks. This frigate like a road sign attracted them to flee. After they escaped from the town, the whole town collapsed and shattered under the winding of countless roots, and even the thousand-meter-long Longya Guoshu collapsed in a restless earthquake and fell to the ground like a giant. , And was crushed deeply by countless roots…

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