Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,263 internal problems

Walking through the crowd, Zhou Jie felt that Jiujiner was a little above, and he wanted to drink water with dry mouth. Before that, he had to find Tang Mengru.

Zhou Jie regretted that he had brought Tang Mengru over. He found three laps inside and out. There were many trips in and out of the women’s piles, and she didn’t go to the women’s toilet. The women were all family members of local officials in Hubei. Seeing that Zhou Jie, who was lingering around, mostly didn’t have a good complexion, if it wasn’t for Zhang Xiaoqiang today, they all shouted to teach this Dengzi, and naturally, Zhou Jie asked these women and did not fall.

Unsuccessful in finding people, Zhou Jie’s sweat turned into cold sweat. He found a place to sit down and grabbed the cigarette used for entertainment. He had not smoked for a long time and he was very uncomfortable. It felt like a long time before squinting his eyes spit out smoke.

“Where has it gone? She should know where it is…”

“Why is it so disobedient, is it easy for me? For her, I can take the risk of losing my reputation…”

“Did she find the man she loved? Bah, ah…, impossible, I paid so much for her…”

Various thoughts made him a mess of porridge. When the cigarette burned to his fingers in contemplation, two security personnel in full body Leather Armor approached him. One of them asked: “The week of the Inner Mongolia Executive Yuan Jie?” The two were arrogant and weak, looking at Zhou Jie as if they were interrogating the prisoner. Obviously, they did not care about the identity of Zhou Jie’s governing party.

Zhou Jie raised his head and found that both of them had the Evolution logo on their chests. Some of them stood up inexplicably. He knew the identity of these two people. The Cockroach base is a military powerhouse in Hubei, storing a lot of ammunition and The source of eclipse is also a maintenance ground for air frigates and transport ships. The **** work is all guarded by the most loyal soldiers. These soldiers were rescued by the virus during the battle with zombie. There is no lack of determination to fight. Thanks to the Evolution matrix of one million renaissance coins, this makes them the strongest supporters of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Zhang Xiaoqiang is willing to equip them with the best weapons and protective armor, all of which are high-level mutant beasts. Made of top-grade materials, even the S3 type zombie may not be able to be broken, and ordinary light weapons cannot be broken at all. Any set of outflows are the best products that hunters are willing to buy with tens of millions of renaissance coins.

It can be said that this unit is the most elite Evolution unit in the world, especially Epoch’s Silver Flower, tulip, and puppet warriors, not to mention the veterinary soldiers in the United States and the Evolution who are catalyzed by blood in the United Kingdom In addition, the seemingly expensive Evolution matrix and tens of millions of weapons and equipment on the outside seem to be expensive, but it is nothing for Zhang Xiaoqiang. Evolution matrix is ​​completely handed over to Zhang Xiaoqiang by the doctor, there is no patent fee, at most only The cost of less than one hundred thousand renaissance coins, and the materials of high-level mutant beasts are all monopolized, and the calculation is only a little processing cost. High-level mutant beasts are often huge, and they can equip hundreds of people in any one. Not as good as flesh and blood.

“I am, what’s the matter?” The long-standing Zhou Jie has a calm temperament that is not angry and not afraid of the dragon’s inner guard like other people, making these two people’s arrogant arrogance slightly converge. , One of them said softly: “Please come with us, the order is issued by Elder Brother Cockroach, don’t make it difficult for us…”

As soon as this remark came out, Zhou Jie secretly said: “It’s broken, Tang Mengru is bad…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang leaned on a wooden chair and closed his eyes to keep his spirits. I don’t know where the meow came from, grabbed the arm of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and shook and begged: “Why can’t you marry me, but that girl is not as pretty as I am. After five, it’s not a single one. Isn’t sixty-six Dashun in six together? Don’t you want to be lucky…”

“Goblin… Then, if I were to marry two more seven-star companion moons? While going, what’s the trouble with the children’s house? Didn’t you see that I was busy doing business?” Meow me in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang It’s still the dirty little thing that looks like a mud monkey. Sometimes the first side determines the impression. At least in the heart of Zhang Xiaoqiang, this little girl is not growing up. What does it look like when you first saw Yang Ke’er? It’s all there, even if it’s fried eggs.

Meow’s crisp voice is like a nightingale’s first cry, unspeakable good-natured and charming, so that the bones of the Zhang Huai’an standing on the side are crisp, he loves children most at this age, and always treats younger juniors As his own grandson, seeing Miao Miao’s stupid look, she could not help but say: “Elder Brother Cockroach, Miao Miao will be eighteen years old in two years. Are you willing to bargain with other people’s wild boys? …”

Only half of the words, the rest let Zhang Xiaoqiang guess, Zhang Huai’an has caused deep thoughts of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Miao Miao is undoubtedly the best Evolution, the strange ability even if it is against God Throne, it can be easily calculated with no intention Solve it, and be loyal to yourself. Put your mind on yourself. No one except me is in her eyes, but this does not mean that in the future. Before, there was a kid in Guangdong who wanted to meow. Abandoning the mountains and rivers, in case he really meets a right eye, wouldn’t he lose money if he was cheated?

“This matter is still two years later, and now Miao Miao is still small, and many things are not considered well…” Zhang Xiaoqiang did not refuse to accept, and the meaning of not refusing means not to object, which has always been a doggie. Zhang Huai’an heard the meaning of Zhang Xiaoqiang words at once, meows are getting more and more beautiful, and more and more eye-catching. Zhang Xiaoqiang is a nostalgia. Many times, it is not necessary to say so, and I don’t necessarily think so.

“I don’t want it. Didn’t you and Kerr make it three years ago? Why did you want me to wait two years before I didn’t do it…” Miao Miao is an impatient person, afraid she won’t get married. The Zhang Xiaoqiang is a promise. Little Loli sits on the walnut pile in the corner and squeezes the walnuts to eat while looking at the petite appearance of Yang Ke’er. It seems that this game is very fun. It sits on the back of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Holding Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s eyes and opening her mouth like a kitten whispered, “I want… I want…”

“Haha, Elder Brother Cockroach, you are really killing young and old…” Zhang Huai’an saw Hong Fei‘s cute and distressing touch, just wanted to hold her in her arms, but Zhang Xiaoqiang was nervous like Hong Fei He was upset by the playfulness. Although the little hand holding the eyes was as soft as dough, he knew that these little hands could also easily pull out his eyes.

At this time, Huang Quan entered the door and whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang: “Zhou Jie has been arrested and has not resisted. The arrested defender said that he was very cooperative and did not understand the situation…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the wild monkey-like Hong Fei off her arms and threw sugar cubes in her mouth and threw them to Zhang Huai’an. Zhang Huai’an had an old bone and instantly held the Hong Fei in his arms like an ace goalkeeper. An illusion, at the moment when his arms were folded, the little Hong Fei strangely disappeared from his front, and before appearing again in front of the heap of walnuts, while holding the sugar in his mouth, he squeezed the apple-size hard walnut.

“Surveillance him temporarily, and all the senior executives of Inner Mongolia. Before this happens, they must be guaranteed that they are within the control range. I hope this is just a list…”

Huang Quan was a bit hesitant to hear Zhang Xiaoqiang say this, and pondered for a while, “Will the grass catch the snake? In case…” Huang Quan is not opposed to monitoring the entire Inner Mongolia‘s top management, but is afraid to cause them to be alert. Inner Mongolia is on its own. The connection with Hubei is not close, and there is still a little trouble between the two sides. If there is no Zhang Xiaoqiang, Inner Mongolia may have been split long ago. Huang Quan has always thought that there is a hidden danger, so I have never really been assured of that.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sighed and said, “There is no such thing as a slap in the grass, I just want to beat them. I don’t believe they have any news about this problem~IndoMTL.com~ Zhou Xiong didn’t play a small report before and said there is a democratic alliance What is it? I think the root of this matter is here, even a small democratic alliance can’t get it done. Either Zhou Xiong is too incompetent, or there is shelter on it…”

The reason for asylum was not mentioned in Zhang Xiaoqiang. Huang Quan also guessed that the executives of Inner Mongolia had begun to question the order of Zhang Xiaoqiang, but the army supported Zhang Xiaoqiang, so there was a problem of military and political opposition, but no matter what the reason, it was calculated. Zhang Xiaoqiang is not so simple on the head, someone must be responsible for it.

“Then tomorrow’s representative. What about the conference?” Zhang Huai’an doesn’t think the issue of Inner Mongolia is so important. His eyes are always on Hubei. It is enough to manage Hubei and the surrounding areas, although Inner Mongolia is developing well. , But he didn’t want to stretch his hand that far.

“Continue to open, in addition, ready to receive Inner Mongolia government affairs, it is time to take back the rights of Inner Mongolia…” Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s words surprised Huang Quan and Zhang Huai’an, and then four words flashed in the head’Centralization ‘.

“No, Madame Zhao and Mrs. Kerr came over…” The door was pushed open again, and Old Ren Shi panicked in panic. When he saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, he said at first glance that Zhang Xiaoqiang was the least willing to listen. When the bad news arrived, the calmness of Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s strategic planning disappeared completely. After pushing away the meows at the side, he rushed to the bed and lay down. By the way: “They will give it to you…”

“Sleep…” Hong Fei screamed, the afterimage flashed, and came to Zhang Xiaoqiang, hugged the neck of Zhang Xiaoqiang, raised his little ass, buried his head in Zhang Xiaoqiang arms, and suddenly itchy his teeth when he saw meow. Before she was in trouble, the quarrel of Yang Ke’er and Zhao Mingyue came from the door. the next moment Huangquan Zhang Huai’an and Old Ren Shi all rushed out like other rooms, and ignored the previous orders of Zhang Xiaoqiang

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