Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,223 The Secret of Dicas

Three God Thrones, a little loli that is more powerful than God Throne. A melee is a shocking thing. Under the dark sky, most of the thermal weapons have failed. The war between God Throne is extremely dangerous, every minute and every second. The battlefield may be damaged, and the reason why Epoch and Genesis remain restrained after the split is that each God Throne is rich, because each God Throne has the ability to recover the city in theory. City means material, means wealth, It also means living space. The reason why Epoch can grow and grow from a family force to the world’s largest force. The residual force that suppresses the whole world in a full range is the myth of God Throne.

So the battle between God Throne is catastrophic, and it’s why Epoch will be tricky for China. Even if the Chinese **** their air frigate, they can only swallow their breath, because two God Thrones died in the hands of the Chinese. The only thing that can kill God Throne is God Throne, that is to say, China also has God Throne. Similarly, after the United Kingdom had Sofia, it only managed to maintain the integrity of Ireland, because Sofia’s strength is also God Throne. If it is hard, Epoch is at least To pay a God Throne funeral, this is absolutely unbearable loss.

But no one thought that under the circumstance of yin and yang, the war between God Throne was launched in Australia’s top secret research center. The three parties’ one battle made the terrain here changed, and all the planes left the ground to rise into the sky. Numerous vehicles were evacuated from the emergency channel of the research center, a building collapsed in the rising dust, and a sharp stone pillar of more than ten meters in length bloomed like flowers in the dust, and a huge ice dragon hit the countless stone pillars. Broken, and then smashed into countless flying debris, flying ice cubes in the air became countless ice crystal spears rushed down to a height of more than 100 meters, and the ground fell continuously, and the huge vibrations successively collapsed the ground, revealing strips The passage, the secret that will be buried underground is exposed, while Leger and Ke Siller have looked silly eyes.

Compared with Leger’s despair, Siller pays more attention to the whereabouts of Zhang Xiaoqiang. He can see that Zhang Xiaoqiang can retreat in the hands of Christina and Hardman God Throne, giving the impression that it is not a powerful warrior. It’s a slippery loach. Because the God Throne war caused many cameras to be destroyed, no one can see the real situation, so Siller aimed at Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang entered the last building area reached three In a huge warehouse of more than 1,000 square meters, everything becomes unknown. Obviously, the authority there has exceeded the authority of Leger. Leger’s authority is not low. Even the underground research institute and the core area monitor can master it. However, the monitoring device on the other side of the warehouse has no display screen, which shows that it is strictly guarded.

“Legger, what is hidden in it? Why is the security so strict? You can’t understand it with your authority…” Ke Siller knows that some things should not be asked, nor should he know, but he has been with Lei Gore is tied to a line. In other words, even if Leger wants to kill Klug, he has to be on his scalp. Because Leger is dead, he can’t live, so he wants to know more. something.

Legel’s trance, his expression changed quickly, sometimes sad, sometimes resentful, sometimes hesitant, just like an actor is practicing the stage expression, he heard a question from Ke Siller, and he laughed bitterly: “It’s really good Things are not in the underground core area, or, the most precious things for Klug are not there, do you know what he is thinking about every day? He wants to be an eternal life, wants to rejuvenate, wants to control the power forever until tired So far, perhaps in his mind, the whole world except himself is uninteresting, even the destruction is the same, so he cares so much about Dicas, because he has clues of xenogeneic variants, according to their research inference, Dicas has exceeded the limit of human beings many times. Whether it is power or speed, as well as resistance to external diseases are illogical, do you believe? She can even be immune to AIDS, and the speed of metabolism is just ordinary people’s One percent, do you know what this means? It means her lifespan may be ten times or one hundred times that of ordinary people.”

“Why do you want to let him out?” Hearing this secret Siller no longer entangles Dicas’ birth is a taboo, if you can crack the secret of immortality from her, its value will be uncountable, listen Here, Leger scratched his scalp anxiously and said: “No one can really control her, no one can force him, because of the relationship of the variant, she has a lot of hostility towards us, and her strength It’s too tough, even if you want to collect her blood, you have to wait for her to be injured. You can imagine how a Tyrannosaurus that doesn’t work with any anesthetic can obediently let you draw blood?”

G Siller thinks this is the biggest joke of Doomsday Ji, the most powerful force in the world, but can’t draw blood from a little girl, it needs to be designed so that she can be injured before she can start. M, let Dicas roll his face and ran out of his own, also need two God Throne and so many puppet fighters to arrest.

“What is that?” On one of the most marginal pictures, Little Loli’s humanoid beast was still embedded in the thick ice, with a hole in the middle, like a gray-faced sweet potato, Leger A glance, the pain on his face deepened involuntarily, groaned: “I said it’s a placenta and a cage, do you believe it?” Ke Siller was obviously puzzled, looking at Legger doubtfully was all doubt.

“When Dicas made a sound, this thing was on her. Later, after being stripped by the researcher, it was found that the material of this thing was between the variant and the human. To be precise, the thing was alive, It can grow on its own. Of course, it needs nutrient solution. At least tens of tons of nutrient solution can grow to such a large size. The blood can also be replaced. The effect is better than the nutrient solution. Maybe she is born to be the enemy of any living creature. Those scientists think that this placenta is only It is the key to xenogeneic variants. For this purpose, the DNA of the placenta was tested on Ordinary people. The total number of the test was 89. All of them failed. They all became variants, and this thing has a natural fit with Dicas. , Or her natural armor…”

After listening to Leger’s story, Ke Siller’s face changed again. He didn’t expect Dicas’ growth to be so high. This is unreasonable. When he was born, he was 100 times better than an adult’s physical fitness. There is also a natural biological armor, which is completely a legendary myth. What surprised him even more is that Epoch added a large number of limiting factors to this placenta, which could not reduce Dicas’ too much combat power. It’s just in its infancy, God knows what abilities Dicas will have when he grows up? Maybe twelve God Throne together are not her opponents, right?

“Actually, there are also differences among scientific researchers. Some people think that Dicas is the apex of the new human Evolution. As long as we can crack her generation principle, we can copy more xenogeneic variants, at least in some On the one hand, Decathlon is closer to humans, likes sweets, likes bathing, and likes soft music, but others think that Decathlon must be destroyed. Her strength may be beyond the world’s acceptance, cold and **** , Irritability, and even no human nature, if such heterogeneous variants appear in large numbers, I believe that the entire world is theirs~IndoMTL.com~In the old century, humans will die because of their appearance…”

Speaking here, Leger sighed for a long time. These are the absolute secrets of Epoch. He should not have told Siller, but he knew that the more things he told Siller, the more difficult it was to Siller. Betrayed himself, in addition to making him feel heavy psychological pressure, he also made his aversion to Klug a little bit, after all, as long as normal people know, a completely uncontrolled species like Dicas is a human The biggest threat.

KSiller can’t accept this fact. In his mind, the second possibility is more likely. It is said that the mother of Dicas was discovered. It has only been a little more than two years now. To the extent, if she was given two decades of growth time, wouldn’t she be able to destroy the world? Losing his soul, he walked to the sofa and sat down, kicked a few empty wine bottles, pulled out a cigarette, and looked at the blue smoke that lingered between his fingers, said deeply: “Is there only one Dicas?” There is only one in the world?”

Legel took a deep glance at Ke Siller. He didn’t want to hit him and said the focus of the problem. He hesitated to tell him the truth. After struggling for a while, he made up his mind to say: “Dicas appeared The odds are small, but not the only one. At least Epoch has more than one. Do you know where the source of the split between Epoch and Genesis is?”

G Siller raised his head sharply, sharp eyes pierced Leger, but his heart began to tremble. He found that anything leaked by Leger telling him would cause a shock of Epoch if it leaked a little. If these messages were reported by Epoch The lower middle class knows that it may cause a real split, and he doesn’t know if he should listen to the back words. If the things in front will make him imprisoned for life, the things in the back may make him panic all his life, because some things know The fewer people, the better.

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