Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,217 Super Defense System

PS: It’s 9.18 again. Some things still need to be kept in mind.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed in, he didn’t stay in a place for more than a second, and countless steel ball bullets tilted out of the muzzle of the endless core area. It can be said that he was endless without knowing what the core area is like. The rain of the bullets was almost crazy. The metal storm company in Australia before Doomsday had developed a multi-tube metal storm with a rate of fire of 1.6 million bullets per minute, and the bullets in front of it are no doubt that this has gradually The mature killer, Zhang Xiaoqiang guessed that he was facing a metal storm block, but what he did not guess was that this crazy block was only the lowest intensity shot, although there were at least thousands of bullets around him every second Flying, but let him have a certain time to avoid during the process of being hit. Know that even if a medium-strength attack is launched, I am afraid that he will be torn to pieces by countless bullets.

Continuously rolling, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally found out that all the bullets shot at him were bouncing bullets. Most of the bullets fired by the metal storm were fired at the innermost group of people. Tens of thousands of bullets were in front of that group of people. The formation of ink-like bullet rain is a real bullet rain. Countless bullet rains hit the transparent barrier in front of them. The barrier that is as fragile as a hymen twists and changes under the impact of countless bullet rains. The shape has never broken, and Kraya’s hood seems to have the same effect, but in the impact of dozens of millions of bullets per minute, the Evolution who used the ability to go to the point where the lamp is dry, and there are many corpses scattered around them. Obviously, this group of unknown attackers has suffered heavy losses here, otherwise the attack faced by Zhang Xiaoqiang is not just that guy, the Evolution who wanted to be killed by him is the retreat of this group of people, but did not expect to be wrong. .

The appearance of Zhang Xiaoqiang did not cause the idea of ​​both sides in the first time. Layers of rain hit the barrier with dense sparks. The flashing sparks illuminated the attackers and scattered the bombs around. Go, and the bullet rain that hit Zhang Xiaoqiang before is the rebound bomb that has less than half of its power. If it is not the case, I am afraid that he will not have the opportunity to survive. Seeing the surrounding environment at a glance, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not think of anything. Climbing to the wall, the concrete wall has a rough texture. Under the suction of the glove, the Zhang Xiaoqiang is firmly fixed. Relying on the friction of the sole, the Zhang Xiaoqiang climbs up like a gecko quickly, but for a while, he was at least delayed. Hundreds of warheads hit him, and his body was numb in a violent impact. Originally, he was wearing an officer’s standard individual equipment, from military uniforms to armor helmets. He was hit by a 7.62 mm caliber bullet 150 meters away intact. There will be no serious damage within 50 meters, but there is armor on the body, but not on the buttocks. Although the officer uniform is a set, the pants also have bulletproof functions, but the large amount of warheads can not be held, making him feel as if he has lost his **** forever.

Fortunately, he only got to the door and did not go deep. Fortunately, he did not cause the idea of ​​both sides. Fortunately, the attacker attracted the full attention of the metal storm. Zhang Xiaoqiang became an unattended ant, and this ant was using all his Struggling to climb the dome of more than twenty a meter in height. The dome is not as detailed as the one under construction. A hard steel beam flattened out the geometric frame of the forward and reverse triangles to support the force points on the dome, so even if the geological disaster caused the mountain to collapse I will not bury it here. After climbing a steel beam, Zhang Xiaoqiang breathed a sigh of relief. Numerous metal bullets rained down under him, and bouncing bullets were everywhere. Sparks, but compared to the following, the above is indeed a paradise, at least Zhang Xiaoqiang suffered more than 90% less indiscriminate disasters.

At that time, the group of attackers no longer works. The shield-like barrier is getting smaller and smaller. At the beginning, it is almost three meters long and wide. At the end, only half of it is left, and more than ten attackers fell three times. As for the previous three Evolution, they all became meat sauce mixed in the warheads. They all wore high-quality bulletproof vests that can continuously resist eleven bullets. It can be seen how powerful these metal warheads are, but these people are not stupid. Being beaten in place, the metal-paved floor is like one body. These Evolution people desperately chiseled the metal plate on the ground. They did not have the Zhang Xiaoqiang indestructible Firebird Scimitar, and only firearms and alloy knives. These things are thick. The metal bases up to 30 centimeters have limited power, but their speed and physical strength are keeping up, and it takes a long time to pry open the meter-wide floor.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang sneered involuntarily. This is a mountain rock structure. The outside surface is all this kind of almost connected rocks. No matter how wide the floor they dig, it’s the rock below. It was a dream to dig into the pit to hide. When he thought that these people were struggling to die, a tall figure was standing on the hole that was digged. The the next moment figure disappeared on the surface, and then the metal around the hole The bottom plate and the attackers all collapsed, leaving only a huge hole more than ten meters wide, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t see the bottom.

But this is just the beginning. Huge hills suddenly rose from the metal base plate, huge metal plates were lifted off by the mounds, and then the mound of plowed layers of metal plates rushed forward quickly Although the speed is about the same as the walking speed of ordinary people, is this underground? Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood what the woman’s ability is. This is an earth-based ability that travels underground. It is rare that she still moves with nearly ten Evolutions. According to her ability, I am afraid that this woman’s strength is not under God Throne.

The raised mound maximizes the counterattack of the core area. The core area is an oval cylinder with a length and width of more than 20 meters. The upper layer of the cylinder is lined with holes. There is no dead angle on the surface of the degree, and it will be attacked with the same intensity regardless of the direction in the past. Numerous bullets are ejected from these holes. Such holes are densely scattered, and only the rocky mountain under the metal floor is the only one The dead end is because above the ten a meter in height cylinders, a three-packed launcher spreading 360 degrees is strictly guarded against the sky. Once attacked, the sky will also be covered by metal warheads.

It was precisely after seeing these launchers that Zhang Xiaoqiang stayed in place without moving. The corners of the steel beams were full of sensors. Even if he could find out the location of those things, he couldn’t get around. The mounds arched underground had already When the core area is less than ten meters, the launch port is fired with maximum firepower at no cost. Even the metal plate on the top of the mound is split and split in the collision of countless sparks. It was thought that the core will be easily After breaking through, the ground suddenly vibrated, the next moment‘s metal plate in front of the mound suddenly deformed and cracked, revealing the dense steel pillars below. Obviously Epoch also arranged the ground just in case.

After the attacker was stopped, he did not give up. The countless gravel fragments that had broken under the metal plate that had been arched suddenly rose up to form a gravel long sword pointing directly at the dome. The swords fuse together in a blink of an eye, and there are no more cracks and protrusions like elaborate carvings. The the next moment stone sword, which is more than 30 meters long, slammed down under the collision of countless warheads, only heard a loud noise, and fell The giant stone sword in the cylindrical building shattered into pieces, turned into countless broken stones, and fell down, and a second collision was made underground, causing the whole sky to shake around, and some loose stones on the dome. It rained like rain and hit the steel beam as a noise.

The stones falling above are only a few. The stones flying by the boulder sword are not much worse than those from the metal storm. Zhang Xiaoqiang only had time to raise his arm to block the helmet mask, and he felt countless gravel hit his body, but he didn’t care about him. Painful, quickly put down your arm and saw the meter-length gap cut out of the cylinder at a glance. The metal storm launcher was not damaged much, but the triple-mounted metal storm launcher arranged in 360 degrees was damaged. After three or five, leaving a small air raid, this was not the most exciting thing for him. The flying stones hit the steel beam and destroyed many sensors. These things are very sensitive, and a signal will send a signal when they collide. The dark steel beams were shining everywhere, but they were not attacked by metal storms and rain.

The opportunity Zhang Xiaoqiang sprang out without thinking, he was afraid that the opportunity would be fleeting. The sensor has two functions of thermal sensing and vibration sensing, but if any one is triggered, the other will be ignored. Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to fish in muddy water, just found the dead hole of Epoch defense. You should know that the vibration sensor can be ignored because the stone sword collapses. If it is thermal sensor, I am afraid that all the air-to-air metal storms will erupt in full range.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not dusty, jumps quickly between the steel beams, the speed is very fast, the foot is extremely accurate, like a ghost image quickly passed over the cylinder, just then, twelve lasers suddenly rose into the air and swept, The metal storm also fired one after another. After seeing the laser and metal projectile projectiles, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s horrified hair stood up against the helmet. In the air, he could not dodge. He could only hope that the metal storm that was previously destroyed by the giant stone sword was true Of invalid.

The thought flashed, and I saw that the destroyed triple emitter suddenly burst into electricity, and then the whole burst, revealing countless messy threads, and the laser emitter that swept toward Zhang Xiaoqiang was also exploded because of that accident. Destroyed nearly half of the number. The laser transmitter is very fragile. The flying debris can be invalidated only by a slight collision. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know that the ancestor was on duty today, even blessing his most successful descendant of the Zhang family.

The deadly threat was cleared. At the moment when the distance of 30 meters was reached, the flying firebird scimitar swept away the remaining metal storm and laser emission port, when he fell lightly to the cylindrical building to stare After that, before he was relieved, he jumped up like a cat whose tail was guessed. The metal storm that had been destroyed before disappeared, and a new triple launcher was rising. If he hesitated a little, These things will spray countless projectiles at close range.

After Firebird Scimitar solved these things again~IndoMTL.com~Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated, the defense system built by Epoch is very complete, it is already so terrible outside, if you enter into it and encounter something he is not familiar with, it will cause this What to do if the gadget explodes? At that time, he could not escape with nine lives. At this time, the danger prediction came again. Zhang Xiaoqiang only had time to slam his body, and he heard a loud noise from behind him again, and the new stone sword shattered and flew again. The stone swept across his back, and the helmet on the back of the head was knocked. The impact made him dizzy, but he was controlled by his desire to lie down and rest. Dizzy crawled up and looked behind him, before he was cut. The opening gap has tripled, and some cables have also protruded from the broken steel. The flashing electric flowers collide with each other and emit a beating arc. It can be seen that the power of the stone sword is not small.

Seeing this gap, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly had a thought in his head, maybe he and the attackers could unite? At this moment, there was a huge shock under my feet, which made Zhang Xiaoqiang unable to stand and sit on the floor, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang sat magically turned 180 degrees, and the huge gap also turned with him. Previously, the gap was in the direction of the attacker, but now it is in the opposite direction. Zhang Xiaoqiang stared blankly at the gap in the changed direction and gave birth to a weird idea. The cylinder underneath is round, and the edge is calculated using a pi of 3.14159 If it is long, even if the attacker’s stone sword can launch a hundred times, it will not be able to split the face armor. No wonder the Epoch needs to be designed in this way, destroying one side of the defense and the rifle, as long as you change the other side. , I am afraid that the attack power and ammunition volume will be restored to the strongest peak immediately, that is to say, the attacker will be suffering…, between the flashes of thought, the dense gunshots can no longer be separated, just like The waterfall is pouring in general, resounding through the entire space, and also causing the Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s eardrum to suffer a huge roar.

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