Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,215 3rd party attackers

The aftermath of the supernova explosion is very serious, but only the previous wreckage was destroyed in the place where the original bomb exploded. There are also humanoid beasts that are recovering. The diffused light instantly hits the rock wall of the canyon mouth, layers of rock walls It looks like a thousand-layer cake is spreading out, a lot of rocks are scattered in the halo, the the next moment tens of meters wide canyon is enlarged by one third of the area, a small supernova bomb is comparable to ten miniature supernova bombs, Obviously Epoch has overcome the equivalent problem of supernova bombs.

The ground within a few thousand kilometers is like a cleaned ice hockey rink, and the dust is completely disappeared in the halo. When all of this is captured by the restored camera, most of them flashed everything. The thought of the end, the helicopter that dropped the bomb kept landing, the open weapon launch was ready for another supernova bomb, and the pilot maneuvering the aircraft shouted with his head in his arms: “Who told me what happened? Son? Isn’t God maneuvering the helicopter?” Then he fell into a fireball with the plane.

The sawtooth knife that cut down the plane was pulled back by the tentacles like **** ribbons. I don’t know when I reached the little loli above the cliff and watched the falling helicopter suddenly charge. This time, I was sprinting towards the research center. The man-made fierce beast that has been manipulated has evaporated by a third, leaving only half of the upper body, losing his arms forever, like a headless corpse.

Human-shaped beasts can no longer maintain the shape of the human body. Countless long or short tentacles are like weeds. The position of both arms is replaced by elongated tentacles. Two serrated knives are in the hands of tentacles. , The flying little Lolita was like a rocket launching, and blinked to the bottom of the mountain through the ground flattened by the supernova until it reached the parking lot. Just after entering, more than ten giant transport vehicles more than 20 meters long were all flying. The serrated knife was twisted into pieces, and the debris that exploded again and again detonated the war. The **** slain **** deceased numbly launched a counterattack to Little Loli, but in the next moment, more than ten tentacles are like a web of scavenging prototype games Open, penetrating more than ten **** war dead, blood was sucked along the tentacles, and a surge of blood flowed along the tentacles into the body of the broken humanoid beast…

“Hoo… How can this group of **** smashed in the head fire a supernova bomb at Dicas? I have a hundred ways to kill her, but she must survive to get the most benefit, The task of shit, the score of shit…” Leger stood in the monitoring room and scolded loudly, but his face calmed down, because the image of Dicas appeared on the reality screen again, as long as Dicas Still alive, nothing counted. When he saw Dicas absorbing the blood of the deceased, he immediately frowned, immediately grabbed the communicator and yelled, “Temporarily cease the fire and release a hundred **** war dead, let them attack Di empty-handedly. Cass…, will be heavy casualties? Shit…, don’t I know? Dicas almost died, the command of the Speaker is live capture, intact live capture, even if her armor is scratched, the Speaker will Grab your head and give me an order…” After talking about holding up the communicator, I was about to fall on the ground to vent the evil fire in my heart. Fortunately, Siller grabbed it and did not let them temporarily lose contact with the institute. .

the next moment, hundreds of dead men rushed from all over to rush to Dicas, but when approached, they were successively pierced by tentacles and half lifted off the ground. These **** war dead had no pain, no weakness after blood loss As if the captured insect was biting wildly on the tentacles, with the passage of time, they all turned into deflated balloons and were thrown out violently.

Dickas’s human beast was injured so badly that the blood of a hundred people had just repaired her body, her arms and head had not yet grown, but this was enough for her to exert 80% of her ability, she threw it away After the dried body continued to charge forward, dozens of small black spots scrambled to fall side by side, dozens of sparkling fireballs exploded, bursting out of rolling smoke, and flying shrapnel splashed in the smoke , Little Loli was also blown out by this huge explosion shock wave, and then from the sky, the alloy net covered the little Loli. She struggled frantically and wanted to leave this soft net, and countless **** deaths The soldiers came out from all kinds of swarms and pulled the wire mesh. Little Loli’s great power twisted and deformed this big mesh, and it was madly surging. Hundreds of **** dead soldiers could not control the big mesh with their best efforts. The traction of the belt was slanted, but the number of **** warriors was endless. Eventually, the big net was controlled, and the little loli was wrapped like a dumpling.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked in the **** spreading road, these days of rushing, made his military boots wrinkled like old pickles that had been backed up for an unknown amount of time, the original high-quality soles were also worn, and the uppers were fried Disconnected, revealing a few toes that were uncomfortable in the viscous blood. The greasy touch made him wish to activate the ability to dry all the blood. With so much blood, he raised his vigilance to the extreme. He did not know this strange What happened in the base, there were so many corpses?

A corpse wearing a Epoch military uniform accumulates in the blood. These corpses will always have only one wound. The aorta is cut, allowing them to eject three-quarters of the blood in the body. There are many guns scattered in the blood. The guns were not loaded. Obviously, the attackers came suddenly, and suddenly until most people died, they did not know how to die.

Various electronic devices are still running. Under the lights, these machines are all painted bright red by blood water, and the blood water is sprayed evenly. It is almost a full range of spray, just like a paint spray gun spraying these devices. The red paint is slightly better on the surrounding walls, and the blood flow in a diffuse shape leaves countless winding blood grooves on the snow-white walls, and at least the white foundation can be seen.

The **** smell in the air makes this place feel like a **** on earth. If you change to Ordinary people, you will definitely be scared and mad here, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not Ordinary people. He moved in the blood, and the blood brought by his footsteps clashed, except It made him feel uncomfortable except toe uncomfortable. His rounded eyes did not let go of any corner. The warm handle of the firebird machete made his palm sweat slightly, and he could feel the handle more delicately. The skeletal pattern on the upper part, when he walked into the hall for nearly half, the suspended heart was slightly lowered. There were a total of thirty-seven corpses, there was no living person, and each corpse was cut with a carotid artery, at least excluding someone Assaulted in the middle of the body.

The corpse is much more lovely than the living one. At least the corpse will not attack the Zhang Xiaoqiang. After seeing the corpse, he turned his attention to other objects, and finally found the most wanted in an officer’s dormitory Things, a pair of high-top military boots, and the feeling of uncomfortable toes soaked in blood made him tangled for a long time. When he saw the leather shoes in the shoe cabinet, he stepped forward and took it off, so that the bed was carefully looked at, and then he looked again The Epoch officer uniform in the closet never disliked the Zhang Xiaoqiang in this military uniform. His own military uniform has become a cloth strip, and then the officer’s combat equipment and command combat helmet were found in the closet. There are two submachine guns and one G36 rifle.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took off his clothes full of mud and sweat, and changed it from top to bottom. When he put on his helmet, he suddenly became a regular Epoch elite soldier who could no longer be regular. G36 rifle. In this narrow environment, the submachine gun has a greater role. If it is in a wide environment, the firebird scimitar has a greater effect than the rifle, so Zhang Xiaoqiang walked out of the dorm and MP7 with one hand and searched forward. .

Blood water is not all flowing out of thirty-seven corpses. The tunnels dug out in the mountains cannot be the foundation of a uniform horizontal line. Here is the lower level of the tunnels. Blood water from other places also gathers , Zhang Xiaoqiang has been walking along the slightly shallower river of blood. This time, he did not stay in any space. These spaces have no breathing creatures except the dead, but there are already signs of resistance. Although the dead are still It is a soldier of Epoch, but it is not limited to cutting the roar. Many people were killed by their own random guns, and some people were unlucky. They were killed by their own guns for a while and were cut off by mysterious attackers. In the throat, a part of the equipment was destroyed by bullets, sparkling like a firework spark, and the walls were full of bullet holes, making this dead death a little different.

On the way, Zhang Xiaoqiang counted the corpses, from the first thirty-seven to one hundred and thirty, and to the land in front of his three hundred and twenty-one. It can be said that the army stationed here destroyed a battalion~IndoMTL .com~Epoch‘s army configuration is not fixed, the elite soldiers never exceed 3,000, plus the servant army is less than 5,000, just like the ninth army attacking Hubei that day, the elite soldiers are less than 1,800. If this is the case, perhaps the defenders stationed here have all died.

Stopping is not Zhang Xiaoqiang. The number of casualties in a battalion is scary. It is he who finally saw the first living person, a man of Latin American descent, about thirty years old, wearing a red dyed white coat and a large blockbuster The blood splashed from top to bottom covered the white coat with plum-like blood spots, but the source of the sprayed blood was closed, and earthworm-like scars were formed. At this time, the healing of the scars was not over. In the mouth, the flesh is still creeping. Obviously, this is a Evolution, and his ability is very similar to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Both are relatively rare self-healing accelerations. This man also has the side effects of self-healing acceleration. What is he looking at? Things are the eyes of a starved ghost reborn, and he keeps feeding the blood under his hand to his mouth. If he has the strength, he may directly swallow the corpse.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked down to squat in front of this guy, letting his eager eyes look over. There was no food in Zhang Xiaoqiang’s hands, and it was impossible to feed him. He glanced at him, and he reached out and took off the researcher’s badge. When I came down to see the various foreign languages ​​he didn’t know, he suddenly got a headache. At this time, he remembered that this is not China…

“Give me food…, I want to eat…” The injured man grabbed Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s arm and thirsty, Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally couldn’t understand his language, and was about to pull out his arm, the hair on his body suddenly stood up When he got up, he slammed forward, throwing the man who grabbed him into a team of cardboard boxes, and there were a few unobservable sounds in the air of the next moment, just where he stopped before, a cold flash of light, Immediately disappeared…

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