Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,210 Delia

“Eros, why no one understands me? I hope that the world will no longer have wars, no differences, everyone can live in the sun equally, free from poverty, disease , Sadness, and despair, but why would Uncle Klug object?”

Qing Li resembles Huang Ying’s words echoing in the room. The early morning sunlight renders the room’s light clear and bright, with warm warmth but not too hot, and the lazy girl lying on the bright yellow sofa, The snow-footed feet shone in a bright light with a healthy luster. Pink nails had no decoration, but they were more eye-catching than the most conspicuous nail polish. The pink and white legs had sharp curves and exquisite ankles. Until the full and strong calf is full of youthful vitality, the part above the knee will evolve into the thrilling that most men’s nose will be heated, the thighs merged together are round and crystal, just like the elaborate carving of the finest white jade, but yet again There is an extreme temptation that makes people feel excited, and he can’t hold it in his arms and play with it carefully.

Black is a popular color that never fades. The black narrow skirt will cover the most mysterious and most attractive private garden, but it is more inspiring than the intuitive display. This narrow dress with Epoch officer uniform style and snow white The delicate thighs complement each other, giving a shocking visual conflict, and making the legs of the girl more attractive and fascinating. The hidden mysterious pattern shines in the narrow skirt with the change of light, and the above is The girl’s sturdy flat abdomen, Western girls’ waists are not slim, but they have alternative wildness and elasticity. From the abdomen to the chest is a beautiful landscape. The most beautiful scenery is the whiteness of the girl’s chest. The girl is not a cow. The chest The right grip is just like a newborn bud, and the delicate and delicate lock makes her youthful and lively a little bit more unclear and ambiguous, not to mention her flawless face like the elaborate design of an art master.

The girl with blue eyes and beautiful face has an indescribable charm. It has nothing to do with style and temptation. The scattered blonde hair is naughty and curled in her ears. The slender eyebrows are less euphemistic, more It’s a bit rigid, making her look maverick, with absolute self-confidence and perseverance, and her blue eyes reveal pureness and mystery, so she can’t help but want to explore the secrets with all her heart, the little girl sullen Lazy lying on the sofa looks fresh and cute, but the big man standing at the door looks very respectful. This big man is like a giant blocking the whole door, as if he is a door panel itself. The door frame more than two meters high just wipes his short hair. The burly and powerful man has a fierce and dangerous atmosphere, which is like a vortex that slowly swirls around him, like a grinding disc that can crush everything, but at this time, this ugly and vicious man seems to be The kitten that has constricted its teeth, willingly listened to the little girl with a coquettish complaint, and the gray and ruthless eyes did not make people irritable and irritable, but instead passed on the tenderness like a father, the little girl in front of him was His most important treasure.

He is the most powerful fighter of Genesis, Eos. The girl who complained in front of him was the leader of the Epoch American Expeditionary Force, Delia. Rhein. Delia originally inherited the family wealth left by her father. After the demise of the Third Reich, it still maintained an unfathomable influence with the financial family of Rhein. Their core strength is the technology that leads the times, the total of World War I and World War II. With their flashing figures, their mystery has been unheard of by most people, and nearly half of the famous Junker consortium is their cover family, like a dragon that hovered in the deepest part of the abyss, with profound influence. It is unknown.

At the same time, the Rhine family is also a family of lunatics, because they always have crazy ideas, they have studied various possible and impossible topics, religion, philosophy, biology, electronics, materials, whether it is humans It’s irrelevant, it’s all within the scope of their research. They have extremely keen insight into anything, so they are always one step ahead of others to discover the truth, and also reserve a wealth of knowledge for the Rhine family. And talents, it can be said that most of the top laboratories in the world have their shadows, mastering technology and mastering wealth, this sentence is their perfect portrayal in the previous life.

The mystery of the Rhine family is much more than that. They began to accumulate power from the dark period of the Middle Ages, helping the king at that time to suppress the theocracy above all others, creating a precedent in the Renaissance, from then on, they were destined to go On a very different path from other nobles, after countless nobility and the glory of their ancestors, the Rhein family has become one of the most mysterious and powerful forces of all time. They have a layout all over the world, just because they It’s a lunatic who is ahead of the times.

The father of Delia, Kelheim is a lunatic among lunatics. He is an extreme scientist and an extreme mystic. He is studying the Doomsday trial all at once, because they master more than ordinary scientists. There is a lot of evidence of great destruction. Through the study of historical and geographical changes, he has a general research direction on the reincarnation of the whole world. He believes that the world’s destruction is not groundless. Similarly, after his determination, he is full of imagination about the world after the destruction. .

Kelheim has been preparing for a catastrophe all his life, and the 2012 World Destruction was first disseminated by him. Its purpose was to give the world humanity after the destruction a chance to survive, and he also In preparation for Doomsday, compared to the United States, the Rhein family is much more comprehensively prepared. At the time of the economic crisis in 2009, Rheinland acquired a large amount of various materials and raw materials, raising the price of goods worldwide, but this kind of acquisition It was done through separate and even competing subordinate companies, so they did not surface. Similarly, the latest generation of mourner helicopters manufactured by the Rhein family family for the United States were not delivered after the manufacturing was completed. The same is true, the purpose is to use the US military deposit to complete the preparation of the Rhine family, so after the outbreak of the top virus, the world has been stunned, but the Rhine family has retained most of the power and can initiate the action in the first place The only thing I didn’t expect was that the virus broke out according to the physical state and age of human beings. The father of Delia happened to belong to the mortal crowd with poor physical fitness and old age. After he was imprisoned forever as zombie, the Rhine family’s Everything is inherited by Kelheim’s only bloodline, Delia.

Under the influence of his father, Delia was eager to build a perfect world since he was a child. At the same time, all members of the Rhine family were extremely disgusted with Catholicism. It was Catholicism that made the entire medieval Europe away from civilization and change. Feeling numb and stupid, not to mention that thousands of heretics were burned to death in religious tribunals during the general cleansing, and these people are often outstanding figures in all aspects, or they are not willing to be swayed by religion. Characters, unfortunately, many of the Rhine family are just such people.

In order to hate Catholicism, they also hate the Jews who are the source of the Catholic Church. They think that it is the Jewish talents who spread this religion that stifles the future of humanity. So they launched Jews around the world through various influences. Cleansing incidents, the causes of these incidents always have the shadow of the Rhine family. The most famous cleansing was the shocking massacre launched by the Hitlers supported by the Rhine family during World War II. Unfortunately, a family and a country cannot resist the entire world. The trend, so the Third Reich was destroyed, Germany was divided, and the Rhine family was badly hurt, and fell into a dormant period for a long time, but the United States really grew up and became a well-deserved rule maker in the world. It was deeply hated by the Rhine family, because a large part of American technology was plundered from Germany, and relatively speaking, it was also plundered from the Rhine family.

This is the real purpose of Delia‘s appearance in the Americas. The first thing she did after restructuring the Rhine family into Epoch was not to clean up the European zombie, but to capture the hope of Americans’ revival. If it were not for the Americans to react too fast , I believe she has already dismembered and annexed the forces of the entire United States, but now…, the European headquarters betrayed, Epoch‘s largest manufacturing center and raw material base Australia has turned to the veteran council, and they can only occupy the Great Lakes area and confront the Americans, although More than two million Americans are also included, but these people cannot be combatants. Once the European support is cut off, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the United States continues to prepare to fight back.

Eos listened to the complaints of Delia silently. His unchanging expression was like a carved rock, but his gray pupils had not changed, but his mind was calculating wildly because of the girls’ complaints: ” One step ~IndoMTL.com~ killed Kluger to take back control of the European headquarters. The second step was to clean up the remaining power of the Americans and occupy the entire United States. The US military’s regular troops on the east coast were basically cleared. The central region was still fighting repeatedly and had recovered After Detroit, the operation of a series of factories for the production of steel, instruments, plastics, glass and tires, engines and other parts is restored. The foundation of aircraft and tank manufacturing, chemical and metal processing left in the past is still there, as long as it returns to normal levels. Produce a small amount of high-end weapons such as tanks and aircraft, as well as recaptured eastern military bases, at least 120 armed helicopters and transport aircraft, and a large number of enemy missiles and air defense weapons…”

In reverie, Delia turned his head to see Eos looking distracted, and was immediately dissatisfied, shouting with a narrow mouth: “Eos, you didn’t listen to me talking again? You said you are the most powerful God Throne, Even the Naga who got the promotion of Evolution was defeated by you. Why can’t you be serious? Even if you pretend…”

The girl’s lasciviousness made Eos’s face red, and there was a little helplessness in his eyes. He was the worst at words, but he was the guardian of the most distressed girl. His fierce breath spread suddenly and formed a circle. The invisible vortex twisted all the light snacks, toys, paper, and CDs into pieces, like Hong Zhong said: “Miss let me do what I say, I will say what I see, if I don’t like it, I will kill who… .”

Eos was so fierce but couldn’t frighten Delia. She stared at countless dolls and snacks with shredded flying debris, and the wallpapers with cute cartoons detached from the wall and spun off to the side of Eos. Crack, the most beloved comic book also fluttered with wings, and could not help but screamed: “Kya!!! See what you have done……, my snacks, my books, my room …”

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