Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,205 landing in Australia

Zhang Xiaoqiang arrived in East Timor exactly that night. During the day he slept for a whole day. When he opened his eyes again, it was a starry night. Then he found something wrong. Before that, little Loli carried him smoothly, but always Shaking slightly, like a cradle, now that he has completely stopped, he feels uncomfortable. He feels that his limbs are numb because of long periods of inactivity. Zhang Xiaoqiang untie the cane and jump down. Only then found that little Loli Standing on top of a mountain, it is slightly better than the dense jungle in Sulawesi before. Under the sky of the moon, you can see the mountains where the peaks and mountains gather in the distance.

The mountains here are far less than the mountains in the middle of Sulawesi. Instead, they resemble hilly landforms. Let Zhang Xiaoqiang recognize at a glance that this is probably another island. He doesn’t know exactly where he is. To be precise, he has been I didn’t know that I got there, and the reason for letting Loli stop was to look at the sea. At the place where Loli was looking, the black pressure of the sea water surged up and down, and the sound of the roar of the waves came faintly, cloudy tonight, moon It’s just that the clouds are looming, and it is quite dangerous to walk at night on such a night. Zhang Xiaoqiang deflated his mouth involuntarily and turned his head to look at the surrounding environment. Little Loli was thinking about it only in her own mind.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang was twisted up and thrown back behind Little Loli, and then Little Loli flew out like a mad rabbit, and her dexterous figure jumped fast on the mountain peak, every jump made thirty or fifty M, a few blinks and it was thousands of kilometers away. Zhang Xiaoqiang was almost thrown out several times. Obviously, Little Loli broke out with an unprecedented impulse and increased the speed to the maximum.

This time Zhang Xiaoqiang felt like he was sitting on the high-speed rail, or the kind sitting on the roof of the car. The wind screamed, and the huge air waves rolled up almost suspended him. It can be seen how fast the little loli reached. I don’t know. After a few minutes, they reached the surface of the sea, without the obstacles of the terrain. Little Loli’s speed increased again, and all the hair of Zhang Xiaoqiang was erected. Like the spear of 90°, it formed a diagonally long arrow. The sound of the wind made his head hit like a hammer, and the chick kept pressing down like a peck of rice, and at the moment when he bowed his head, he could see the roaring white spray forming a giant python-like water wave behind Little Loli. .

Little Loli’s state at this time is obviously wrong, and Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t know what is going on. He can only grab Little Loli’s neck as much as possible to avoid the sea breeze blowing himself out. When he struggles with the sea breeze, The whole night has become long, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels that he is not climbing on Little Loli, but climbing on the jet plane. The whistling wind blows away the basket made of wood and rattan under him. The carrying backpack and firearms were blown away, if the Firebird Scimitar had been in his arms, saying that it would disappear with the backpack on the sea. This is a kind of alternative torture. Zhang Xiaoqiang fights the sea breeze until the first ray of early morning The light is coming, the distant coastline is looming…

Little Loli didn’t know that her impulse almost turned Zhang Xiaoqiang into air-dried bacon. When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the coastline, she almost cried out, but she didn’t even have the power to moan at this time, but she looked numbly into the distance. The coastline, waiting for the end of the final journey, a full eight hours of struggle, this is still based on the speed of the small loli increased by 50%, if at the usual speed, they must run at least twelve hours, the most critical The point is that he can’t stay above the sea, and he doesn’t even have the time to go to the toilet.

It didn’t take long, just a few dozen kilometers away. Little Loli rushed into a harbor on the coastline with Zhang Xiaoqiang. Just entered, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a large number of man-made buildings and dock facilities. It is everywhere in Southeast Asia. The landscape of the jungle is quite different. There are not too many greens in the distant cities, only the decayed damage and the faint black.

This is Darwin, Australia, and the most important port city for the evacuation of Asian population from Epoch. Before Doomsday lived a population of 100,000, but first… Zhang Xiaoqiang saw many capsized giant ships, most of which were immersed in Underwater, only corroded antennas and flagpoles are exposed, and the sunken ships in many places are superimposed, even higher than the horizontal line, and the dark abdomen of many ships is also exposed above the water surface, covered with coral reef-like underwater creatures. These things formed a protective layer, which helped steel to resist the erosion of rain, and also left the dead bodies of the ship.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t know what was happening here. Before being able to take a closer look, she was taken to the pier by Little Loli. Just stepping on the land, Zhang Xiaoqiang slid from the back of Little Loli like a water snake and fell to the ground. The ground was full It’s all kinds of garbage and debris, and you can still see the charred black dust and shells scattered in the dust. Then he looked up in a trance and found that the narrow pier was full of bones and bullet holes. The bones in many places almost stacked up into hills. In the middle of the bones, a yellow-brown plant is spreading, and I don’t know how long these mutant beasts have died.

Little Loli is more tired than Zhang Xiaoqiang. Over ten hours of high-speed bursts caused her to consume a lot of physical strength, standing still beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, looking at everything here, and standing slowly after Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s whole body began to recover. Standing up and looking at all the slack around, there are scattered construction areas behind the dock area. Unlike the domestic docks, where there are dense buildings everywhere, I hope to see the stitches. The land here is obviously not scarce. The scattered buildings are scattered and there are a lot of growth in the middle. The vegetation and the mutated jungle are not as inseparable as those on the island, but it is precisely this way that it has a perfect fusion of nature and present, but unfortunately, the war has destroyed everything here.

This is a harbor that has been ransacked by mutant beasts. I don’t know when it happened. The bones of mutant beasts and humans are everywhere. In contrast, the bones of mutant beasts are much more. The huge craters of one by one Densely littered, a beautiful building was destroyed by violence, and in the fortifications with sandbags of one by one code, rusty machine guns and artillery were covered with vine branches.

Walking on the ground covered with scorched earth and bullet shells, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked straight forward. When he walked past the entrance of the dock, he saw the torn human bones and remaining pieces of individual equipment in the machine gun nest, M60 in the machine gun nest The general-purpose machine gun was also torn, and the broken gun body was pulled to the outside and mixed with a pile of bones. Continue to move forward and you will see more and more bones. Almost all buildings are destroyed, and the ground is also destroyed. There were bullet marks everywhere, and the charred debris of large trees fell to the ground, covered by new mutant plants.

It didn’t take long, and the little loli behind her also came up. Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly shivered, remembering something, and ran to the back of a ruin and took off his pants. At the same time, he shouted loudly: “Don’t come…” After shouting, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s small belly was hard, and he suddenly threw a heavy burden, making him feel like a heavy burden. The diffuse odor made Zhang Xiaoqiang hold back his breath, but the odor always drilled into the nostrils of Zhang Xiaoqiang, which also caught him Familiar corpse smell.

“The body smells?” Zhang Xiaoqiang moved his heart and turned his head to look behind the buttocks. This look made him jump and jumped to the side with his pants, but a highly decaying corpse was falling in three. Meter away~IndoMTL.com~ This corpse is a man’s body. The swelled body is covered with chalk-sized maggot. The pink and white maggot and maggot before Doomsday are generally the same, but they are much larger. Zhang Xiaoqiang turned over the river in his heart for a while, and the itch in his throat didn’t work. He quickly turned around and ran out. When he just went out, he remembered that there was still a big thing he didn’t do.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang walked weirdly into the street, he was still wondering, there are still rotten corpses here. Didn’t humans give up here? I turned around to find out, but I thought that those maggot and Zhang Xiaoqiang could not courage in the end. The architectural style here is very similar to the American town. Most houses are bungalows, and each family has its own small garden and lawn. , These houses were vulnerable to the attack of the mutant beasts, most of them were in ruins, and there were a large number of abandoned vehicles and equipment on the road. These things were corroded. Many vehicles left only one frame and rubber tires. Moving forward, the more intense the resistance, it can almost be called a scorched earth battle, most of the buildings are destroyed in the hands of humans…

And when he saw the city center, he found that there was still smoky smoke, as if the battle had continued until now, 90% of the dock area was destroyed, and there was not much in the city center. High-rise building, but there are traces of living people. Where is it? Zhang Xiaoqiang has a general understanding. Even if it is destroyed, the text has not disappeared. There are English signs and blonde girl ads everywhere. Obviously, here It’s Australia, and the ultimate goal of Little Loli is also Australia. Here, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought for the first time, would it be a conspiracy of Epoch? Then he thought that he had planned to go to Australia to find a good medicine to save Yang Ke’er

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