Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,190 Indonesia

“At least you came back alive and brought back the red algae underwater engagement information, didn’t you?” Klug, who was sitting on the back of his chair, couldn’t see his expression clearly in the dark candlelight, and the words awakened cold sweat. The Leger, who is strong in fighting spirit and standing well, deepens his resentment against Klug in his heart, and he is even more afraid of this man hidden in the dark.

“My body is still strong and will be stronger in the future. Even if I die, Epoch will not be under your control, no contacts, no resources, no supporters, you are nothing, besides, I am not unable to regenerate I know the idea in your heart, but the idea is not enough, you still have the power to realize the idea, Dicas is the weapon I gave you to deal with Naga, but you use the wrong place, I will count this loss On your body, the intelligence you brought back adds one point, the loss of Dicas loses three points, I hope you can get him back, once you lose a lot, even if you are my only son, I I can’t protect you…”

After listening to this, Leger’s heart hung up again, only one point to complete the red algae task from birth to death. Didn’t expect that the value of Dicas used as a humanoid weapon would be so high? As long as I knew it, I would complete my commitment to Decas. At least I would not lose the potential ally of China. Thinking of the frigates and transport ships snatched by the Chinese, Leger didn’t know how to contact them again. Over there, do we still need to contact?”

Killing the term Chinese, Klug suddenly put force on his lower lip with his fists clenched, and made a crisp sound of pa, then said casually: “Continue to contact, they did not give a hate when they finally opened fire. Obviously, there is room for it. The Chinese habit will leave the heirs. As long as the interests are sufficient, they will not fall with us. The previous account will be calculated with them sooner or later, but before that, we still need them. “

Legel knows that the so-called need is cannon fodder. Epoch has suffered repeated losses. It urgently needs time to adjust the internal. At least three months to six months can’t move. During this period, they will recall the world’s The Epoch garrison and Genesis formally divided the control area. Before that, try not to make enemies. In the past, there were too many enemies, so Epoch was lost, and the power was too dispersed. When the red algae spread, many places had to give up. The European headquarters has been struggling enough to support those strongholds, especially in the American battlefield. Delia and the local forces of the United States have been inseparable. All the backups are supported by the European headquarters. If they cannot support it, they will be divided. Facts, otherwise there is a bottomless hole, and Delia is stubborn, in the final analysis, there is no way for the Senate.

“Is it for the red algae?” Regarding the spread of red algae, Leger’s heart also tightened. Both the Epoch and the United States have launched nuclear bombs to prevent the spread. After the nuclear bomb exploded, in addition to vaporizing some areas In addition to the red algae, it has no effect on the body of the red algae. The radioactive material with the greatest lethality to humans is the best fertilizer for red algae. The red algae in Hawaii can expand by nearly 100,000 square kilometers, and the nuclear bombs have not helped Less busy.

“Red algae is not a problem. The intelligence you brought back is quite valuable. With this information, when we develop new weapons, I think the threat of red algae is not much…” At the time, Klug flashed the arched root hair on the video that built the red seaweed part in the heart. This root hair is the biggest key to the red algae. Once the seabed earthquake occurs, these root hairs will break, and the broken root hairs Will make the sea red algae torn apart.

Klug thought he had found the key to red algae, but he didn’t know that red algae was not as simple as he thought. Regel heard Klug’s understatement and believed in his heart. However, Klug continued: “I share the same ideas and goals with Delia, but I look farther than her. I know when to get it, what I need to give up, what preparation I need, but she is too urgent. By the way, idealization cannot be a boost to achieving your goals…”

Klug’s words have not been stopped by Leger. In his cognition, Klug is a lustful, psychopathic old thing. Of course, in front of Klug Not showing disrespect to him, sometimes nodding, seemingly affirmed, Klug said Xing head, could not help clenching the handrails, and summed up vividly: “The Chinese will provide whatever they want, I will provide, they dare I will dare to give it, as long as they form an alliance with the United States and Britain to form a united front against us, then I will use their absolute advantage to crush their high-end power in one fell swoop when they think they are the most powerful. All obstacles are no longer a problem, the first unified kingdom of mankind will be born in my hands…”

At this time Klug finally showed the craziest aspect of others, excited and perverted, as if he was making a confusing speech, the audience was not only his son, but tens of millions in the world People were listening, Leger stared at Klug with a dumbfounded look, and he looked as if he was astonished. His expression was extremely surprised by Kluger, and he smiled involuntarily, summing up: “Whether it is an English or an American People and Chinese are not worth mentioning in my eyes. They are worthless in my eyes. As long as we can continue to develop new technologies, they will one day be crushed by my absolute strength. The only thing that needs to be considered is Delia , Delia does not agree with me, split Epoch to reorganize Genesis, she will be the enemy who knows us best, and also the most dangerous enemy, so you must remember that she is not an ally or partner, we don’t need any friends, as long as we master The power that others have been looking forward to, the world is ours…”

In the final analysis, even Epoch can’t get around this strange circle, and always regards internal enemies as the greatest threat, but it gives Leger a vague idea in his heart. Perhaps it will be the only chance. Drawing a rough frame in his heart, Kluger’s arrogance and madness opened a window to the young Leger, a door to the conspiracy…

The air frigate was floating alone in the sky and headed towards the South China Sea. Huang Tingwei did not sit on his throne. On the captain’s seat was a frost-like Zhao Mingyue. Zhao Mingyue got the cooperation of the frigate and killed the domineering East China Sea. Mutant big sea snake, but got the bad news of Zhang Xiaoqiang being taken away, how can she be happy?

The transport ship stayed behind to pick up the body of the sea snake. The thousands of kilometers of sea snakes were dismembered by the laser and loaded into the cargo ship’s warehouse. Even if the transport ship was fully loaded with 400 tons of transport power and the water snake helped to swallow, a large part had to be thrown in vain Into the sea, and Zhao Mingyue obtained the crystal nucleus of the eighteen sister mutant beast. After purification, it was divided into 1/3 of the water snake, but the water snake that swallowed a lot of sea snake meat began a new round of Evolution.

The water snake is in the most important moment Evolution, Huang Tingwei does not want to leave it alone, leaving some people to stay around the water snake to look after, and the transport ship transports the valuable fifth-level mutant beast meat to Hubei, and the frigate comes out to find Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang has satellite signals on its body, but the signal is not good in long-distance communication, and the moving position of Zhang Xiaoqiang is very fast. It can be said that one place a day makes the frigate have to waste too much time to locate. After all, the South China Sea is too big. There are so many countries in the crowd, so we have to be cautious, not to mention that Zhang Xiaoqiang is still in the hands of others?

The dull anger of the bridge has not changed. At the same time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is like a savage standing in the jungle and tapping the communicator~IndoMTL.com~ The high-speed transfer for several consecutive days will inevitably knock pèng pèng and the communicator seems to consume After running out of the last battery, there was no more sound, and I wondered if satellite positioning could be used. Zhang Xiaoqiang was counting on this thing to take me home.

He didn’t die, but lived well. Except for eating raw meat these days, the humanoid beasts around him didn’t plan to hurt him. He also had a share of his food. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t know the purpose of this guy What, took him all day through the plain city, not even the high mountains, all the obstacles were not a problem for the humanoid beasts, what impressed him most was that they crossed the capital of Manila, the Philippines. A large city with a population of 1.5 million is at least a relatively large city for South Asia. More than one million zombie walks through nothing. Humanoid beasts only know to go straight, and all the zombie in front of it are blocked by him. Fist blasted, regardless of whether zombie was D2 or S2, even Z2zombie was blasted by his fist, and at that time Zhang Xiaoqiang was also put in his hand, in order to create an opportunity to escape, Zhang Xiaoqiang was not busy at all, but still did not help Successfully, when they crossed the city, Zhang Xiaoqiang still seemed like a dream.

Then they went to the beach and ran in the water, and the turbulent water passed underneath. Zhang Xiaoqiang had already seen the habit of not being used to it, and he did not care where he was taken. I didn’t know how many islands passed by. I also encountered various survivors and forces, including local natives, embarrassed Westerners, and Chinese descendants. These people have great hostility to Zhang Xiaoqiang and the guys around him, but this guy does not Reluctant to kill, as long as he does not stand in front of him, he usually ignores it, and his height is different from ordinary people, and no one is willing to provoke, until Zhang Xiaoqiang and he spent the island chain built by countless islands and came to Indonesia. On the land…

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