Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,118 palpitations

For the sake of their own interests, all the gasping humans on Okinawa were united together. Wan Qiang didn’t want to see those insects hovering over their heads anymore. They immediately ordered the left-behind Darihachi to search with the brawns. In various warehouses in the underground hangar, looking for materials that could make flamethrowers, Zuo Tian took a thousand hardcover men out of the hangar and gathered them under Simon to implement the city-wide noise plan. Lieutenant Colonel Byron and Americans also took action , They sent all agile Evolution people to find the gap between zombie in the city, prepared for the placement of the treble loudspeaker, a roll of thick and long cable reel on the winch, pulled by the force Evolution towards the city, depending on Carefully placed the baby’s field generator car in a soundproof warehouse to supply electricity.

A bottle of fresh blood was poured on the high-rise building, and the **** raindrops caused the chaos of zombie. Countless zombie crowded to the neighborhood squares that exuded the smell of fresh sweet blood. Above the high-rise building, one by one agile Evolution people jumped like large fleas The black cable like a spider web pulls an ugly layout over the city. Even those who are agile Evolution must be careful in running, otherwise they will be tripped by this everything in disorder cable. The number of zombie in the city is probably About 700,000, if these zombies are brought together, the square that can accommodate them must reach at least tens of square kilometers, so the agile Evolution people need to walk around the layout in the city of tens of kilometers, almost everyone has to run A few marathons have made these agile Evolution people who are far more than ten times more powerful than ordinary people tired like dead dogs.

If you switch to Ordinary people to complete the task is delusional, but with the cooperation of more than a thousand Evolution people, these tasks will be simple. With the special potion provided by Simon, as long as you are not too close to zombie, don’t worry It will be found that the action of the Qing zombie has continued, but this time the Qing team is all headed by the more capable Evolution. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not need to coordinate the overall situation, personally add the first line of the Qing zombie, and Wan Qiang and Byron are not outdone. , With their own elite and keeping pace with Zhang Xiaoqiang, clean up the one by one block.

The purpose of the squad action formulated by Zhang Xiaoqiang is not to kill zombie, but to attract the attention of high-level zombie. The sea of ​​corpses on Okinawa can only form Z2zombie at most. As long as there is Z-Type Zombie command, the sea of ​​corpses is not a piece of sand. If you ignore it, once the high-level zombie notices that those who complete the mission of Evolution will definitely have casualties, the last thing Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to see is casualties.

Firebird scimitar swept through the corpse time and time again, and countless zombie instantly turned into a fluffy black ash scattered to the ground, a street more than a thousand zombie when Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to charge, as if the black burned by the flame Gauze, layers of dissipation, even if there is Evolution zombie, it can’t escape the smoke, another street, Wan Qiang burst out the craziest side, the claws of Mi Xu grow in both hands, and the claws swing, zombie is like the tortoise under the blade Ointment, scattered into large and small pieces of corpses effortlessly, exudes rotten stench all over the street, Byron and Tie Zhongyuan cooperate together, Byron‘s ability is to transform, the whole person instantly expands three times, the skin of the whole body is as hard as Armored, he didn’t lose power in the D3 type zombie. The super explosive power allowed him to break up the crowded zombie. From the street to the end of the street, Tie Zhongyuan followed the passage behind him and twisted the zombie on both sides of the street into fragments, Wu Anyone who was slightly conservative after going out of power, led a group of Evolution players to fight steadily, and gradually cleared the zombie ahead, but the speed was not slow.

They were like four sharp knives running from the edge of the city all the way to the center. Eventually, they attracted the attention of Z2 zombie, countless high-end zombie gathered to them, a tall D2 zombie, an agile S2 zombie appeared one after another, Wan Qiang just Tear a D2 zombie that is not shorter than him, the next moment more than ten S2 zombie jumped from the buildings on both sides, just like wild monkeys rushed to him like crazy to bite, and more D2 zombie screamed at him in front of him , Wan Qiang kept pulling the S2 zombie on his body, not checking for a while, his head was wrapped in zombie, just pulled down and fell on the ground to smash the ground, two crazy D2 zombie rushed him and flew out, Before waiting for him to land, more zombie swarmed and rushed to his body, and then the groups of Gundam D2 zombie were like a pervert who saw a naked girl, and he rushed to Wan Qiang without hesitation. Seeing that Wan Qiang was about to be beaten by more than a dozen D2 More than 20 S2 zombies were given to the round together, and I haven’t waited for the support of the twenty or thirty men behind Wan Qiang, but I heard him roaring in anger. All the zombies that were thrown at him were in huge sound waves. Keeping a fixed posture in the middle, these bodies still keep forward zombie Not only can’t charge forward in the sound wave, but trembling and leaning back, then all the zombie and Biaohan all headshot within 300 meters around, one An ugly head is like a cracked rotten egg, a yellow brain that burst into the sky, the floor glass on both sides is also shattered into small particles in the roar, like a crystal dust, and only one S2 zombie climbing on the roof It rained like rain…

Zhang Xiaoqiang is killing happily. With several other top Evolutions to help kill zombie, his pressure is not too great. The attack line composed of four directions at the same time is more lethal than zombie in reinforcements for the first time. As they approached step by step, the zombie sea continued to lose blood, losing an average of about 40,000 to 50,000 zombie per hour, and nearly 200,000 zombie were killed in four hours, while the Zhang Xiaoqiang route was the cleanest Yes, almost all zombie turned into a smoky gray smoke in the roundabout of the Firebird scimitar, and the remaining zombie was also behind him. The Evolution who assisted the attack was swept away, just as he was in front of More than 100 Type 2 zombies suddenly swept the Wan Qiang roar when they swept away. Wan Qiang was not close to him. The roar shattered a lot of glass around him. For a time, Zhang Xiaoqiang was terrified and secretly said: “broken… “

Sure enough, the roar of Wan Qiang caused the idea of ​​flying beetles in the sky. There are not many vegetations in the city, and there are not many flying beetles, so zombie did not attract the attention of the beetles. At this time, the beetles attracted by Wan Qiang converge into the tide. The spiral circled, and then there was a tendency to pounce downward. Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly turned and yelled at Li John: “How much progress has been completed…” Li John has been closely following Zhang Xiaoqiang as herald, listening to look down at the military tablet in his hand. Computer, replied: “69%…”

69% is not much, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the remaining 31% is the focus of this mission, but don’t think about it now, it’s lucky to be able to escape a life, no After Li John detailed the report of each branch node, Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted loudly: “Order to retreat, everyone will retreat to me, let the **** radio ring…”

The voice is still falling, and there is another shrill scream coming faintly. Hearing this high-frequency scream with Z-Type Zombie style, Zhang Xiaoqiang calms down a lot. The sound wave killing of Wan Qiang provokes the dignity of Z2zombie~IndoMTL.com~ This zombie, who didn’t know it was there, responded to Wan Qiang’s challenge. Obviously, Wan Qiang was used as a villain for land grabbing. The worms circling in the sky were divided into two, one part rushed to Wan Qiang and the other part to Z2zombie , And the sea of ​​corpses also rushed towards Wan Qiang, which challenged the dignity of Z2zombie. After the latest information was handed over, Zhang Xiaoqiang wondered whether to revoke the previous order and continue to complete the previous task. Suddenly the palpitations struck. In my heart, I spontaneously turned to look at the highest mountain on the edge of the city.

The cemetery-like peaks were originally densely covered by flying insects. The rocky ground of the macula was covered with flying insects like black dots. The huge one by one truck openings were spread like honeycomb soot. Above, this mountain looks the same as before, but the Zhang Xiaoqiang saw something different. There was a little more red at the top of the mountain bag, but it was a slender bomb with a length of seven or eight meters…

“Hurry up, hurry up, hurry down, or you will die…” Darihachi shouted in Mongolian language, and led a group of Mongolian Evolution madly down the mountain, running on them In the middle, hundreds of flying insects startled from the ground and chased these wolf crying guys. The Mongols ran ahead quickly, and more than twenty strong Russian men followed Afterwards, these stupid men whose faces were stained with various pigments were not flexible, and they could even be said to be awkward. They couldn’t even catch up with the Evolution in front, and Dharhachi had no plans to wait for these guys to run away. No shadow, the frightened flying insects swarmed down towards Biaohan, the afterimage flashed, several Biaomen flew up into the air, but their hearts were knocked out of the one by one basin-sized hole, and then more shadows came from They slammed behind them and instantly disintegrated the one by one‘s two-meter-tall brawny volley into a sky of **** bones and mushy skin.

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