Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,106 weapons to end the battle

Yinshan is at the foot of the war, tens of thousands of elite soldiers, more than 100,000 logistics and transportation personnel, tens of thousands of transportation vehicles and nearly a thousand Armored vehicles occupy tens of square kilometers in the area nearly a hundred kilometers away from the zombie sea, as if A monster that is ready to go, if observed from the sky, tens of kilometers of monsters and hundreds of kilometers of corpse seas are not proportional to the pond and the sea. In the distance between the pond and the sea, there are countless zombie and The soldiers strangled together, the explosion fire was like a star, the smoky smoke seemed to be dark clouds, the dense zombie covered the ground, one pèng pèng tank interspersed in the corpse, a team of armed soldiers followed closely on the missing zombie The zombie fell into the ground during the shooting of intensive rifles. From time to time, Evolution zombie plunged into the soldiers causing a **** storm.

The soldiers have already fought the old battle with zombie. There is no longer the hesitation and fear of the rookie recruits. Whenever the S2 zombie rushes into the soldiers, waiting for it to spread the fear, there are soldiers roaring around and throwing zombie to the Ground, no matter how zombie grabs and bites these brave soldiers, the soldiers will not let go. Once the speed is lost, zombie will be cut off the limbs and become corpses in the first time, and the injured soldiers don’t have to be afraid of being hurt by themselves. The person was shot dead, but excitedly waiting for the medical doctor to inject them with Evolution matrix of 10,000 yuan each. Other soldiers looked enviously at the wounded who were about to enter the elite fighters, waiting for their chances.

There is no shouting, no encouragement, only the sound of tank tracks and dense gunshots, and occasionally the angry roar of the D2 type zombie, the battlefield is like boiling ink, the Inner Mongolia army is very Brave, the soldiers are very hard, but humans will be tired, tanks will run out of fuel, rifles will empty the magazines, and artillery will lack shells, and zombie is always endless, just like a thin dam blocking the endless sea waves , May collapse at any time.

The battle that sees no victory and no end makes every participating army exhausted, and zombie is also not good. The Yinshan mountain range has become a mountain of death, and the range of thousands of miles is all crazy. Mutated plants, let alone zombie suffered heavy losses in it, even the elite first division who hid the zombie in the Yongbei fortifications could not stay, all of them were driven by endless plants, and the spreading plants have become a biological disaster. The large green covers the deserted hills. Below the hills are millions of zombie wrecks. Only the elite team of Blood Regiment is still holding it. The supervisor can only attract the zombie sea to the Yinshan Z3zombie. .

More than ten days of strangulation has wiped out more than two million zombie, Yinshan mountains also overwhelmed more than two million zombie, plus the millions of zombie previously destroyed in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia army has achieved unprecedented The victory from the establishment of the army, the elimination of zombie around the world has exceeded 15 million, but the cost of this victory is also very large, close to 200,000 soldiers and logistics personnel battle zombie, and consume at least three foods per day Hundred tons, other materials have gone to sea, oil, ammunition, medical items, gun parts, weapons and equipment, and all kinds of utensils that are only indispensable and indispensable. These consumptions are like the mountains are pressing on more than one million civilians in the Inner Mongolia military area. In order to support the front line, the Bank of Renaissance opened a day and night printing machine to print out the new Renaissance coins to the civilians as bonuses and rewards, so that they can use the maximum capacity to transfuse the front line, and the civilians have received hundreds of thousands of revivals. However, they can’t buy any extra materials and consumables. All the materials and materials are purchased by the army. They are like a pile of waste paper in their hands. If there is a front-line battle situation broadcast every day by TV stations, I am afraid that Inner Mongolia has already been messed up. The Inner Mongolia government also appeared frequently on TV, loudly encouraging the civilians to encourage them to play the spirit of not being afraid of hardships and secondly not being afraid of hardships, to establish the heroes on the battlefield of one by one and the model workers on the battlefield to maintain the determination of everyone, if not the rear To ensure the maximum stability, I am afraid that the battle for more than two consecutive months can no longer be fought. zombie is still endless, at least more than 15 million. Although the rear arsenal can reload millions of bullets every day However, the lack of raw materials has reached the most dangerous point.

On the forefront of the battlefield, Lu Xiaobu is furious and **** heads of dogs who have been scolded by the one by one company: “You group of stupid pigs, have your brains growing on the buttocks, didn’t you tell you before you started? More, you must save some points. The main force to eliminate zombie is infantry, cavalry, not your armored soldiers with half-hanger pèng pèng tanks, you are a fence, a fence to protect infantry. Look at yourself, how many infantry casualties? Three hundred. Seventy-nine people, including 258 people who died in battle, are you worthy of them? Can you kill any more zombie, can they survive…”

Lu Xiaobu’s curse made every officer say nothing. Before today’s attack, Lu Xiaobu explained that there was a lack of diesel. It was impossible to run into the corpse as before. Their role was to serve as a steel fence for the infantry. The infantry stood behind Armored vehicles to kill zombie, but once they got on the battlefield, there were always some people who had a fever in their heads, or they were frightened by countless zombie siege, they just wanted to knock all the zombie off and grind to death, when the first tank moved After that, there were tanks one after another, and the tidy steel fence shattered instantly. Although countless zombie was crushed into meat, more zombie rushed to the infantry behind them through the gap between the tanks, even if the infantry The fighting quality is not low, and it can’t stop the impact of countless zombie. Fortunately, Xu Hao brought three thousand civilian heavy cavalry into the corpse, otherwise God knows how many casualties there will be.

“They all blame the logistics, if they can guarantee the fuel, they will not need infantry at all, and our armored division will be able to kill zombie…” A camp camp with its head down and very unwilling suddenly emerged. With the strange words of anger, let Lu Xiaobu suddenly turn his head, staring at this guy with full of muscles, and shouted: “You shut up for me, the first thing I moved today is you, I haven’t packed you yet, you are the first It popped out, someone came, pressed me down to prison, and handed over to the military court when the battle ended.”

All officers are faceless. Once tried by the military court, let’s not say that the battalion commander may face the risk of going to jail. Even if the prospect of punishing him the least is ruined, he can climb to where he is today. Which officer is not from blood? Killed in the sea? Once they lose their positions, it is a huge blow to them and to their families.

“No intercession, if it’s not possible to be shot except for leaving the battle, all other crimes must be tried. I want to kill him now? I can’t afford the cost of the deaths and injuries of more than two hundred people. Who can you?” Lu Xiaobu With a roar, the others shut up. Only the battalion leader was dragging by the guards, staring at his legs dragging on the ground.

“Commander, please let me say that it is not that we do not follow the rules, but that the tanks need speed. Today we have 27 tanks destroyed by D3zombie. Staying in place will only cause heavy losses. The infantry can Safe, should we die in vain…” A young officer could not help but stood up and looked at Lu Xiaobu with sorrow and sorrow, wailing, a pair of big eyes rolled down tears, grievance can’t work, everyone else Looking at him with pity, the thirty-six tanks of this young battalion commander just happened to hit the D3 attack group, and three were lost in an instant. In order to drag the D3 group, he had to let the remaining tanks to block zombie, To make time for the latter Evolution, in the end, he and the two nearby tank battalions lost a total of 27 tanks, and 20 of them were his, one battalion was beaten into a company, two None of the company’s armored soldiers survived.

“Shut up, you are soldiers, not merchants, don’t think I don’t know what you are thinking, you were the protagonist in the battle of the previous day, killing countless enemies, and today become a supporting role. It is uncomfortable to see others killing enemies. I don’t need a reason. I just need to obey. I don’t want to disobey and take off my military uniform. I can’t afford my nostrils….” Lu Xiaobu slammed again, but didn’t bother to look for the previous officers. At noon, the hot sun caused everyone in the room to sweat, and did not know whether they were basked or frightened. Only the deputy of Lu Xiaobu followed his old team member Chen He from the hot spring base and said: “Commander The officer said well. During this time, the team has been filled with unremarkable pride. The armored soldiers are oblique no matter where they look, and they fight with other teams. They have overturned the quarters for a little supply delay. You all think that you are a hero, and you think other arms are tasteless. I tell you that Minister Zhao jun has issued a reprimand to rectify us. If the commander stops, can you still sit here and listen to us complain? ?”

Chen He frightened the others. A dodge look didn’t dare to look at Lu Xiaobu again. Lu Xiaobu and Chen He were the executives who came from Hubei. They were not convinced, but Zhao jun was the veteran of the Inner Mongolia army. And one of the founders, no one dared to oppose, and no one dared to question. For a moment, the anger became microseconds, but another officer from the Inner Mongolia military department whispered: “I blame the Jinxing king and his airship force. We haven’t been dispatched. We have captured the zombie erosion source all day and night. All of them are wasted. A dozen tons of erosion sources can kill at least hundreds of thousands of zombie. As long as there are two airships on standby, we will not be so embarrassed… .”

The officer’s words made the Lu Xiaobu a little embarrassed. His eyes flickered and seemed to be hiding something. He cleared the zombie and was about to continue the meeting. Suddenly, a loud cry from Jinxing came: “Come out and make it, Commander Lu, I’ll follow your The command is made, twelve tons of erosion sources…”

In the distance, Jinxing was sitting on a military vehicle and yelled to this side. All the officers turned their heads to look at the reddish Lu Xiaobu. Fortunately, during this time, the wind and the sun turned his white face into Black face, not to let others see his embarrassment, waved to the officers: “You all go down, for today’s battle summary, everyone must come up with a combat report of more than five thousand words…” Lu Xiaobu layout His work dispelled the thoughts of the officers present, and there was a lot of sorrow. Apart from the few officers who spoke in the liberal arts, no one had any confidence in the 5,000 words of nonsense they wrote.

“It’s done, you see, this is an HX-eclipse grenade, this is an HX-eclipse airburst mortar shell, and in the future we can also make eclipse shells and eclipse grenade…”

Jinxing didn’t know that he almost made Lu Xiaobu embarrassed, and opened the metal box in his hand to reveal one large and one small two shells, the small one was a 35mm grenade launcher grenade, and the large mortar shell with tail, These two shells are rough in appearance~IndoMTL.com~ It is different from the shells used in the troops. When you see the two ammunition embedded in the foam, Lu Xiaobu‘s face is red, and her eyes shine with a scorching luster, rough The big hand carefully touched the skin of the shell on the shell, and the obsessive expression made people feel cold.

“It has been tested and works perfectly. After launch, it will trigger the built-in balance rudder. Two a meter in height degrees above the zombie head will be disconnected. The glass beads with the corrosion source will be sputtered. These glass beads will be exploded when the ammunition is empty. Shock breaks, forming erosion source rain. The sputtering range is about 150 meters. Of course, only mortar shells can do it. There is only one erosion glass bottle in the 35mm grenade. Diffusion, can cover the range of 16 meters, if mass production, we can produce 50 mortar shells and 300 eclipse grenade……”

The narration of Jinxing made Lu Xiaobu smile and bend his eyes. This is his Lu Xiaobu weapon, a weapon made with his ideas. Lu Xiaobu has always felt that the source of the erosion has not been played. Every time it is used, it is rough. Last time Concentrated bombing. Almost half of the pottery pots with nearly half of the erosion source are thrown in overlapping or blank areas, which cannot be evenly distributed, and the power of this thing is too large. If it accidentally spreads with the wind, it is not very easy for individual soldiers to master. What’s more, even if the individual throws it out, the glass bottle will probably break apart. It happens that the tank car lacks effective weapons. He imagined that someone would stand in the tank and use the grenade launcher to selectively launch at the zombie dense place. You can form a big net and eliminate the zombie in front of you. Unexpectedly, the work he entrusted to Jinxing was completed so quickly.

“Okay, very good, with this thing, we don’t have to rely on diesel and human life to eliminate zombie. You quickly notify Zhao jun and Ishihara and let them work out a perfect plan to eliminate all Yinshan zombie by next month. , Completely solve this scourge……”

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