Apocalypse Cockroach: 109 feces

This is a small vegetable growing site, mainly supplying vegetables to nearby market towns, and the trucks that come to collect vegetables are transferred to large cities. There are not many houses here, and there are many contents. All three or two warehouses are full of various fertilizers Farm tools, the team found a tricycle and a wooden flatbed truck here.

After repairing with the original owner’s tools, several people made a smoke-free stove in the valley, and found some old, bitter vegetables from the vegetable field to prepare for dinner.

Several people were sitting around the pond and resting. The three drivers were cooking. After the task was carried out after dark, the bird would not see them in the nest until that time.

The green smoke slowly spread on the ground, and the water in the pot was just boiled. The rice hadn’t had time to put in. There was a sudden sound at the end of the mountain road, like a rock rolling down, with some hissing sound.

“Brush · · · · ·” Huang Quan bounced with six players and raised his gun weapon towards the mountain valley to aim. After a while, there was no sound from there. Huang Quan hesitated and looked at the end of the valley, unknown, representing danger and uncertainty He didn’t want to get out of the way, leaving only three drivers to guard the military vehicles here. In case they were attacked, the road would be gone.

The valley is not really big. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the exit is towards the col. At the end, they only saw a smooth and steep mountain wall blocking it. They didn’t go back and check it, but now they have to let them go. Explore it.

Six heavily-armed players and Huang Quan walked carefully at the end of towards the mountain valley, but at a distance of 100 meters, the sight is a dead end. The towering mountain rocks are in front, and there is no trail in sight. It seems that the sound just just sounded. Hallucinations.

Huang Quan didn’t believe that ten people had hallucinations at the same time. He carefully looked at the mountain rock. At the foot of the smooth mountain rock, a layer of moss layered on top of each other. The green and yellow were mixed, and the mountain rock slowly spread to the ground. , A huge boulder like a fan screen supported on the ground, wide and narrow under the stone, to a height of two or three meters above the ground, sharpened, like an irregular machete standing on the ground.

Walking on the ground covered with dry grass and leaves, in a crisp sound, the seven people looked for every suspicious point. Finally, they saw a cave behind a rock. The cave was not high and had to bend down. Enter, standing at the entrance of the cave, you can see a bright spot with white light inside the cave.

Everyone knows that the cave is the same, they can go to a place with natural light through the cave, but they don’t know where it is.

Huang Quan looked at the cave, looked at the surrounding rock walls, and concluded that the other side of the cave was not in the direction of the bird’s nest. Most likely, it still belonged to the back of the mountain.

Turn on the tactical flashlight hanging at the muzzle, leaving a team member to stay at the hole. Huang Quan led the five people down into the hole. The hole was very small and needed to bend down to enter. After entering the cave, the cave was discovered There is still some room inside, two meters wide to allow two people to walk side by side, straighten the waist, reach the top of the cave without reaching for the hand,

The light in the cave is dim. The flashlight is like a lightsaber traveling in the cave. The rock walls in the cave are rugged and criss-crossing. From time to time, there are sharp rocks hanging on the players’ clothes and equipment. Walking in the cave, no one is there. Out loud, they didn’t know what was waiting for them in front, only the echo of leather shoes stepping on the rocky ground in the cave, and the heavy breathing of the players.

Suddenly, a team member staggered, his body was unstable, he rushed a few steps forward and hit the mountain with a sound of “dang”, a jingle of equipment collision, four tactical flashlights pointed to the player and his feet ground.

“Mom · ·, I don’t know what to step on.”

The team member is fine, while arranging the crooked helmet while explaining, under the flashlight, a group of black things piled up like a small mound, and the top was stepped out of a big pit, one The soles of military shoes remain on it.

Before they recognized what it was, a strong odor smelled.

“Fuck · · · is shit!!!”

A team member scolded loudly, isn’t it just a pile of feces on the ground?

Hearing here, everyone’s heart is first loose, followed by another tight, this pile of excrement that does not know what is left is soft and rotten, the smell is long, looks unusually fresh, it may be left today What can I grow out of such a big one?

Huang Quan pondered. The road ahead is not good. The biggest possibility is the beast. Now the only beast that can survive is the mutant beast. The mutant beast is very powerful. He knows that whether it is a **** fish or a **** bird are mutant beasts. The gunner gun is not much worse than gravel in that thing.

“Captain, are you still going forward?”

The team member who stepped on the **** rubbed the feces on his right foot and asked Huang Quan. The others looked at Huang Quan together and waited for him to speak. Huang Quan did not answer. He carefully observed the surroundings with the flashlight pressed on the 92 pistol Rock wall.

Under the flashlight, Huang Quan found some animal hairs scattered on the ground of the raised rock walls, and picked up a handful of them. The hairs were rough, shiny and translucent, and gleamed with white light.

“Captain, look at · · · · ·

A team member pointed to the road ahead and reported to Huang Quan that under the flashlight, there were countless piles of manure on the ground in front of him, whether the manure was dry or hopeless, whether it was dry or sparse, all were trampled on the ground and the one by one hoof was printed on it Stepped on a trail.

“Did we go to the toilet for something?”

Another team member looked at the countless piles of feces in front and said, while others could not bear it.

“You guys stay here · · ·. I will investigate · · · ·. If something is wrong~IndoMTL.com~ first withdraw to the hole, if something comes out, block it with firepower, and go to personally transfer the heavy machine gun.”

After speaking, Huang Quan did not wait for the team members to object. He stepped on countless feces and walked towards the other end of the cave. Without two steps, he saw four team members following him, Huang Quan stared at them, but they did not step back. , Eyes dodge, just not moving.

Huang Quan stopped talking. The five people stepped on the excrement step by step and walked out of the cave. In the “chirp” sound, they reached the other side.

At the entrance of the cave, they hooked their waists and slowly touched the outside of the cave before they came out of the cave. Several people were surprised. The spot was still a valley. This valley is the valley in the valley, which is larger than the outside. Times, still surrounded by mountains on all sides, the foot of the mountain does not want to be so steep outside, and gradually becomes gentle when it reaches half a mountain, forming a hillside, which is covered by a thick layer of soil.

In the valley, almost all the mountains have been reclaimed. In a long field, countless vine plants cover a green ocean, and the team members with sharp eyes can recognize that the plants are all sweet potato vines. , one by one scattered loess pits scattered,

In addition to sweet potatoes, some people saw bamboo racks on a few flat grounds in the middle of the valley. The herringbone bamboo racks were also covered by plants, and long yellow cucumbers were left on top. Some racks were knocked over. On the ground, the bamboo frame is covered by plants, and occasionally small yellow flowers can be seen among the vegetation.

It’s not all cucumber racks. The purple flowers are lentils. In some places, tomatoes are grown. These tomatoes either fall on the ground to rot or hang on the branches to become dried fruit.

Almost all plants eat animals. Except for a large field where peppers are planted, there is a lush and pine tree with a small pepper tree, and blue and red peppers are hanging on the branches. I want to come to those plants that are spicy. Not very cold, not even willing to touch it.

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