Apocalypse Cockroach: 1,077 American choices

It’s not just Zhang Xiaoqiang that is suffering from the sudden shocks in Japan. Survivors across Japan have suffered a sudden disaster. The reality of the entire Japanese island is like the low-cost disaster film “Japan Sinking” that was filmed by the Japanese a long time ago. In the violent shaking, Japan’s proudest forest is like a wheat field swept by a storm. Countless giant trees shake and break on the bumpy land. Many mountains begin to deform and collapse. Pieces of red land on the surface of Mars have replaced The forest, and the spiritual mountain of the Japanese, Mount Fuji also came to an end in front of the disaster. The mountain of more than 3,700 meters was covered with snow, just like a gigantic white-headed giant stood between the heavens and the earth. “Holy Yue” is like a crock with a big mouth broken, missing a piece of the boss, as if something was bitten on it. The collapse of the Mt. Fuji disaster did not end. Layers of tearing made this The dormant volcano awakened from the dormant period under shaking. Under the squeezing effect of the underground plate, the huge pressure can’t wait to find a breakthrough, and finally ignited the flame of Mount Fuji…

A stream of magma is rushing out of the snowy mountain pass, like a rolling fire dragon surging out of the gap, and the broken Mount Fuji is like a bucket with an open bottom, which will dump countless years of magma. The lava that was rolling out ignited everything along the way. Above the blazing flame was thick black smoke. This black smoke covered with misty volcanic ash would cover most of Japan, while the helicopter hovering in the air. I had to struggle to find a clean sky.

More than a dozen Osprey helicopters and a large number of other helicopters are like lost sparrows, flying carefully in the dust. A drone is wearing flowers and butterflies to guard all the helicopters. All aircrafts are coming. Enemy-like stern battles are waiting to be explored carefully. The striking sight in this fleet is the osprey aircraft that surrounds the center…

Dr. Flander is not as old as Ordinary people thought. When he was in his thirties, he was full of energy. A pair of wise eyes seemed to be able to see through all the confusions in the world. The handsome and mature appearance seemed gentleman, even if not A stranger who sees him will also have a certain amount of goodwill and trust, and he is a guy who is naturally likable. It can be said that as long as he knows him, he can easily be convinced by a temperament emitted by him, just like Like a natural leader, he is always influenced by him unconsciously. It is strange that the only exception is the old Elson sitting opposite him.

Elson is indifferent to the big earthquake outside, squinting and looking at the handsome man in front of him who looks like Spear Brosnan in 007, with a regular chest up and down and greedily breathing the oxygen in the breathing mask, two No one said anything. Flander turned his legs on his lower abdomen with his hands crossed, but Elson was like a bomb about to be detonated, and he could only hear his breathing sound faster than one.

There are no other people around the two. Time seems to be solidified at this moment. Only two statue-like men are looking at each other. If they are seen by the rotten girl in front of Doomsday, they should not think that the two are in love. For a while Flander broke the silence, some helplessly raised his forehead and pinched his temple. At the moment when he looked down, words with a sense of rhythm like hypnotic magnetic sounds were spoken from his mouth.

“You help me get an idea, Japan is no longer suitable for us to stay here. I have to make an early decision on where to go. I am not good at making decisions. As the deputy minister of the expedition, you should assume Your own obligations…”

Elson couldn’t help it. He yelled at the leader who took his life, but just stared at the person silently, as if he wanted to kill him with his eyes, and then his breathing rhythm was a bit faster, as if The chest will explode a little faster, Flander smiled bitterly at the non-cooperation of Elson, and continued in his most sincere tone: “Elson, when you joined us, you were only 14 years old. I always regarded you as For your own children, you know, my son is only two years younger than you…”

Elson can’t listen to these words at all. When he heard these words, his eyes suddenly flashed coldly, and his boundless resentment suddenly spread around him. After a while, he said hoarsely: “I’m only 16 years old this year, but I don’t look like Like ninety-six years? Eighty years have gone, my adolescence, my first love, and my adult night are gone, just because I believe in you, I treat you as my elder, even I adore you like my father…”

What Elson said immediately made Flander sad. Flander gazed at the eyes like Elson‘s blade sharply like electric eyes, and said blamefully:

Elson, it’s all my fault. I didn’t expect that the mental shock would cause you and your sister to have a spiritual circuit, nor did you expect that there will be a mistake of vitality between you. I really don’t want to see you. So young, so strong, so energetic…”

When the seemingly confessed Flander said these words, his eyes suddenly flashed a special fluctuation, and the fluctuation quickly disappeared. However, Elson is good at capturing details. The eyes still see this little change, and I hate it even more. People who are respected as mentors. He knew that Flander was really not thirty years old but forty-eight years old. When Doomsday happened, this person was just an unknown general scientist. But after he participated in the Flander experiment, Flander began to live younger and younger. Vitality is getting stronger and stronger, and there are no ghosts in it, and he doesn’t believe it even if he is killed.

“You can rest assured that I will do everything possible to treat you. The passing of vitality is not irreversible. We already have ideas to clone some replicas with your cells and use reverse experiments to recover everything you have lost. , Believe me, we will create a miracle, a miracle that can make humans live forever…”

Flander‘s tone is quite sincere, and his natural magnetic voice with hypnotic rhythm is spoken, as if with invisible fluctuations, people always believe in him unconsciously after hearing it, but they have been fooled long ago. Elson is just a grudge and a sneer. He doesn’t believe in Flander’s promise. In his mind, the top management of Flander and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are all a group of selfish and self-interested villains. , But it won’t let you realize your hope, just like a carrot hanging in front of a donkey, you can’t see it.

“How are you going to deal with Susannah?” Elson doesn’t want to say anything about his lifespan. What Flander is doing in secret, he also guessed a little bit~IndoMTL.com~ Maybe his experiment is more originally is not a mistake, maybe I became old originally within Flander‘s plan.

“This time the loss is too great, I am sorry, Susannah must be imprisoned until everyone else forgets this matter, it takes time, maybe a year, maybe three or five years, who can make it clear?” Flander shrugged He seemed helpless when he raised his shoulders, but his wise eyes did not miss every detail on the Elson. There was no one else in the cabin, but when he said this, he seemed to be afraid that people would hear it. Almost whispers generally say to Elson: “But you don’t have to worry, the safety of Susannah will be guaranteed. As long as you can prove your value, I believe that the top management will not flip your face because of Susannah. Of course, it must be kept secret. The key is value. The more value you have, the safer Susannah will be…”

Susannah is your dog’s leg, why don’t you worry, why should I worry…,?” This idea hovered over and over in Elson‘s heart but never said it. Crazy flames flashed from the blade-like eyes, the silk of the respirator The sound of voice also became hurried, and for a long while Elson‘s stiff body slowly sat back, seeming to be tired, closed his eyes and said like a sleep:

“She is my only sister. I may die at any time. Before I die, she must follow me. You want to prove my worth? No problem, but her safety and freedom must be obtained. Guarantee, Susan La’s fault is not hers alone. If you give her the right to make a temporary decision to set me aloft, there will be no loss this time…”

Elson’s words are equivalent to face-slaps. Even the calm and elegant Flander face flashed a little embarrassment. He raised his fist in the corner of his mouth and coughed secretly, then nodded and said:

“Although it is difficult, I will do my best. What should we do next? Return to the United States?”

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