Apocalypse Cockroach: 104 Tie Zhongyuan

“Pong…” The blue-and-white porcelain bowl shattered on the mahogany table. The crushed porcelain pieces, like blossoming flowers, splashed in all directions. The splashed porcelain pieces pulled open blood on the dark cheeks. People dare to move, standing respectfully, waiting for the superior to speak.

“How can you, the descendants of Genghis Khan, force the Han Chinese who ride the bow to this point? Or do you have guns in your hands and forget the bow horses of your ancestors?”

The huge Mongolian yurt is luxuriously decorated, and all kinds of valuable jewelry and antiques before the Doomsday are piled everywhere. The one by one dress is exposed. The beautiful woman poses in various poses in the corner and becomes a part of the decoration. The entire large account There are dozens of people, but there is only one chair, and a young man in his twenties sits on the carved rosewood chair.

The young man looks like a woman, looks like a woman, has a sword and eyebrows, she looks majestic and spontaneous, and she dares not look at her. Her long golden hair shines in the natural light, which is more eye-catching than the purest sunlight, and the skin is micro. Yellow is delicate, like a topaz, and smooth shines. The good appearance of this life, if it is before Doomsday, is definitely the object of the young girl screaming after ten thousand ninety.

Although this man’s age does not look old, his expression is not immature. The dozen or so men standing next to him respectfully respect him. A forty-year-old man with a small stature walked forward carefully. The young man said:

“The great Sihu Riyao is not our courageous cowardice, but the Chinese are too cunning. He rides the best horses, holds the best bows and arrows, has eagle-like eyes and can shoot more than lightning. The fast arrows are farther than our best rifles. He is not a mortal. How can we as mortals resist…”


The rosewood’s deputy shattered, and the young man stood up suddenly, shouting at the man below:

“Don’t call me Xihu Riyao, I said, my name is Tie Zhongyuan, and I will dominate the Central Plains in the future, the name is the Central Plains enemy.”

The young man’s reaction made the old man jump, and bowed and said:

“Xihu Ri’ao, no matter how you change your name, you can’t be separated from the boy. You are the golden bloodline, and it is not tarnished. Please think twice.”

“Hum…. Bayan, I can’t take care of my business. It’s nice to say. The golden blood veins, besides my headquarters, now there is another Wolf Banner that listens to me to dispatch? You have my words again. Who has heard? Let you not kill the Han people, just become a slave, but how many slaves did you bring me back?

The left and right flags of the gold Wolf Banner have been destroyed, and the second battalion of the left guard has also been burned down. It is not because you are too bloodthirsty to force the Hans to resist. If it is not the case, we need to hide. Don’t you dare to go out to fight for the world? “

Tie Zhongyuan resentment is very deep. The Wolf Banner 5th Army has only mastered the gold Wolf Banner headquarter. The others only support themselves nominally, but they are all doing their own things, making it difficult for him to exercise his revenge. Although he is nominally a Evolution player and supreme leader, but The following people always have reasons to shirk. If it were not for them to bring all the Mongols together, he really wanted a bomb to send them on the road.

“Xihu Ri Aodu, after all, there are too many Han people. We do not have an advantage in terms of quantity or equipment. Now that Han people are fighting inside and fighting each other, we must fundamentally cut off the blood of the Han people. .

There were not enough Hans killed by the Kublai enemy. If the emperor killed fewer Hans than Mongolians, we would not be driven back to the grasslands…. “

At this time, a burly man with a sturdy face came out, standing like a tower, squeezing Bayan out, facing Tie Zhongyuan, but not as careful as Bayan.

“Alatan Aodu, don’t think you have golden blood, you can stand here and gesticulate. If it’s not because you are my uncle’s son, you will always be just a wool seller, even if you have eight in your hands. One of the ministries, you can only look up to me, so there is no place for you to speak, you give me, leave…”

Tie Zhongyuan shouted, and Alatan Ao was almost chestless, but he knew that there was no supporter here, he and Tie Zhongyuan were cousins, but they were born with a golden key, and his father was The merchant who sells wool is always the same as the father of Tie Zhongyuan and has the same golden blood. Tie Zhongyuan has become the leader of the Wolf Banner Five Army, and he has only three thousand eighteen.

Alatan Aodu turned around arrogantly, and the strong men beside him watched him snicker, turning the jealousy in his heart into blood, and rushed into the head to produce temporary syncope.

“You mean, that Chinese might have the skill of Kheshig/Imperial Guard?”

Tie Zhongyuan became serious, staring at Bayan, Bayan nodded with a flattering smile, Xu Hao has always been the nail in the eyes of gold Wolf Banner, I don’t know how many soldiers died in his hands.

“We suspect that the Han people are more powerful than Kheshig/Imperial Guard. After all, he can destroy the garrison camp alone. Our Kheshig/Imperial Guard can’t do it. Even if they are all dispatched, they will pay a certain price…”

Tie Zhongyuan made the chair back and knocked on the remaining armrests to meditate. After a while, he made a decision.

Kheshig/Imperial Guard is our steel knife. The steel knives will be sharp only when they are polished. Let them be dispatched. Also, let the gold left and right flags be dispatched as well. A Chinese will stir us up. No wonder Wu Yungezhile He will look down on us. Now, I am afraid he has already attacked the border guard’s station, right?”

Tie Zhongyuan is a little helpless, the team in hand seems to be strong, but after all, it can’t be compared with the Mongolian border guards, even if their water quality is the combat quality of the Chinese reserve militia, but they have a fierce force to fight. simply doesn’t spare his life~IndoMTL.com~ If this flag is against them, it will be defeated.

“Yes, I will arrange it when I go down, but who will be the commander this time?”

Bayan asked carefully, looking at Bayan who was frightened, Tie Zhongyuan was deeply disappointed. The descendants of the Mongols were actually afraid of going to the battlefield. If they want to come to Bayan, they can’t bear the dozens of Han Chinese beauties.

“Alatan Aodu, haven’t you always been cherishing a group of herdsmen who commanded you? This time, I will send you to don’t lose your golden blood…”

At a critical moment, Tie Zhongyuan still decided to send his own relatives, anyway, or his cousins ​​with the same bloodline are more reliable.

Alatan Aodu is happy, and the Golden Banner has no command. They are directly commanded by Tie Zhongyuan, and Tie Zhongyuan hands this unit to him, proving that he will always be higher than the group of people around him.

“Xihu Ri Aodu, you’re optimistic, this time I will definitely bring that Han’s heart and liver to give you a drink, our Mongolian’s life is not so easy to take…”

Alatan Ao all gave up with great care, but caused a greater resentment of Tie Zhongyuan. For the cousin of this elementary school culture, he deeply despised it, and he was determined to give a good explanation to the deputy commander of the Golden Wolf, only Alatan Aodu just stayed honestly, don’t let him blindly command.

“Bayan, from now on, strictly order the slaughter of the Han people. If there are those who are willing to take refuge, they will be unified into the Han Eight Banners, so that the Han Eight Banners will become our swords, and the Central Plains will be attacked. The Han women don’t practise any more. After the military awards, the warriors will no longer provide women for free.

Establish military system. Ten captains reward two people, Bai Fuzhang awards eight people, and captains reward eighteen people. Tell them that if they want Han women, they can exchange military power in the future. We can’t let the other four Wolf Banner compare. . “

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