Apocalypse Cockroach: 102 D2 dinner

“Run!” Zhang Xiaoqiang turned and shouted to the woman behind him. D2 was too powerful. Yuan Yi and Su Qian were far from opponents. Slightly touched and touched. It’s not time for them to play against D2. The meaningless consumption is the most annoying of Zhang Xiaoqiang. He has no interest in losing business.

Su Qian turned around and ran after hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang’s cry. The scene of just throwing D-Type Zombie out at D2 almost made her scare out of her urine. She never thought that there would be such a horrible monster in the world. Even if she was asked to face an ordinary zombie, she could escape now. Su Qian even thought that if Zhang Xiaoqiang died, she would hide in that small base and never come out until she died.

The two sisters also chased behind the Su Qian. The sister took the sister’s hand and dragged her to death. She also saw it. She didn’t expect that the monsters could be so powerful. She doesn’t have any confidence in Zhang Xiaoqiang. The power displayed by D2 is not something humans can deal with, especially Zhang Xiaoqiang they take cold weapons.

Watching Su Qian and Miss running towards the mountain, Zhang Xiaoqiang found no figures of Yuan Yi and Yang Ke’er. He looked back and saw Yuan Yi standing still in place, just looking at him.

“What are you doing here with the pestle? Didn’t you hear me tell you to run?” Zhang Xiaoqiang watched Yuan Yi‘s eyes spitting fire. He didn’t expect that Yuan Yi wouldn’t listen when it was the time.

Yuan Yi saw Zhang Xiaoqiang angry at herself, her legs trembling slightly, and a chill rose in her heart. She suppressed this fear, and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang without speaking, but with a stubbornness in her scarlet pupil.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the stubbornness in the eyes of Yuan Yi, and suddenly he understood a little bit, “You go to check the car, that is my only escape route, it is very important.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang changed the tone of the order and said, Yuan Yi glanced at Su Qian, who had escaped far away, and Zhang Xiaoqiang, and chased Su Qian with the tire unloading rod.

Yang Ke’er stood aside with excitement, and did not care about the departure of Su Qian and others. The rebar horn gun turned like a wheel in her hand, and her eyes looked at D2 in the distance. Without blinking, there was another expression of’Beautiful Girl Wars BOSS‘ on her face.

“Why? Forget how you threw it last time?” Zhang Xiaoqiang said to Yang Ke’er in a cold tone, hoping to dispel her desire to fight BOSS.

“Ha! Last time it was Miss Ben’s care, this time you opened your eyes and watched how Miss Ben made BOSS pounce. Oh~ ha ha~~~” Yang Ke’er is full of passion now, and Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s warning is by her As the ear wind.

Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer cares about her, at least they still have some experience with D2 compared to Yuan Yi Yang Ke’er, although only a few seconds. Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to look at D2.

D2 hadn’t found a way to Xiaoqiao yet, he saw him swimming on the opposite bank of the river. From time to time, zombie fell into the river to avoid it, and many zombie were tripped to the ground by the same kind. More zombie tramples and also trips more zombie.

The big water pond under the small bridge also knows how deep, anyway, as long as zombie falls into it, it will never see it bubbling, except for the zombie, which is the closest place, can climb up to the shore, there is no wave . With the movement of D2, dozens or hundreds of zombie have been swallowed by the pond.

Finally, D2 touched the bridge crossing on the other side, but the originally narrow bridge deck was now crowded with two or three hundred zombie, plus the front bridge was stuck again, even D2 could get around past.

D2 was originally attracted by the **** smell of the old man, and now he can’t smell it and makes it start to go crazy. It rushed towards the side regardless of waving his claws. Know what happened when the tractor drove into the flock of sheep? It is now.

Countless zombie was shot and fell to the ground, countless zombie was knocked to the ground, stepped on the foot by D2, countless zombie was lifted into the air by D2 and fell into the river like dumplings like’thump thump‘ .

I don’t know if it is a few seconds or a few minutes. D2 finally crossed the bridge and came to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang became more careful when he saw D2 finally coming. He knew that D2’s hearing was also very sensitive, so he had already ordered Yang Ke’er Try not to say anything.

The original thousand zombies have been packed by D2 for less than six hundred. The crowd squeezed on the bridge is overwhelmed by the whole army, but the remaining zombie will not feel fear, they are following the road that D2 opened. Crossed the bridge and rushed to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

D2 didn’t notice that Zhang Xiaoqiang was not far away. It excitedly took his thighs and threw himself straight at the sighing old man, and undoubtedly fell into a large pit that was half an acre low.

As D2 fell into the pit, three or two faster S-Type Zombies also fell into it. One luck happened to fall on D2’s head. D2 didn’t have any extra action. , S-Type Zombie becomes two halves. After the S-Type Zombie is torn open, the misfortune will not be mentioned, so as to avoid eating.

Just while D2 was killing the same kind, the other two S-Type Zombies were already bitten in front of the old man. When the meat on the old man’s thigh was bitten, his numb nerves again passed on the severe pain to him “Ah~~~~~~” The old man’s scream was particularly miserable, and his voice became sharper.

D2 was shocked by the scream of the old man. He threw away the body of S-Type Zombie and walked towards the old man. A S-Type Zombie who was squatting at the foot of the old man and chewed his thigh did not find the arrival of D2. D2 was stepped forward. Kicked on the buttocks, S-Type Zombie was interrupted to eat very annoyed, just a claw, so it is tragic.

It’s claws have no effect on D2’s armor plate, but its movement irritates D2. D2 grabs S-Type Zombie‘s head, and then the other claw shoots at it.

D2 threw away the corpse in his hand and grabbed another S-Type Zombie who was chewing. It seems that S-Type Zombie‘s repeated provocations annoyed it. It wants to clean up S-Type Zombie before eating people.

S-Type Zombie was disassembled into parts by D2 and thrown to the ground, but Zhang Xiaoqiang was not happy about zombie’s fratricidal killing. He found a terrible problem. zombie after Evolution had already begun to have intelligence, and they would be angry~ I will clean up the things I hate, and even learn to control, at least in front of the fresh flesh and blood can still hold back, and now clean up the other zombie.

D2 rescued him from the wooden frame by holding the old man, and gnawed at him gently in the screams of the old man, eating so carefully, without any waste, even chewing the bones and swallowing it.

“Wow~~~~~~” Yang Ke’er couldn’t help but crouched on the ground and vomited.

“Wow~~~~~~~” Originally Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s stomach began to churn, and when he saw Yang Ke’er vomiting, he couldn’t help but vomiting.

Two people squatted face to face on the ground. You spit and I spit in the game. Now no one can joke, and the color of their faces can be compared with spinach.

D2 eats very carefully, and the natural speed is not fast. When it eats half of it, more than 600 zombies on the other side will jump into the pit one after another. Of course, the half-acre pit is definitely not tolerated, but is it? All zombie can stand quietly in the pit, at least a large part of them are at the foot of other zombie, four a meter in height corpses piled up on the edge of the pit of the five a meter in height, some later zombie rolled along the corpse. To D2’s feet, just D2 eats Zheng Shuang and has no intention to ignore them.

When D2 was eating, no one zombie dared to step forward and snatched, just standing on the side and smelling the thick **** smell waiting, as long as D2 had enough to eat, they had the opportunity.

Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang is getting more frightened, zombie has started to have a class?

He doesn’t have the courage to read on. Since the guests are already there, he can start serving. The old man was cold cuts, but now it’s a big meal.

A thick firewoods with one arm and a layer of cloth wrapped around it, until the cool shape is the wooden handle grenade in the previous movie, which smelled of thick kerosene, and took out the lighter point, The torch burned.

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