Against the Gods Chapter 2040: Quietly attracting the heart



After the girl finished speaking, she should have breathed a sigh of relief, but her heart suddenly beat faster, and the pounding voice/sound almost filled the entire soul sea.

enter world’s this period of time has a clearer and clearer understanding of her appearance. She has refused the approach of countless people and experienced too many gazes that were either infatuated or lustful.

At this moment, after she entered the sea of ​​fog… it was the first time in her life that she actively invited a man. The strange tension was extremely strange and complicated.

The first time in life is always full of novelty and anxiety, and it is always unforgettable.

Without accidental/surprised, the man in front of her looked at her in astonishment and didn’t speak for a long time.

Of course Hua Caili will never forget that she met Yun Che’s several times, and Yun Che would quickly turn around and leave every time, completely unwilling to interact with her.

The phrase “because we are not from the same world” impressed her even more.

Based on Yun Che’s previous actions, if he refused directly, she would not feel accidental/surprised at all. Just when he was about to say something else, he saw Yun Che slightly nodded: “Okay, then I’ll thank you.” “?G?” Hua Caili didn’t hide her surprise at all, and then said half-heartedly: “I thought you I will refuse. Before, every time you met me, you would walk away immediately, leaving me no chance to say thank you, as if I was body.

It looks like something terrible. ”

“How could it be?” Yun Che smiled and shook his head: “For someone like Fairy Elder Sister, it is a great honor to meet someone by chance in life. How could it be avoided by people? Previously it was just…”

He smiled slightly and said with deep meaning in his eyes: “I have already said the reason. After all, we are people from two worlds. I know that I should not be close to you, so I chose to retreat.”

“Why do you think so?” She thought for a while and asked seriously. “Some things cannot be hidden.” Yun Che said in a particularly calm tone: “Fairy Elder Sister‘s origin is clearly noble. When we first met Helian Imperial City in Linyuan Realm, your words and deeds made me understand that your Origin

The nobility must be plane/level that I can hardly imagine, let alone touch. ”

His tone seemed to be a bit calmer: “People from different worlds should not interact.”

On the gray dome, a pair of clear shadows fell on Yun Che‘s body, and suddenly became hazy, and there was a sudden pain in his heart.

She knows that Yun Che is telling a truth that is cruel in reality but that too many people are unwilling to admit.

Such words should belong to someone who has experienced many vicissitudes of life, or suffered many wounds, and should not come from a person whose experience is less than a sixty-year cycle, who should be ignorant and frivolous.

Just like painting stained glass, she may know the appearance at this moment, but she definitely cannot understand the true meaning of these words. “But, if you really want to say that, we are actually in a world called abyss, so why are we not people in the same world?” Hua Caili blinked looked at her and said with disapproval: “Then what are you doing now? Why are you willing

Come with me? I was ready to be rejected by you. “Of course we cannot refuse the savior’s request.” “Yun Che answered calmly: “Actually, I have always felt that a person like Fairy Elder Sister must be guarded secretly by a very powerful person when he is training outside, so before…

I feel that my actions are nosy. ”

Hua Caili’s eyes were turbulent: No wonder…

“But now it seems that Fairy Elder Sister is really training alone.”

Yun Che‘s words are reasonable and well-founded. After all, if he hadn’t made a dangerous move at the last moment, Hua Caili would have been killed by Fan Qingzhou’s sword.

“My aunt said that if you have something to rely on during the experience, it will be difficult to achieve a breakthrough, and it is not a real experience. So…”

The long eyelashes like butterfly wings fluttered in time. She is obviously very bad at lying, so as long as she does not say come out, but lets Yun Che understand it, she is not lying to others.

so that’s how it is.” Yun Che then asked: “Aunt?”

“Yes! My aunt is also my Master, and it was she who pushed me to practice come out.” Hua Caili moved lightly and stood beside Yun Che: “So, from now on, we are companions, right?”

Yun Che said solemnlynod: “Okay. No life is too much to repay Fairy Elder Sister‘s life-saving grace. Before Fairy Elder Sister recovers from his injury, I will do my best to protect you.”

Hua Qingying could hear that there was a clear sense of alienation in his serious words.

With the grace and background of Hua Caili, anyone approaching her will inevitably have various plots in their hearts.

But when Yun Che faced the approaching Hua Caili, it was…

This is the person who inherits light profound strength. Perhaps it is indeed as recorded, the bright Soul cannot tolerate any earthly evil.

“By the way, I still don’t know… the fairy name of Fairy Elder Sister?” His clear eyes overflowed with a bit of expectation.

Hua Caili took a few steps forward lightly, so that his eyes could only fall on her back: “My name is Qu Yixin.”

Immediately afterwards, she added a rather redundant explanation: “This is the name my aunt gave me.”




With a muffled sound, the two Divine Lord Initial Stage abyssal beasts were shattered into pieces in the air before they even got close, and there was no more sound.

Yun Che glanced around cautiously before slowly lowering his arm.

“So, you stayed in Linyuan Realm and participated in the Linshen Meeting all to repay the kindness of the royal family Princess?”

Hua Caili asked at his side, her enthusiasm unaffected by the sudden appearance of the Abyssal Beast. “The sandstorm outside Linyuan Realm is very shocking. I was seriously injured at that time. If Helian Crown Princess hadn’t saved me, I don’t know how long I would have been trapped in the sandstorm.” Yun Che said casually: “In return, I I will temporarily join He

Even the royal family won them the qualification to enter Lin God Realm. ”

so that’s how it is, at that time I thought you were the Prince Consort of the royal family Princess.” Painted glass said with a smile.

Yun Che looked surprised and confused: “Why do you think so?”

“Because you are very close. And between you… In short, it will make people feel that way. Many people should think so.” She looked sideways at Yun Che‘s surprised expression, her eyebrows condensed. Starting from one promotes stenosis.

Ever since she stepped into the foggy sea, her mind has never been so relaxed. even/including A pair of beautiful eyes seems to have thousands more stars.

Alone in the sea of ​​fog, you must always be tight mind. Even if you take a moment to breathe, you may encounter a sudden crisis. Every moment of his breath felt like he was immersed in a depressing and terrifying gray swamp.

And if you have someone by your side, you can be vigilant and recuperate, and the pressure you bear is more than doubled.

“How is that possible?” Yun Che smiled and shook his head: “She is the Princess of the royal family, and I am just a rootless duckweed swept into the Linyuan Realm by a sandstorm. If it weren’t for the kindness she gave me, she and I would never be together. There is no intersection between impossible.”

“You are a person who always takes kindness very seriously.” He was not depressed, and his footsteps were much lighter than calmness: “Then after you entered Lin God Realm, did you see that legendary with your own eyes? Linshen?” Yun Che shook his head directly, with no regrets on his face: “No. I have no interest in entering Linshen God Realm. I participated in the Linshen meeting just to repay Helian Crown Princess‘s kindness. Enter Lin God Realm with the Helian royal family. After that, I only kept

In just a few hours, he left come out and then left Linyuan Realm. ”

„Ah?”‘s surprised expression covered half of her jade cheeks, “You actually… left directly? Didn’t that royal family Princess keep you? They… especially her, should be very reluctant to let you go. Yes.”

Yun Che smiled and shook his head: “I have fully repaid my kindness by helping the Helian royal family gain the qualification to enter Lin God Realm. Now that I have cleared both grievances and TT, I naturally do not have reason to continue to stay in Linyuan Realm.” “As you think. , I also thought that she might be kind enough to ask her to stay, but if she refused in person, her heart would be hurt. And Master has been taught that as a man, you can kill a woman’s body, but you can’t hurt her heart. So I had no choice but to leave without saying goodbye.

“Like thisAh……” The painted glass small head was slightly tilted, trying to understand what Yun Che’s said.

She had so many questions to ask him that she didn’t even know where to start.

Because of his body, there were really too many novel things for her.

Especially…he is the person that makes my aunt so curious.

After a long period of silence, the girl suddenly looked sideways: “By the way, Young Master Yun, where are you from? And why are you alone outside?”

“Born?” Yun Che shook his head: “I have no family background.”

“No… origin?” Hua Caili couldn’t understand: “How can a person have no origin? For example, where is your home, your parents and relatives…”

Yun Che looked at the front: “In this world… I have no family, nor any parents or relatives.”

His home, his parents and relatives are not in this deep Yuanzhi world, but in another world.

He didn’t lie to anyone. ,

But when these words fell into Hua Caili’s ears, he spoke the most desolate words in the world with the calmest voice/sound.

The painted glass small head suddenly turned around, the stars in beautiful eyes were about to shatter for a moment, and even/including voice/sound also suddenly became softer: “Is…did something big happen?” The man in his sight was. Shaking his head again, his tone was as calm as before: “Since I came to this world, I have never had a home. As for my parents and relatives, I have never even seen them, so how can I talk about my origin. The changes you mentioned…

For others, it was an accident, but for me, I didn’t even have the chance to encounter such an accident. ”

“Losing may be painful, but at least I have had it. And I…this vast and deep Yuanzhi In this world, there is no place for me to come from, and no way for me to return. ”

voice/sound is as calm as the breeze, without any emotion. But when it fell on the girl’s ears, her breathing suddenly stopped, and her heart and soul seemed to be picked up by something heavy, with an uncontrollable stinging pain.

Yun Che suddenly turned his head, faced the girl’s eyes and smiled: “Does it sound sad? Hahaha, in fact, it’s nothing to me. After all, it’s been like this since I came to this world, and I’m used to it. .”

As he laughed, the stars in the girl’s eyes seemed to be a little more broken.

Yun Che secretly sneered… Such a strong sense of empathy, is this kind of character worthy of a Goddess from the Kingdom of God?

Her journey of experience has been too long.

But of course this is the best thing for him.

At the same time, the doubt in his heart became even worse… Based on the information he learned in Linyuan Realm and the few memories he grabbed from Mengjianzhou, the name of the colored glass Goddess of Zhetian Divine Kingdom has existed for at least thousands of people. Year.

Those people he knew who had gone through thousands of years of vicissitudes were all faced with mountains of corpses and seas of bones without any trace of concern, let alone an unrelated person with a seemingly bleak past.

No matter how well protected she is, even if she has never enter world before, she still has thousands of years of life experience. Is the understanding of human nature and survival principle really so shallow and immature?

“It’s possible, I might have owned it before.” He whispered casually.

The girl was touched and asked: “does that mean, have you… lost the past?” Yun Che nod: “When I woke up in this world, I faced endless darkness and the Master that woke me up. .Master told me that I must have been around ten years old at that time, and my body and Soul were severely damaged. If I hadn’t encountered Master,

Already dead. “Broken Soul Also by Master Being cured by a miraculous method and able to revive again is a miracle recognized by the world. As for the memories of the past, they have all been destroyed long ago. Not even a trace has been left, and naturally they will last forever. impossible Touch again

And the past. ”

His voice/sound is plain and gentle, as if he is recounting an ordinary experience. There is no sadness, no sadness, no complaints about fate, not even a trace of longing for the lost past.

Hua Caili looked at him and was stunned for a long time before she lowered her head. small head, lightly said: “I have never seen my mother, but my birthday is the anniversary of my mother’s death.”

Yun Che: “…” “My father is very good to me, aunt also, also… everyone is very good to me, but I still often think about my mother who has never been masked, and I envy her.” Others can have mother’s care and reprimand, but they will always regret it

My life has irreparable flaws. “Her continued: “And during this experience, I witnessed countless darkness and miseries that I had never imagined before, especially… That time I watched helplessly as several newborn babies were brutally abandoned due to lack of congenital qualifications. , even

There is no qualification for growth. ”

Seeing the misery before our eyes is far more heart-wrenching than hearing someone talk about it hundreds and thousands of times . But in this cruel depth Yuanzhi In this world, most living beings have long been accustomed to this.

“It’s also this period of time that I gradually realized that my life has been so lucky.” She raised her eyes and looked at him again with a comforting look. Just as she was about to speak, she was blocked by Yun Che Staring back sideways: “Are you trying to comfort me? I never feel miserable, on the contrary. I always think that I

He is the luckiest man in the world. ”

“Needless to say, resurrection from the dead. Meeting Master in this life is a gift that others can never ask for in their lifetime.”

At the mention of the words “Master“, his body straightened up almost subconsciously, his head slightly raised, and his eyes, which never showed emotion even in dangerous situations, filled with deep admiration.

“Your Master must be a very amazing person.” Hua Caili lowered his voice/sound and asked cautiously and with a little tentativeness: “He must be very famous, right?”

Hua Qingying’s attention immediately focused on Yun Che, observing every change in his face.

With Divine Lord Realm defeated Divine Destroyer Realm, possessing five elemental powers, and light profound strength that only existed in records… She was extremely curious about where Yun Che’s Master was sacred.

With her extensive knowledge, there is no one who can match her. Yun Che shook his head and said slowly and solemnly: “QuElder Sister has saved my life, I shouldn’t have concealed anything. It’s just… Master has been as kind to me as heaven, but he has asked very little from me. One of them is never allowed to be right

Reveal his identity outside. ”

Hua Caili was startled and said quickly: “I overstepped my bounds with my words.” Yun Che looked slightly ashamed and hesitated and said: “My Master is not actually a person of the current world, even… he is not He is a person, but a lingering soul. Except for me, he has no intersection with anything in this world

. Therefore, his reputation never existed in this world. ”

“It was his kind thoughts that saved me accidental/surprised… All I can tell Qu Elder Sister is this, please forgive me.”

There was a hint of apology in his voice/sound, which made Huacaili feel half warm and half panicked. She shook her head: “Of course you must follow Master‘s teachings. Then you Master him now…”

Yun Che smiled faintly: “After Master gave me everything, it disappeared between heaven and earth. I have been alone enter world since then, and it has been many years without knowing it.”

Above the sky, Hua Qingying frowned, between lips murmured: “Primordial leftover soul?”

In ancient abyss, countless Gods and Devilss had fallen. With the gradual thinning of Yuan Chen and the emergence of new land, some Gods and Devils began to barely survive, and more of them survived in different ways in perished. soul.

In the long-ago era, the ghosts of Primordial were often discovered, and they became increasingly rare as the years passed. In modern times, it is one of the few hundred thousands that has been hard to find.

If Yun Che’sMaster” is a remnant of Primordial that has never appeared in the world, then his body‘s strange abilities, which can even be said to not exist, have the only explanation.


World easternmost, Wall of Primordial Chaos.

Chi Wu and Shui Meiyin stood in front of Wall of Primordial Chaos, their expressions solemn.

The guidance of each Star Realm on the direction of the sound source, the surrounding planet fragments destroyed by the terrifying sound wave, everything points to… the source of terrifying voice/sound is not a certain planet Star Realm, but Wall of Primordial Chaos! Shui Meiyin reached out, and World Needle, which had lost its crimson light, touched Wall of Primordial Chaos where Strength of Principle was flowing. In a moment, shelightly said: “Intact. However, even if Wall of Primordial Chaos is injured, it will be repaired in an instant

. How it was before cannot be determined. ”

“This location…” Qianye Ying’er breathed out slowly: “It is almost the same place as when Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor broke through returns.”

could it be that , Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor , and those under her command Devil God …” “This is not possible. ” Qianye Ying’er Before he could finish his words, he was already captured by Chi Wu? Devil God can exist outside primordial chaos For so many years, I relied on World Needle outer primordial chaos The space created. Finally broke through the chaos

The Wall of Chaos also relies on the power of World Needle. “When Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor returns, he will leave World Needle in this world.” Without the support of Qiankun Divine Power, the protective space outside primordial chaos will inevitably collapse soon. After so many years, Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor and his subordinates Devil God should have no hope of survival

Yes. ”

She deliberately avoided one person…that was Jasmine who was beaten into primordial chaos by Zhou Xuzi. Her existence is much more fragile than Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor and other Devil Gods. She was directly obliterated almost as soon as she was beaten into primordial chaos.

“Even if it does survive, without World Needle, Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor itself has no chance of destroying Wall of Primordial Chaos.”

Chi Wu’s words are all facts within cognition. Qianye Ying’er and Shui Meiyin cannot make any what difference proposals.

When Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor left World Needle behind, it was decided that she and the rest of Devil God would soon be completely annihilated outside primordial chaos.

“It seems that you already have the answer in your mind?” Qianye Ying’er said. Chi Wu? ξ⑽⑽Ⅱナ Zhu Kepu page ⑹偝Ambien? Wheel Devil Emperor‘s cognition, similar situations have appeared many times in Remote Ancient Era, occurring once every six million years on average. The cause is either the impact of outer primordial chaos matter or the space vortex of outer primordial chaos

The dimensional explosion caused when the flow touches Wall of Primordial Chaos. ”

Qianye Ying’er thought for a moment and said: “It sounds like an explanation that is easy to accept.”

“There seems to be no other possibility. It cannot be that Heaven Smiting Devil Emperor has another World Needle in his hands.”

Chi Wu’s eyes no longer looked at Wall of Primordial Chaos: “Now all living beings in God Realm are trapped in the panic caused by abyss. It is extremely difficult to calm down to this point. We cannot let other chaos occur again.”

She took out advise, and a rather huge dark sound transmission profound formation spread out in front of her:

“This wave of music is an external primordial chaos material impact Wall of Primordial Chaos As a result, it has now completely subsided and there is no future trouble. ?O Jin, please convey this theory to all walks of life as soon as possible to reassure people. ” sound transmission profound formation Put it away, Chi Wu turned around decisively: ” Wall of Primordial Chaos yes principle External things, even if it takes ten thousand times more thought impossible Get a glimpse of it. Now that the only possible reason has been found, there is no need to waste any more energy.

Neither Qianye Ying’er nor Shui Meiyin said much. The three women left, but each had their own thoughts.

Chi Wu? Υ Hard Emperor and Huan Qiang Kong Cuo killed people? She found the most possible and appropriate reason, but there was always an undercurrent surging deep in her heart and soul, which lasted for a long time.

Integrated with the incomplete memories of Nirvana Devil Emperor, Chi Wu Na appears, far superior to any living being in the world.

It is impossible to destroy the Wall of Primordial Chaos even if it is as strong as the ancient Creation God and Devil Emperor.

Based on the understanding of Nirvana Devil Emperor, the only ones capable of destroying Wall of Primordial Chaos are Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword, Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations, and World Needle with extreme space Divine Power!

Heaven Punishing Ancestral Sword has left no trace since ancient times. World Needle is in the hands of Shui Meiyin, and Divine Power has dried up.

And Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations……

Chi Wu suddenly paused.

But immediately, that flash of thought was completely erased. Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations was knocked into primordial chaos along with Heavenly Slaughter Star God Jasmine. At that time, Evil Infant’s Wheel of Myriad Tribulations had already completely declined due to the mutation of primordial chaos. Although Jasmine, who had transformed into Evil Infant, could kill Divine Emperor, it was far inferior to the demigod.

The powerful Mo Beichen.

In other words, the power of this era Evil Infant is even far inferior to that of the demigod. Compared with the Devil God of primordial chaos, it is even more insignificant.

Such Evil Infant, impossible survive outside primordial chaos, and impossible releases power that is enough to shock Wall of Primordial Chaos.

Chi Wu? Π Dan low aluminum boat to flatter?, trying her best to put away all the strange thoughts.

With the deep Yuanzhi calamity hanging over his head, Yun Che fell alone into the realm of death… In this ill-fated world, we must not let other disasters happen again.

On the other side, Shui Meiyin clasped his hands tightly against World Needle, and his soul trembled inexplicably.

When it came to Wall of Primordial Chaos, World Needle… was trembling?

Is it an illusion…



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