Shape of the Wind – Volume Meteorite Chapter 3: Beastization

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The suburbs of El Tienno Central Capital in December 568th year

Leaving out of the subspace, passing through the dimensional cracks, Titanic One reappeared in the normal space, landing and combining with the rocks on the ground to form a new fortress.

Because of the unclear vision, the interference of the chaotic energy waves, and the interruption of the scanning, Zhu Yan could not clearly grasp the enemy’s situation, otherwise he would be half relieved, knowing that he could avoid the enemy who could be struck by the sky cannon by magical means. The situation will not be more dominant.

The Titanic One, which returned to its normal space again, was much smaller than when it appeared before. This is the price of urgent space-time transfer. Thirty percent of the mechanical components are combined with the mountains and rocks, and there is not enough time to completely break away, so they have to break away by forcibly blasting the outer wall; the main energy of the fortress is all used on the earth barrier, temporarily switched to time and space transfer, there is not enough energy to push, and Coupled with the shock of the unstable space, after going there and going, only 70% of the original size of Titanic 1 was left.

It was originally a light-flying and agile airship. After a large number of shells were blasted, it looked like a thin man who lost too much weight. The skeleton was exposed in many parts, and it was embarrassing to be gimmick, but no matter how large the appearance. Simple, the Titanic does rely on various tactics. It has been supported in this war to this day. If it is really hit by the Sky Cannon, no matter how many advanced equipment there are on the Titanic, it will definitely be a hit. .

Now, Airing has exhausted all the chips in his hand. Like the brother on the opposite air island, he can only rely on the last desperate bet to decide the outcome with his own main gun.

Eiling and Zhu Yan both know who the person sitting on the opposite command seat is. Although they are hundreds of miles away from each other and there are countless armors and walls blocking each other, they feel that each other is close at hand. You can even feel each other’s breath.

It’s hard for anyone to kill in the same family, but they have no choice, because there are other friends and comrades beside them. If you hesitate, then it’s not just yourself that is facing life threats. , There are them next to them, so Ai Ling and Zhu Yan, who have been fully prepared psychologically, gave orders without hesitation.

“The main gun is filled with energy! Quick! Can’t lose to the enemy!”

“Tongtian Cannon is filled with energy! Stop all other operations, and must be ahead of the enemy!”

The same order was issued in both camps, and the two main guns turned on almost at the same time. When their machinery was running at high speed, they crazily absorbed the energy of the surrounding space.

How powerful is the output of the Tongtian Cannon, and the impact when it absorbs energy is also extraordinary. It is almost a method of exhausting all natural energy in the entire space. After encountering the Yuanshi Cannon with the same output, everyone is worried. The scene is superficial.

There are frequent thunder and lightning in the sky, and the sky is clear and clear, but the shining thunder and lightning are densely flowing in the air; whether it is Jinao Island or Titanic Fortress, the people inside feel skin tingling and know this space The various energies contained within are in a dangerously tight state due to the unlimited absorption of the two aspects.

The design of the weapon itself, before the Sky Cannon is launched, it will quickly absorb all the energy within a radius of five hundred miles. The huge energy is gathered and condensed at one point. This abnormal man-made process is of great importance to the surrounding environment. The burden can even be said to be the limit that a natural space can bear. Today, there are two main guns of the same level and the same output, interacting with each other in the same range, trying to break this limit and repeatedly subverting the laws of nature. Appeared in front of everyone.

The sky is already breaking dawn, with no moon or clouds, but it gradually becomes gloomy. The whole sky turns into a dark and deep color. In the repeated purple light flashes, bursts of magnificent faint haze begin to envelope the sky. Cut off the purple electricity, hovering towards the ground and descending.

“Dean! Energy filling pause!”

“Director Zhu Yan, the Tongtian Cannon couldn’t absorb energy from the very beginning!”

When everyone was bewildered by the spectacle in front of them, two anxious calls sounded in the two camps respectively. The gunners reported the same message, and the energy filling speed of the main gun suddenly slowed down. It can almost be said. A complete pause, this is something that has never happened before.

After checking that the system was not in any condition, both Ai Ling and Zhu Yan had the same thoughts.

(Oops, it must be because of the excessive use of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, the energy is crazy absorbed by the main guns on both sides, and it can’t be supplied for a while…)

The natural energy within a radius of five hundred miles is absorbed by the two super weapons at the same time. Under the condition of supply imbalance, neither side can get enough energy; the consequence of exhaustion and fishing will make this violently distorted space appear. Disintegrate.

The mist of colored light in the sky is like a special rainbow in the bitter cold of the far north, but this magnificent and fantastic colored light turns into mist. When it descends from the sky, every place it passes is There was a crisp cracking sound like an iceberg disintegrating.

“Dean! Look, the sky outside is not right!”

It’s more than something wrong, it should be sunny, but the sky seems to be stained with a large patch of blood, showing an unnatural dark red color; as the aurora mist sinks, the space seems to be dragged by the cutting of an extremely sharp blade After that, there appeared one after another broken cracks, and in a blink of an eye, more than a hundred wounds of various sizes appeared in the nearby space.

These bizarre “wounds” will not bleed, but they will “wailing”. A strong whirlwind is blown from the dark interior, making a stern and sharp sound, as if the yin wind is howling, stinging everyone’s hearing, just Even the fleeing crowds deep underground were affected by the high-frequency harsh sound. Many people fell to their knees in pain. Only people who had considerable martial arts skills or were protected by good sound insulation equipment were spared. nothing.

However, the problem people have to face is not just the wailing of these “wounds”. Those bottomless black breaches kept blowing out strong winds, swallowing all external objects, sucking in all the objects within the scope of influence, endlessly, without knowing where to send them.

“It’s… it’s a gap in space! The space is torn apart!”

I don’t know who said it, making everyone in Titanic Fortress look dumbfounded.

Basically, they have enough knowledge to explain the scene in front of them, knowing that under the strong energy impact, the space in which they are located is overwhelmed, and it is indeed possible to rupture or even disintegrate. However, this knowledge that everyone knows belongs to the scope of pure academic theory. It is just a theoretical boring thing. No one has ever thought that one day it will happen. Even if it is the fierce battle of life and death of the supreme martial artist, it will make the whole The Continent of Wind has never experienced such a phenomenon before and after the disaster, so in the calculations of everyone, this purely theoretically possible phenomenon is even more remote than the legendary dreamland.

The terrifying power of the Tongtian Cannon when it was launched, everyone had a full understanding of the record of the Battle of Shangri-La, and used the system to calculate the impact of the two Tongtian Cannons on the bombing time. However, calculations are only calculations after all. In the actual confrontation scenes, there are still many uncalculated changes appearing one by one. At this moment, there is only the terrorist destruction in the metaphysical theory, and the space collapse is taking place. This is the first time to face this extraordinary natural disaster. The people suddenly panicked and asked their respective leaders urgently.

“Master Dean, please give us an order!”

As his subordinates urged to take action, Airing also calmed down from the original shock, and quickly recalled the relevant theories of space science in his heart, and figured out what might happen in the future.

The appearance of these cracks that tear through the space means that the boundaries between several different dimensions are beginning to be confused. The result of two different dimensions conflicting with each other, under the chain reaction, it is very likely that the world will collapse, and then it will be the world. It’s the end. However, the situation may not be bad for Russ, because while the space is being torn, there is also another counterforce that maintains stability, which will repair the broken space and prevent the collapse of this world.

When Queen Liya cut the space with “Fanho Moon” and severely damaged Amakusa Shiro, the broken space was automatically restored later. The same situation is also happening outside. There are more than a hundred gaps in space of different sizes, some of which are healing quickly, and soon they are intact, indicating that the reaction force is working, but Airing also noticed that there are some relatively large gaps. Not only there is no sign of shrinking, but the area is gradually increasing, while it swallows nearby objects, while making the surrounding normal space look like a mirror, small cracks appear and gradually shatter.

(Because of the mutual influence of the Tongtian Cannon and Yuanshi Cannon, huge energies gather in one place and tear each other, so the space cannot bear it and cracks. If it continues to deteriorate, the space may collapse and a small black hole phenomenon will occur. If you want to stop the disintegration of space…)

How to do it, Airing himself knows very well, as long as he and his brother immediately stop the operation of the main guns on both sides, stop absorbing the vitality of the world and let the tight dangerous balance return to nature, then the healing power of the space will let Everything is getting better; you don’t even have to stop on both sides, as long as one side is willing to give up first, and only one cannon-class main gun is operating, I believe the situation will be much better.

The problem is that this kind of thing is simply impossible. Now the enemy and us are like two mortal enemies facing each other with full bows. The bowstring has been stretched to the fullest, and the energy in the space has also been condensed to the limit. As long as one party gives up first, the other party will instantly fill up the energy required for launching. Launched in a safe state. If you are hit in this situation, it must be completely wiped out, and it will be decomposed so that nothing is left.

(Me, what should I do…)

This is not a time to think slowly, but Ai Ling can’t make a decision. The choices on both sides seem to be so difficult, and at the end of the choice, there is only an ending called destruction.

If you give up now, you and everyone in Titanic Fortress will immediately lose their lives under the shelling of the Sky Cannon; if you choose to stick to it, confront your brother, try to store up the energy and fire the cannon in this difficult state. Then it is possible that before the energy storage is full, the surrounding space will collapse, swallowing Jinao Island and Titanic Fortress, bringing the terrifying end of the world to come.

Everyone is looking at them, their eyes are full of unconcealable anxiety, but they have no one else to rely on, or even to ask anyone. At this moment, the pressure that Airing was under was really extraordinary. In just a few seconds, it was like a year, but she was indeed the proud heir of the Japanese sage. In the state of frequent cold sweats behind her, Airing He gritted his teeth violently, stopped the shaking of his teeth, and spoke steadily.

Originally, Ai Ling wanted to order her subordinates to get communication with Jinao Island. Both sides took a step back and died together, but at the moment she spoke, a flash of electric light flashed and an explosion came from somewhere far away. The sound, followed by the subordinates hurriedly reported that the computer room at the rear of the fortress was damaged, and several functions could not work, including long-distance communication capabilities.

“Why at this time…”

Like a thunderous blow, Ai Ling’s brain rumblingly only realized that there is no such clever way to do things. This is likely to be the damage caused by someone sneaking in, and it must be immediately dispatched to check. However, this action was also a step late, because the explosion sounded again, this time it happened directly above the fortress, the scale and intensity were much stronger than before, and the sound was continuous.

“An enemy appeared above! It is a heavenly warrior!”

Even without this yelling, this thought flashed through everyone’s heart. Only then did they realize that the battle on Jinao Island was fierce, not only using the main artillery to fight, but even sending a master as a death squad, lurking near the Titanic Fortress. At this point, damage at close range, as long as the crew of Yuanshi Cannon can be destroyed, and if it is a stable victory.

“But… who is willing to sacrifice like this? If the Yuanshi Cannon is destroyed and the Tongtian Cannon is directly bombarded, this person will undoubtedly die!”

Even if you have the power of heaven, if you are hit by the sky cannon head-on, it will be inevitable to die. Those who are willing to take part in this action will only end up with the same end even if they succeed. Who would be so crazy? ?


In Titanic Fortress, people speculated about various possibilities, but all these assumptions were missed. The enemy’s attack did not come from Jin’ao Island’s sophisticated tactics. In fact, Zhu Yan hadn’t thought of this at all, and had no idea that the missing coach had attacked the enemy’s fortress single-handedly.

“There is a set of armor made of mixed soil that has such hardness, which is really unexpected.”

It was another heavy punch, Gong Jin blasted down, spitting a lot of dirt, rock and dust, and punched a deep gap, but the gap quickly converged, eliminating most of the damage he had caused. The formation of Titanic Fortress is mainly based on combining the surrounding soil ores into armor. As long as the energy to maintain the operation of the system is still there, no matter how many times it is destroyed, the outer armor will continue to recover.

It’s no longer a day or two for the power of heaven to reappear in the world. Since Arambatt’s shock, almost all the weapon designs of the Taiyan Institute are based on the imaginary enemy of the heavenly warrior. Those works have been added in Ailing. After the Taiyan Academy, the results quickly blossomed and became practical on the battlefield, making the heavenly warriors who faced it repeatedly felt difficult.

Of course, Gong Jin will not be stumped by such a small problem. Even though these armors will automatically recover, the destructive power he causes with each blow is still far greater than the speed of armor recovery. The reason why Gong Jin stopped the attack was because he encountered three inexplicable puzzles.

First, I noticed the emergence of the Reins airship, equipped with the same main gun as the Sky Cannon. In order to avoid the worst scene of the two sides, I gave up chasing Hao Kelian and rushed to destroy the enemy first. fortress. But before he reached the top of the fortress, before he had time to make a move, the second half of the steel-earth fortress suddenly exploded. This incident was weird. Is it a mechanical problem inside the fortress? Or is someone sabotaged?

If someone sabotages secretly, is the other person a fellow traveler? Or is it a third-party force that intends to drive tigers and wolves to profit? The two answers symbolize different meanings and should not be ignored.

Second, the terrifying balance between the Tongtian Cannon and Yuanshi Cannon. Both sides are frantically sucking in the heaven and earth’s vitality in this space, taking every bit of free energy as their own, and storing the launch energy. This abnormal situation not only affected the surrounding environment, but also seriously affected the power of the Celestial Martial Artist. Rao Gongjin’s cultivation has reached the level of transformation. When the Tianxin is running, he still feels that his strength is difficult to condense and his breath is slow.

This situation was particularly obvious when I took the shot to destroy the outer wall of the Titanic deck. Several times a heavy punch broke through the deck and opened a deep hole. When I wanted to take advantage of the victory, I was able to make a punch. If it doesn’t come up, the condensed celestial power begins to dissipate, which has never happened in the past. Standing directly above the Titanic Fortress, extremely close to the inhalation of energy, if Gong Jin hadn’t maintained the supreme heavenly heart of the Zhaitian position, the ordinary strong heavenly position warrior might not even be able to transport his strength.

Third, this is also the reason why Gong Jin is really deterred. On the way to the Titanic Fortress from Jinao Island, he condensed the high temperature in his palm, making his palm like a hot red soldering iron, and then put it on the wound on his lower abdomen, and immediately bursts of blue smoke appeared. Muscle necrosis, trying to stop severe bleeding in this way.

However, the poison emperor’s line is indeed not a vain name. During the flight, Gong Jin felt that the bleeding did not stop, but only reduced the flow, but whether it was because his first aid method worked, or because he had lost blood. Too much, this is really impossible to be sure. The only thing I’m grateful for is that as the strength decreases, the body’s self-healing effect becomes worse, and the speed of blood loss is also slowed down. However, the feeling of dizziness and dizziness is still accompanied by the feeling of dizziness, which is very uncomfortable.

“Oh, this is really retribution. He was bloodied to death on the street. This image is very suitable for us to dye countless murderers…”

Gong Jin’s faint self-deprecation broke his usual sense of calmness. But no matter what, as long as he still has the strength and can still move, he will stubbornly implement his own methods and destroy all the enemies that stand in front of him.

After destroying the Titanic Fortress, the Tongtian Cannon would immediately shoot at the consequences, Gong Jin vaguely knew one or two. If he is not there, it is still unknown whether Zhu Yan can carry out his will, bombard the city, and eliminate the citizens who have been infected by the Mozu virus, but he has no choice because of the greater crisis ensuing. Come, if you continue to stay on Jin’ao Island, you can only sit and watch the confrontation, and the only way to prevent the doomsday is the tactics you are using now.

Looking up, the sky full of fuzzy colorful mist, like a satin of ice, twists and turns, swirling and dancing, the magnificent scenery refracted by the rainbow is really indescribable; but in the sky full of rainbows, those The gradually expanding black hole, deep without bottom, leading to an unknown dimension of time and space, swallowing nearby objects at high speed, and blowing out the freezing wind below the freezing point. Even far away, Gong Jin still clearly feels that wave. Icy.

“The beautiful things always come with destruction… Or, it is better to die in the beautiful scenery than to die in the ugliness.”

Gong Jin took a breath and transported the long-awaited power of the heavenly position to his palm, ready to send out a blow with ten percent of his strength, directly blasting the armor of the earth wall that would heal automatically, without giving it any chance to recover.

“The same is all about to die. What is the difference between beauty and ugliness? Does a handsome person have a ticket to heaven when he dies? If this is the case, the handsome man with a half-faced face, You probably only have **** to go to.”

A blow was not sent, and in the sound of the strong wind that rang wildly in the ears, there was a bold voice coming over, with a smile but a smile, the kind of slightly tired teasing that made Gong Jin suddenly raise his head and stop. After the attack on Titanic Fortress, he turned his head and looked at the source of the sound.


The tricky situation not only appeared on the ground of Zhongdu, but also under the ground of Zhongdu, a major retreat plan was underway.

Among the nearly tens of millions of people underground, Nier and Gengoro knew about the water pollution of the people in Central Capital City, but Gengoro was the only one who really knew the consequences of this incident.

It’s like being beaten in the head by someone. Although Gengoro tried his best to maintain his composure, he still didn’t have a clear plan in his mind. He even doubted how long it took Zhou Gongjin to get upset when he knew about it. Calm down, clear your mind, and come up with a contingency plan.

(That time must be very long, otherwise he would not spend so much time thinking behind closed doors on Jinao Island after detaining Xu Liewu…)

But just thinking that Gong Jin could make the decision to hit the capital immediately, regardless of whether it was right or wrong, Gengoro really admired Gong Jin’s unfeeling and cold-heartedness. He was indecisive, and Gengoro couldn’t be so decisive when he asked himself. In fact, he even felt very embarrassed about how to tell Nier about this matter.

(The situation is really tricky, maybe I should also get an iron mask to wear, so as to hide the ugliness, I will dare to say some things…)

This kind of disease called timidity, even if he wears a mask, won’t heal from it. Gengoro knew it very well, but when he was also learning to laugh at himself, fierce vibrations bombarded the tunnel above the Jinao Island. Frequent battles with Titanic Fortress, each other’s tricks, the fluctuation of mutual attacks, also affected the rock plates under the ground.

“Don’t panic! At this time, the order must not be chaotic.”

Ni’er at the front of the team tried her best to maintain the order of the march. If the masses run out of control before the exit, people will trample on them, and the deaths and injuries will be out of control. , But Ni’er’s voice was overwhelmed by the rumble from above, and she was shocked to realize that the people on the ground that had undergone major changes were like frightened bison herds, and everyone ran forward in panic.

Chaos is something that can be expected. When the first victim appears in the crowd, the people who are contaminated with the smell of blood rush forward with red eyes, fighting for the chance of survival for themselves and their families.

Gengoro, who was in the center of the team, had no intention of stopping this chaotic scene that was out of control. The situation has evolved so far, he has been out of control of anyone, and he can’t control it. I believe Zhou Gongjin is the same. In contrast, I was more worried about the battle on the ground, because it was possible to spread the shock wave to such a deep underground and cause the earth and rock to be scattered. It seemed that it was no longer a battle of heaven, but a battle of the ancient magic road fortress level.

(Reince’s military talents are almost all on Alcatraz, otherwise they are on the battlefield with the army. The four-eyed frogs of the Taiyuan Institute are just for their own use. Wouldn’t a group of people cluster around the little Ailing girl and just rush into the battle? Come on? These people have no problem operating the instrument, but will they really fight?)

As an internationally renowned one-hundred-defeated military division, Gengoro knew he was not qualified to ask this, but when he was worried about it, some kind of warning made him notice that something was wrong. The air in the tunnel seemed to have changed. , I couldn’t analyze the ingredients for a while, but there was indeed some kind of abnormality, which slowly spread in the air.

“This smell… is bloody.”

The smell of blood is not unbelievable. In this chaotic scene of tens of thousands of people rushing around, it is just a rough estimate that a thousand people were killed just now, the underground ventilation is not good, and the absence of the smell of blood is a strange thing, but The strong smell of blood seems to hide something that is not strong.

“What is it? Not biogas…but something similar…”

Gengoro turned his head and looked around for the source of the breath, wanting to see where the smell came from. He was in the crowd of chaos and fleeing. Everyone around him was running frantically, but he was blocked by his protective gas shield. No one was able to approach him within two feet of his body, and a safe space was forced out.

“Little Five! On my side…something strange happened on my side!”

The answer I was looking for has not yet emerged, but Nier called out. Gengoro received her heartfelt message, only to hear Nier say incoherently that the people in front of the tunnel went mad, one by one. The beast.

“Oh, that’s normal. When everyone wants to escape and there is only one road, the saint will become a beast.”

“No! I am not saying that they have all become beasts, but that they have really become beasts!”

These words can only be described inexplicably. Gengoro still wants to continue to ask questions. However, when the rushing crowd around him suddenly stopped, they held his throat and made a strange sound of “hehe”. When he fell to the ground, he finally understood what Nier meant.


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