Five Frozen Centuries Chapter 314: The neck is about to break


On the first day, Zhang Zhiwen planned to go to City C, but on the way he received another news feed on his mobile phone. It was still in City C, and the news headline made him very familiar.

“The cannibalism in City C continues to ferment, the number of victims has tripled, and countless people are fidgeting!”

Zhang Zhiwen was very puzzled, and he finally clicked on the news this time.

“What’s the matter?” Wei Huo asked.

Zhang Zhiwen said: “I thought it was a headline party. I didn’t expect it to happen again today. When I think of cannibalism, I think of what you said yesterday to obtain genetic information by eating living things.”

Wei Huo said: “I will not follow you for too long. If my fantasy world is destined to end, then I will leave this planet and go to various places in the universe to investigate the truth, so what do you want? Submit it as soon as possible.”

Zhang Zhiwen was puzzled. He asked, “Do you want to leave the fantasy world and do not want to do other things? For example, get a body or dominate the world.”

Wei Huo said: “I don’t want to.”

Zhang Zhiwen: “Uh…”

At this time, Zhang Zhiwen had already clicked on the news. The news was full of pictures and texts, and a video was attached to the end. Zhang Zhiwen frowned after only one glance, because there were too many mosaics on the picture. Almost the entire picture is mosaic.

When I clicked on the video, what appeared was the news broadcast by the C City News Channel. It seems that the news media, social forums, and Moments of Friends have been discussing this matter in the past two days.


This is the core of everyone’s discussion. There have been two cannibalism incidents in City C. The number of victims has reached 33, and the deaths of the victims are all extremely tragic, in some places. Almost gnawed to only bones.

Experts say that this is a carnivore. It may be a wolf or a bear. But how can there be a wolf or a bear in a big city like C city?

In the past two days, Wei Huo’s mental power has spread to many people. Many of them are paying attention to this cannibalism. Through the eyes and memories of these people, Wei Huo has learned from different angles. this incident.

“The victims seemed to be discovered in the morning, that is, was it night when the attack was made?” Zhang Zhiwen murmured.

Zhang Zhiwen does not have as much perspective as Wei Huo. He doesn’t know much about it, but Wei Huo knows many different things. He said: “The victims seem to be creators.”

Zhang Zhiwen: “!!!”

The creator? Is it a creator like me?

Wei Huo said: “Comic lovers, literature lovers, video production lovers, narrators, poetry lovers, network writers, association writers, poets, singers, composers, and the victims are all creators. Creators from all industries.”

Zhang Zhiwen is a little worried: “You mean that my trip will also be dangerous, right, how does the murderer distinguish between people of different professions? That’s it for professional people, but he can also find out if he is an amateur, just Can he find the ones that he created without publishing?”

“Yes!” Wei Huo said, “As long as he is like me, has the ability to spread mental power to other people’s bodies.”

Zhang Zhiwen’s eyes widened. He wanted to say, besides you, is there anyone else who has crossed out of the fantasy world?

But he still has doubts, he asked: “Then why does he want to eat people?”

Wei Huo thought carefully, and then said: “Perhaps… his mental power is not strong enough, so he grows by devouring spiritual power. Human spiritual power is actually hidden in every human body. In the cells, there are many hidden places, such as the brain, followed by the heart, liver and other internal organs… Should the victim’s brain and internal organs have been eaten?”

Zhang Zhiwen suddenly shuddered. The monster that eats brains and internal organs was a monster that ran out of the fantasy world. This sounded really frightening.

Zhang Zhiwen asked: “Can you kill this monster?”

Wei Huo said: “Yes, but I am not interested.”

Zhang Zhiwen was taken aback for a moment, then Wei Huo said: “You can do it yourself.”

Wei Huo really wants to know, if the other creator is killed, will the fantasy creatures that run out of the opponent’s creator’s brain be affected? Will they disappear? Or is there no impact at all?

Wei Huo’s guess is not affected, because before Zhang Zhiwen was about to die, he didn’t feel anything abnormal. Since leaving Zhang Zhiwen’s brain, he has cut off contact with Zhang Zhiwen.

But this is not right. He and Zhang Zhiwen seem to have no connection at all. After all, the entire imaginary space time has been stopped, but he is still unaffected, as if he was not in Zhang Zhiwen’s mind at all. The same as creatures.

The mystery of the soul is still mysterious, no matter how Wei Huo studies it, he can’t find a corner of the soul’s secret.

Zhang Zhiwen was silent after hearing Wei Huo’s opinion. He was still very clear about how many catties he had.

“Do you want to escape?” Wei Huo asked.

Zhang Zhiwen is still silent, his head is very confused.

But at this moment, the passenger car Zhang Zhiwen was riding in suddenly braked, and all passengers were startled by the sudden brake. Someone asked loudly, “Driver, what are you doing?”

The driver’s complexion was uncertain, he pointed to the front and said: “There are… there are wolves!”

The passengers sitting in the front stood up and looked out of the windshield. The passengers by the window stuck their heads out of the window. Then, they saw six or seven ferocious giant wolves running towards them. .

“Is this a wolf?” someone shouted, “Can a wolf grow to this size?”

The giant wolves are each four or five meters high. The giant wolves’ eyes are emitting red light, their hair is constantly shaking, and then they emit a strange sound.

“Here,” Wei Huo said, “I’m looking for you.”

Zhang Zhiwen was scared to Liushen He begged: “Weihuo, save me!”

“Boom!” A giant wolf slammed into the passenger car, and another giant wolf bit on the side of the passenger car. Then it tore the iron on one side of the car.

“Cannibalism! This is the wolf in the cannibalism!” A passenger roared, and then he was swallowed by the giant wolf.

Zhang Zhiwen was terrified. He knew that the giant wolves were looking for him, because the red eyes of those giant wolves were staring at him.

Wei Huo said: “I need to control your spine.”

Zhang Zhiwen: “Huh?”

Then he found that his body suddenly stood up uncontrollably and jumped directly out of the car window flexibly.

Before he had time to speak, then a strong wind suddenly hit, his body suddenly speeded up and ran on its own, and his head suddenly tilted back.

“Neck! Neck! My neck is going to be broken!”


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