#1234 Martial Peak English

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The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then can you break through and continue on your journey to become the strongest. High Heaven Pavilion tests its disciples in the harshest ways to prepare them for this journey. One day the lowly sweeper Kai Yang managed to obtain a black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martials world.

#1234 Martial Peak Table of Contents

Everything here is translated by machine and edited with glossaries from members

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6.1K Monthly | 59 Weekly | 59 Daily
Retranslations Count
1 times
Latest retranslation at:
2021-12-29 19:41:15
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Top Glossator Wǔ Liàn Diān Fēng
Manual Translator

22 thoughts on “#1234 Martial Peak
    1. *****

      Promote Xiaomo’s WeChat~letter~ public account, everyone search on **: momobenzun (Chinese Pinyin of “Momo Zun”), Just pay attention. I hope you can pay attention if you have time. This is very important to Xiaomo’s future.

  1. I really admire the author of the novel and this is the best novel that I can relate to the real type of world.
    It give you the felling of seeing everything with your own eyes.

  2. I was surprised when I saw this novel, it is very well written, and you can see the effort the author is putting to make it well done.
    The novels here are equally wonderful, novelsv.com.
    Don’t expect anything too complex from this novel, it is simple and straightforward, the plot is well established and the characters are very good, (Kaguya is my favorite cough)

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